
Total Results: 1,029 records

Showing results for "illness".

    January 01, 2011 - Utilization and cost of anticancer biologic products among Medicare beneficiaries, 2006-2009 Data Points #6Anticancer Biologics From 2006 to 2009, over 800,000 Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries continuously enrolled in Parts A and B had a claim for an anticancer biologic of interest. Bevacizumab was the m…
  2. Layout 1 (pdf file)
    September 01, 2011 - • Oligoarthritis: Affects up to four joints within the first 6 months of illness; may be persistent … more than four joints) or extended (i.e., involving more than four joints after the first 6 months of illness … Because JIA is a chronic illness, understanding the long-term adverse effects of these drugs is critical
    December 01, 2019 - "/ or ROC Curve/ or "Sensitivity and Specificity"/ or "Reproducibility of Results"/ or "Severity of Illness … substance word, subject heading word, unique identifier] 15 13 or 14 16 5 and 15 17 "Severity of Illness … title, abstract, mesh headings, heading words, keyword] 15 13 or 14 16 5 and 15 17 "Severity of Illness … substance word, subject heading word, unique identifier] 15 13 or 14 16 5 and 15 17 "Severity of Illness
    August 01, 2020 - condition may differently prioritize interventions to reduce LOS, compared with treatment of an acute illness … Effect of illness severity and comorbidity on patient safety and adverse events. … multiple NEAR/3 (comorbid* OR morbid*)):ti,ab) OR (((mental OR developmental OR behavioral) NEAR/3 (illness … Review | Feb 11, 2021 Integrating Palliative Care in Ambulatory Care of Noncancer Serious Chronic Illness
    December 01, 2019 - first in middle- and high-income countries. 13 Comorbid depression among people with chronic physical illness … NICE guideline included diabetes, cancer, asthma, stroke, arthritis, hypertension, and general medical illness … Generalized anxiety disorder and medical illness. J Clin Psychiatry. 2009;70 Suppl 2:20-4. … Does co-morbid depressive illness magnify the impact of chronic physical illness?
    a parasitic disease that causes serious symptoms such as high fevers, shaking chills, and flu-like illness
    complementary approaches may help you cope or reduce some of the stress associated with living with a chronic illness
    September 21, 2011 - in middle- and high-income countries. 13 Comorbid depression among people with chronic physical illness … guideline included diabetes, cancer, asthma, stroke, arthritis, hypertension, and general medical illness … Generalized anxiety disorder and medical illness. J Clin Psychiatry. 2009;70 Suppl 2:20-4. … Does co-morbid depressive illness magnify the impact of chronic physical illness?
    January 01, 2020 - vast majority of patients who are admitted to an acute care health setting because of a psychiatric illness … pharmacologic interventions aimed at rapidly reducing agitation (rather than treating the underlying illness … National Alliance on Mental Illness. Policy Topics: What are restraints and seclusion? … Containment strategies for people with serious mental illness. … National Alliance on Mental Illness.
    March 01, 2022 - benefit and risk of antipsychotics for prevention or treatment of delirium within the context of critical illness
    December 09, 2015 - Section Comment Response 14 Peer Reviewer #5 General Comments (2) Regarding KQ 9 (course of illness … For course of illness to be included in our review, a population needed to be followed for a minimum … This study examined correlates of BED and we are examining outcomes from the course of illness. … The longevity of illness as a predictive factor for recovery is important to further study. … The binge frequency criterion has been lessened and the duration of illness has been shortened.
  12. OUTLINE (pdf file)
    April 01, 2010 - distinct physical and psychosocial burdens faced by patients and their families during this period of illness
  13. OUTLINE (pdf file)
    April 01, 2010 - distinct physical and psychosocial burdens faced by patients and their families during this period of illness
    October 01, 2024 - Feb 11, 2021 Integrating Palliative Care in Ambulatory Care of Noncancer Serious Chronic Illness
    January 01, 2009 - Osheroff_Respondent_Ebell 2   Source:    Eisenberg  Center  Conference  Series  2009,  Translating  Information  Into  Action:  Improving  Quality  of   Care  Through  Interactive  Media,  Effective  Health  Care  Program  Web  site   (http://www.effectivehealthcare…
    December 20, 2019 - It is critical to patient survival and it affects the potential for recovery from emergent illness or … needs and resources includes taking into account the patient’s condition (e.g., type and severity of illness … across the following factors: (1) patient characteristics (e.g., demographics, type and severity of illness
  17. Dyspnea DEcIDE (pdf file)
    April 01, 2010 - measure evaluates the proportion of patients with advanced chronic diseases or serious life threatening illness … quality of life of patients and their families facing the problem associated with life-threatening illness
    January 01, 2013 - exclusively focused on a single health condition (e.g. physical or sensory disability, specific mental illness
    November 01, 2017 - What illness or health condition is related to your question?
  20. Braddock (pdf file)
    January 01, 2011 - Slide 5:  Patient-­‐centered care • Exploring both the disease and illness  experience • Understanding

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