January 01, 2019 - Mortality
Subclass 7,083,805 0 4 1.8 1 12,783,302
APRDRG_Severity : All Patient Refined DRG: Severity of Illness … other device infections 26,559 0.37%
722: Fever & inflammatory conditions 7,785 0.11%
723: Viral illness … 8,831 0.12%
724: Other infectious & parasitic diseases 8,495 0.12%
740: Mental illness diagnosis w
January 01, 2019 - Mortality Subclass 3,089,283 0 4 1.2 1 3,718,808
APRDRG_Severity : All Patient Refined DRG: Severity of Illness … , other device infections 6,100 0.20%
722: Fever & inflammatory conditions 9,404 0.30%
723: Viral illness … 13,646 0.44%
724: Other infectious & parasitic diseases 7,402 0.24%
740: Mental illness diagnosis
September 01, 2008 - This severity measure includes the base APR-DRG, the severity of illness subclass, and the risk of mortality
August 01, 2015 - This severity measure includes the base APR-DRG, the severity of illness subclass, and the risk of mortality
September 01, 2008 - This severity measure includes the base APR-DRG, the severity of illness subclass, and the risk of mortality
January 01, 2019 - Subclass 18,132,856 0 0.00 4.00 1.85 2 33,610,532
APRDRG_Severity : All Patient Refined DRG:
Severity of Illness … other device infections 71,553 0.39%
722: Fever & inflammatory conditions 18,577 0.10%
723: Viral illness … 21,140 0.12%
724: Other infectious & parasitic diseases 21,781 0.12%
740: Mental illness diagnosis
January 01, 2019 - Subclass 18,132,856 0 0.00 4.00 1.85 2 33,610,532
APRDRG_Severity : All Patient Refined DRG:
Severity of Illness … other device infections 71,553 0.39%
722: Fever & inflammatory conditions 18,577 0.10%
723: Viral illness … 21,140 0.12%
724: Other infectious & parasitic diseases 21,781 0.12%
740: Mental illness diagnosis
October 12, 2016 - Any Mental Illness (AMI) Among U.S. Adults. … https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/prevalence/any-mental-illness-ami-among-
us-adults.shtml. … acute care for ambulatory care-
sensitive medical conditions: the central roles of comorbid mental illness … STATISTICAL BRIEF #216
https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/prevalence/any-mental-illness-ami-among-us-adults.shtml … https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/statistics/prevalence/any-mental-illness-ami-among-us-adults.shtml
January 01, 2004 - : Risk of Mortality Subclass ............ 5
APRDRG_Severity - All Patient Refined DRG: Severity of Illness … This severity measure includes the base APR-DRG,
the severity of illness subclass, and the risk of mortality … This severity measure includes the base APR-DRG,
the severity of illness subclass, and the risk of mortality … 06) Description of Data Elements 5
APRDRG_Severity - All Patient Refined DRG: Severity
of Illness … This severity measure includes the base APR-DRG,
the severity of illness subclass, and the risk of mortality
January 01, 2022 - Mortality
Subclass 6,578,372 0 4 1.9 2 12,794,394
APRDRG_Severity : All Patient Refined DRG: Severity of Illness … other device infections 25,513 0.39%
722: Fever and inflammatory conditions 4,984 0.08%
723: Viral illness … 6,610 0.10%
724: Other infectious and parasitic diseases 8,227 0.13%
740: Mental illness diagnosis
January 01, 2020 - Mortality
Subclass 6,471,165 0 4 1.9 2 12,275,813
APRDRG_Severity : All Patient Refined DRG: Severity of Illness … other device infections 23,259 0.36%
722: Fever and inflammatory conditions 6,693 0.10%
723: Viral illness … 5,973 0.09%
724: Other infectious and parasitic diseases 7,289 0.11%
740: Mental illness diagnosis
January 01, 2021 - Mortality
Subclass 6,666,752 0 4 2.0 2 13,129,796
APRDRG_Severity : All Patient Refined DRG: Severity of Illness … other device infections 25,162 0.38%
722: Fever and inflammatory conditions 5,920 0.09%
723: Viral illness … 5,512 0.08%
724: Other infectious and parasitic diseases 8,062 0.12%
740: Mental illness diagnosis
January 01, 2005 - Exhibit 2.5 Circulatory Conditions
Exhibit 2.5 Circulatory Conditions
Discharges per 100,000 Population for Principal Diagnoses of Circulatory Conditions by Sex,* Ordered by the Prevalence of Male Discharges per 100,000 Population, 2005
Principal Diagnosis CCS Condition Category and Name
January 01, 2018 - Mortality Subclass 17,686,511 0 0.00 4.00 1.89 1.00
APRDRG_Severity : All Patient Refined DRG: Severity of Illness … Post-operative, post-traumatic, other device infections 72,135 0.41%
722: Fever 19,202 0.11%
723: Viral illness … 22,688 0.13%
724: Other infectious & parasitic diseases 20,500 0.12%
740: Mental illness diagnosis
September 01, 1997 - Fever of unknown origin 8,046 0.02 3.91 5,520
age >17 w/o CC
421 Viral illness … age >17 37,541 0.11 3.99 6,098
422 Viral illness & fever 84,440 … w/ 9,305 0.03 20.48 21,417
principal diagnoses of
mental illness
September 01, 1997 - origin 8,599 0.02 4.18 5,502
age >17 w/o CC
421 Viral illness … age >17 43,412 0.13 4.13 5,704
422 Viral illness & fever of 85,829 … procedures w/ 9,411 0.03 21.92 20,563
principal diagnoses of
mental illness
January 01, 2017 - ..................................... 4
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Influenza-Like Illness … ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Codes Used to Identify Influenza-Like Illness ............................29
Table … Percentage of Weekly Visits to Health Care Providers and ED Visits for Influenza-
Like Illness ...... … illness (ILI) was collected from the U.S. … Outpatient Influenza-Like
Illness Surveillance Network (ILINet).
January 01, 2016 - Mortality
Subclass 7,135,090 0 0.00 4.00 1.74 0.96
APRDRG_Severity : All Patient Refined DRG: Severity of Illness … Post-operative, post-traumatic, other device infections 24,371 0.34%
722: Fever 9,485 0.13%
723: Viral illness … 9,909 0.14%
724: Other infectious & parasitic diseases 7,548 0.11%
740: Mental illness diagnosis w
January 01, 2018 - Mortality
Subclass 7,105,498 0 0.00 4.00 1.83 1.00
APRDRG_Severity : All Patient Refined DRG: Severity of Illness … Post-operative, post-traumatic, other device infections 27,150 0.38%
722: Fever 8,084 0.11%
723: Viral illness … 9,557 0.13%
724: Other infectious & parasitic diseases 8,260 0.12%
740: Mental illness diagnosis w
November 08, 2017 - Mortality
Subclass 1,776,269 0 0.00 4.00 1.72 0.95
APRDRG_Severity : All Patient Refined DRG: Severity of Illness … Post-operative, post-traumatic, other device infections 5,591 0.31%
722: Fever 2,307 0.13%
723: Viral illness … November 8, 2017 11
Frequency Distribution for APRDRG
APRDRG Frequency
of Total
740: Mental illness