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    January 01, 2013 - Synthesizing Lessons Learned Using Health Information Technology to Improve Quality (Lynne S. … An emphasis on data reduction was needed to minimize redundancy/overlap in concepts and improve clarity … ” and “how to improve” on specific activities that occur within primary care practice. … Primary care practices that have used EHRs, participated in PPRNet practice-based research to improve … Lastly, Activate Patients is the focus of practice-based efforts to improve.
    January 01, 2012 - Indian Health Service (IHS) Chronic Care Initiative (CCI) began to implement strategies within IHS to improve … year project helped to answer these questions and to understand, develop, and test EHR elements to improve … (Achieved) • Publish a manuscript describing the work of IHS to improve the provision of primary care … the project period ended in 2012, the project team is continuing to develop and test EHR elements to improve … care across transitions in care settings, and the use of electronic exchange of health information to improve
    January 01, 2011 - HIT-CERT and its projects will provide information, strategies, and tools for utilizing health IT to improve … Specific Aims: Leverage new technologies to improve pharmacosurveillance. … data from clinical decision support to identify physician-level variation and use these results to improve … (Ongoing) Improve medication-related clinical decision support. … Chronic Care* Strategic Goal:   Develop and disseminate health IT evidence and evidence-based tools to improve
    May 07, 2015 - The tools discussed were developed to improve communication of safety concerns among hospitalized patients … , promote effective management of patients with diabetes, and improve asthma care in children. … needs of hospitalized patients and their caregivers for informing the development of health IT tools to improve
    January 01, 2011 - Computer Assisted mediCAtion And pAtient informAtion interfACe Exploratory and dEvElopmEntal Grant to ImprovE … Organization: Emory University Mechanism: RFA: HS08-269: Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve … Assisted Medication and Patient Information Interface (CAMPII) project is to develop and test a tool to improve … A provider medication interface was developed to improve the clarity and accuracy of the information … Computer Assisted mediCAtion And pAtient informAtion interfACe Exploratory and dEvElopmEntal Grant to ImprovE
    January 01, 2011 - Control Program 1 | eHealtH Blood Pressure Control Program Exploratory and dEvElopmEntal Grant to ImprovE … Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island Mechanism: RFA: HS08-269: Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve … The program strives to improve patients’ blood pressure (BP) control by increasing medication adherence … It also seeks to improve patient education, collaborative self-management support, and care coordination … inertia, and 2 | eHealtH Blood Pressure Control Program Exploratory and dEvElopmEntal Grant to ImprovE
    January 01, 2012 - Ambulatory Care Settings: Effects on Quality and Disparities EXPLORATORY AND DEVELOPMENTAL GRANT TO IMPROVE … RAND Corporation PAR: HS08-269: Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve Health Care Quality Through … AMBULATORY CARE SETTINGS: EFFECTS ON QUALITY AND DISPARITIES EXPLORATORY AND DEVELOPMENTAL GRANT TO IMPROVE … CARE QUALITY THROUGH HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) (R21) exchange of health information to improve
    January 01, 2012 - Colorado, Denver Funding Mechanism PAR: HS08-269: Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve … Better-informed medication management has the potential to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency … In a fragmented medical system, providing clinicians with fulfillment data has the potential to improve … team has engaged the Distributed Ambulatory Research in Therapeutics Network (DARTNet) to assess and improve … General Strategic Goal: Develop and disseminate health IT evidence and evidence-based tools to improve
    January 01, 2014 - Physical Therapy Exercise from Clinic to Home - Final Report Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve … for Healthcare Research and Quality PAR: HS08-269: Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve … EXERCISE FROM CLINIC TO HOME x 1 Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve … • Assess the efficacy of the IBEHR to improve adherence in 60 patients with anterior knee pain or … Attempts to modify the software to improve accuracy were unsuccessful.
    June 05, 2014 - This series of Webinars is designed to increase practitioners’ ability to improve health care decisionmaking … , support patient-centered care, and improve the quality and safety of care through the use of health … Health IT can be used to improve patient understanding of one’s own health and clinical treatments.
