January 01, 2023 - Principal Investigator
Lapane, Kate
Project Name
Tailored DVD to Improve Medication Management … Medicaid Health Plan
Comparative effectiveness of patient-centered strategies to improve … Comparative effectiveness of patient-centered strategies to improve FDA medication guides. … Medication Use Quality
Diabetes health information technology innovation to improve … Diabetes health information technology innovation to improve quality of life for health plan members
January 01, 2011 - Test Utilization
1 | HIE and ambulatory tEst utIlIzatIon
Exploratory and dEvElopmEntal Grant to ImprovE … $299,916
Summary: One of the purported benefits of health information exchange (HIE) is that it can improve … However, while it is intuitive that HIE across organizations in a community would
improve the coordination … As the United States explores investments in HIE to improve the quality of care, policymakers
and potential … The electronic exchange of health information in communities may improve the quality and efficiency of
January 01, 2023 - for Communicating Genomic Data
Using workflow modeling to identify areas to improve … Using workflow modeling to identify areas to improve genetic test processes in the University of Maryland … evaluated a clinical decision support system that effectively communicated genomic data to clinicians to improve
January 01, 2012 - hospital discharge is widely acknowledged, little has been done to implement and evaluate interventions to improve … The goal of this project is to improve management of tests with pending results at hospital discharge … continue his long-term career goal of implementing and evaluating informatics-based interventions that improve … The team also began the randomized controlled trial to evaluate the tool’s ability to improve management … care across transitions in care settings, and the use of electronic exchange of health information to improve
IMPROVE … Brigham and Women’s Hospital
Mechanism: PAR: HS08-270: Utilizing Health Information Technology (IT) to
Improve … Specific Aims:
• Introduce an intervention employing multiple strategies to improve the uptake and … Several papers focusing on the patient surveys and
effectiveness of the intervention strategies to improve … HEALTH CARE QUALITY (R18)
exchange of health information to improve quality of care.
January 01, 2007 - eAAP Presentation for
Providers and Clinic Staff
Basic information on how the application will
improve … (e-AAP) into
Patient Care
Gail M Brottman MD
Co-PI HIT Asthma Project
How does the eAAP Improve … Per the NAEPP Expert Panel Report (EPR-3)
Guideline-based practice will improve and standardize the … management education is essential to provide
patients with the skills needed to control asthma and
improve … Per the NAEPP Expert Panel Report (EPR-3)
Guideline-based practice will improve and standardize the
January 01, 2012 - Health Information Exchange and Ambulatory Test Utilization
Summary: One of the purported benefits of health information exchange (HIE) is that it can improve … stakeholders in HIE, such as health plans, need more
estimates of the degree to which HIE can improve … The electronic exchange of health information in communities may improve the quality and efficiency of … Future research on the impact of HIE to
improve care coordination in ways that go beyond the effects
January 01, 2011 - Colorado, Denver
Funding Mechanism
PAR: HS08-269: Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve … Better informed medication management has the potential to improve the quality, safety, and efficiency … In a fragmented medical system, providing clinicians with fulfillment data has the potential to improve … project is using the Distributed Ambulatory Research in Therapeutics Network (DARTNet) to assess and improve … General
Strategic Goal: Develop and disseminate health IT evidence and evidence-based tools to improve
January 01, 2023 - satisfaction with medication management improved with increased perceptions of the system's ability to improve … Technology: Computerized Provider Order Entry System
Using Barcode Medication Administration to Improve … Using Barcode Medication Administration to Improve Quality and Safety: Findings from the AHRQ Health … Link:
Using Barcode Medication Administration to Improve Quality and Safety: Findings from the AHRQ
January 01, 2023 - Available Electronic Medical Record
The overarching goal for this project is to improve … Description
This study explored whether a health information technology-enabled strategy could improve … Principal Investigator(s)
Baker, David
Trial of Decision Support to Improve … Principal Investigator(s)
Balasubramanian, Hari
Closing the Feedback Loop to Improve
January 30, 2019 - • E.g., around organizing/disseminating
info to improve care/transformation
