whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness … medications that should be avoided in older adults -7.8
Adults who needed care right away for an illness
That Are Unchanged
Measure Average Annual Percent Change
Adults who needed care right away for an illness … whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness
whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness … from other doctors
With any disability
Adults who needed care right away for an illness
whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness … treatments from other doctors
Without disability
Adults who needed care right away for an illness
age 65 with any period of uninsurance during the year -2.1
Adults who needed care right away for an illness
February 17, 2021 - whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness … years about using a booster seat when riding in the car -0.8
Adults who needed care right away for an illness
February 17, 2021 - whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness … providers sometimes or never listened carefully to them -1.6
Adults who needed care right away for an illness
February 17, 2021 - whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness … That Are Unchanged
Measure Average Annual Percent Change
Adults who needed care right away for an illness
appointment for routine care as soon as needed
Adults who needed care right away for an illness
February 17, 2021 - whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness … treatments from other doctors
Adults who needed care right away for an illness
February 17, 2021 - whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness … treatments from other doctors
Public only
Adults who needed care right away for an illness
February 17, 2021 - whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness … treatments from other doctors
Any private
Adults who needed care right away for an illness
whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness
February 19, 2021 - whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness … hypertension with blood pressure less than 140/90 mm/Hg -1.3
Adults who needed care right away for an illness
February 19, 2021 - whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness … sports, or physically active hobbies they should have -1.8
Adults who needed care right away for an illness
whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness … providers always offered help in filling out forms -0.5
Adults who needed care right away for an illness
whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness … received treatment for depression in the last 12 months -1.2
Adults who needed care right away for an illness
whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness … outpatient opioid prescriptions in the calendar year -8.7
Adults who needed care right away for an illness
whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness … inappropriate prescription medications for older adults -3.1
Adults who needed care right away for an illness
whose health providers always gave them easy-to-understand instructions about what to do for a specific illness … ages 2-17 who had a dental visit in the calendar year -0.3
Adults who needed care right away for an illness