    January 01, 2018 - researchers in support of knowledge transfer and replication of successful health IT strategies that improve … Program is producing and disseminating evidence-based research about optimizing the use of health IT to improve … foundational research to identify solutions to ensure that health IT is designed and implemented in ways that improve
    January 01, 2011 - Facilitators to implementation and adoption oF eHr in Home care Exploratory and dEvElopmEntal Grant to ImprovE … Organization: Drexel University Mechanism: PAR: HS08-269: Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve … If patient data are integrated and available in real time, a home care EHR has the potential to improve … Facilitators to implementation and adoption oF eHr in Home care Exploratory and dEvElopmEntal Grant to ImprovE … care across transitions in care settings, and the use of electronic exchange of health information to improve
    January 01, 2012 - Insights for Community Health EXPLORATORY AND DEVELOPMENTAL GRANT TO IMPROVE HEALTH QUALITY THROUGH … York University of School Medicine Mechanism: PAR: HS08-269: Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve … (Upcoming) EXPLORATORY AND DEVELOPMENTAL GRANT TO IMPROVE HEALTH QUALITY THROUGH HEALTH INFORMATION … focus groups with five church health ministries to elicit their views on the most important ways to improve … care across transitions in care settings, and the use of electronic exchange of health information to improve
    January 01, 2011 - VisualDecisionlinc: Real-Time Decision suppoRT foR BehaVioRal healTh Exploratory and dEvElopmEntal Grant to ImprovE … University of North Carolina Chapel Hill Mechanism: PAR: HS08-269: Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve … mental health decision support tools that aid clinical decision-making hold enormous potential to improve … VisualDecisionlinc: Real-Time Decision suppoRT foR BehaVioRal healTh Exploratory and dEvElopmEntal Grant to ImprovE … /Depression Strategic Goal: Develop and disseminate health IT evidence and evidence-based tools to improve
    January 01, 2012 - Minnesota, Twin Cities Funding Mechanism PAR: HS08-269: Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve … Interventions to improve medication compliance and reduce caregiver burden may reduce hospital readmissions … , improve outcomes, and ultimately decrease costs of medical care for stroke survivors. … care across transitions in care settings, and the use of electronic exchange of health information to improve
    January 01, 2012 - Nebraska Medical Center Funding Mechanism PAR: HS08-269: Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve … The goals of the PEMT are to improve breastfeeding knowledge and self-efficacy, and improve partial and … care across transitions in care settings, and the use of electronic exchange of health information to improve
    January 01, 2011 - Alerts For ProVIders In the electronIc heAlth record Utilizing HealtH information tecHnology (it) to improve … Organization: Columbia University Mechanism: PAR: HS08-270: Utilizing Health Information Technology to Improve … The physicians also identified ways to improve the computerized reminder, such as timing of presentation … parents to learn more about their experiences with the flu vaccine and their thoughts about how to improve … Teenagers Strategic Goal: Develop and disseminate health IT evidence and evidence-based tools to improve
    January 01, 2012 - Alerts for Providers in the Electronic Health Record UTILIZING HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) TO IMPROVE … Organization: Columbia University Mechanism: PAR: HS08-270: Utilizing Health Information Technology to Improve … The physicians also identified ways to improve the computerized reminder, such as timing of presentation … parents to learn more about their experiences with the flu vaccine and their thoughts about how to improve … Teenagers Strategic Goal: Develop and disseminate health IT evidence and evidence-based tools to improve
    January 01, 2012 - HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) TO IMPROVE … Brigham and Women’s Hospital Mechanism: PAR: HS08-270: Utilizing Health Information Technology (IT) to Improve … Technology has the potential to improve providers’ ability to capture this information and estimate … The findings from this research will increase understanding about how technology can improve collection … HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (IT) TO IMPROVE
    January 01, 2012 - In 2012, AHRQ supported new research grants to continue building the foundational evidence to improve … •  Leverages the capability of health IT to improve the quality, safety, efficiency, and effectiveness … Ultimately, it provides the best evidence on how health IT can improve the quality of the U.S. health … •  Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve Health Care Quality Through Health IT (R21) (PAR … Using Health IT To Improve Preventive Care Preventive care plays a key role in improving health and

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