Desired future state? … “CDS 5 Rights” Framework to Improve Care Processes/Outcomes
Complex / Diverse … • QI Teams
► How can we change care to improve outcomes? … Care Process
Implemented to
improve processes/
8. … Process/tools to document/analyze/share/improve target-focused workflow/info
Categories map to
January 01, 2012 - Clinically-relevant Image Retrieval for Diabetic Retinopathy Diagnosis
Mechanism: PAR: HS08-269: Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve … Therefore,
more effort is required to improve the performance of such systems. … Additionally, the team plans to develop a prototypical
DR image management system to improve reviewers … (Ongoing)
• Develop a prototypical DR image management system to improve reviewers’ diagnostic
January 01, 2011 - HeAltH cAre tHrougH An InterActIve
BeHAvIorAl HeAltH module
Exploratory and dEvElopmEntal Grant to ImprovE … University of California, San Francisco
Mechanism: PAR: HS08-269: Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve … such as an electronic health record with clinical decision support (CDS),
has tremendous potential to improve … HeAltH cAre tHrougH An InterActIve
BeHAvIorAl HeAltH module
Exploratory and dEvElopmEntal Grant to ImprovE … , Teenagers
Strategic Goal: Develop and disseminate health IT evidence and evidence-based tools to improve
January 01, 2007 - Qualitative methods enabled identification of strategies to improve 36 quality indicators. … "Us[ing] EMR templates to guide nursing staff patient screening" is a commonly used strategy to improve … "Us[ing] visit note templates to guide process of care" is a commonly used strategy to improve quality … "Improv[ing] documentation of relevant...diagnoses and measures" is a commonly used strategy to improve … Patient visit note templates were customized to specifically improve recording of the [project] quality
January 01, 2012 - Data in Community Practices for Clinical Care and Research
EXPLORATORY AND DEVELOPMENTAL GRANT TO IMPROVE … Better-informed medication management has the potential to
improve the quality, safety, and efficiency … In a fragmented medical system, providing
clinicians with fulfillment data has the potential to improve … team has engaged the Distributed Ambulatory
Research in Therapeutics Network (DARTNet) to assess and improve … HEALTH CARE QUALITY
data to improve
January 01, 2023 - Systematized screening can increase the recognition of delirium and improve care of hospitalized patients … The research team hypothesized that a screening tool would improve health outcomes for patients by early … Use the EMR to improve documentation of delirium in the problem list. … into the EMR to allow for real-time screening of at-risk patients and included clinician prompts to improve … This study successfully developed and implemented a prediction model and has the potential to improve
January 01, 2023 - Secure Messaging
Health IT-Generated PROs to Improve Outcomes in Cirrhosis … Health IT-Generated PROs to Improve Outcomes in Cirrhosis – Final Report. … Project Name
Health IT-Generated PROs to Improve Outcomes in Cirrhosis
Use … Project Name
Health IT-Generated PROs to Improve Outcomes in Cirrhosis
Self-Management … Older Adults Through Electronic Patient Portals
Health IT-Generated PROs to Improve
January 01, 2023 - Principal Investigator
Zhou, Li
Project Name
NLP to Improve Accuracy and Quality of Dictated … Principal Investigator
Zhou, Li
Project Name
NLP to Improve Accuracy and Quality of Dictated … Improving Accuracy of Electronic Notes Using a Faster, Simpler Approach
NLP to Improve … NLP to Improve Accuracy and Quality of Dictated Medical Documents - Final Report. … Principal Investigator
Zhou, Li
Project Name
NLP to Improve Accuracy and Quality of Dictated
January 01, 2012 - Health Communication Program For Young Urban Adults with Asthma
Mechanism: PAR: HS08-269: Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve … Internet-based interactive health communication program offers a unique way to address challenges and
improve … It provides a mechanism to deliver asthma education, personalize
recommendations, and improve communication … (Ongoing)
• Determine the feasibility of using a health informatics application as a way to improve
January 01, 2011 - appRaiSal of an
integRated peRSonal health RecoRd
Utilizing HealtH information tecHnology (it) to improve … records
(PHRs) with providers’ electronic medical records (EMRs) to assist patient self-management and improve … This project is seeking to improve health care outcomes in patients who have or are at high risk for … appRaiSal of an
integRated peRSonal health RecoRd
Utilizing HealtH information tecHnology (it) to improve … recruitment
strategies, including direct mail, advertising, and a monthly raffle, were initiated to improve