
Total Results: 779 records

Showing results for "illness".

    October 07, 2014 - Integrated Care Coordination Information System Interview Guide Integrated Care Coordination Information System Interview Guide Oregon Health and Science University, Portland OR This is an interview guide designed to be conducted with nurses in an ambulatory setting. The tool includes questions to assess user’s…
    January 01, 2023 - Electronic Health Record Solutions for Accurate Reporting of Data on Interprofessional Intensive Care Unit Rounds Project Final Report ( PDF , 297.12 KB) Disclaimer Disclaimer The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its co…
    January 01, 2011 - dehydration, drowsiness, or dizziness. 8) Dentists need to follow up with patients with chronic illness … Because of the anticipated connection between safety and quality of dental care in patients with chronic illness
    January 01, 2018 - little context (e.g., information about the scale for the scores, or relation of the scores to risk for illness … low density lipoproteins (LDL)) that suggest lower, borderline, or higher risk for cardio-vascular illness … affective reactions to the risk information in the messages, attitude toward taking medications to treat illness
    January 01, 2023 - USA, MD, Baltimore AR-CPR: Refinement and Large-Scale Simulation-Based Testing of a Novel Augmented Reality Point of Care Chest Compression Feedback System Description This research will enhance an augmented reality headset used to provide real-time feedback on pediatric chest…
    January 01, 2023 - Telehealth Telehealth Post-Pandemic: A Roadmap for the Coming Decade Description This conference grant will support a multidisciplinary Think Tank to develop and disseminate telehealth best practices, training curriculum recommendations, and policy recommendations to support e…
    January 01, 2023 - Medication Management Artificial Intelligence-Based Health Information Technology Tools to Optimize Critical Care Pharmacist Resources Through Adverse Drug Event Prediction Description This research will use artificial intelligence and machine learning to create prediction too…
    January 01, 2023 - Shea CM, Halladay JR, Reed D, et al. "Integrating a health-related-quality-of-life module within electronic health records: a comparative case study assessing value added." Reference Shea CM, Halladay JR, Reed D, et al. Integrating a health-related-quality-of-life module within electronic health recor…
    January 01, 2023 - Dentist Evaluating the impact of an mHealth platform for managing acute postoperative dental pain: Randomized controlled trial. Citation Tokede B, Yansane A, Ibarra-Noriega A, Mullins J, Simmons K, Skourtes N, Mehta U, Tungare S, Holmes D, White J, Walji M, Kalenderian E. Eval…
    January 01, 2010 - Consumer Health IT Applications Background |   AHRQ-Funded Projects  |   Selected Consumer Health IT Resources |  Background As patients become more responsible for managing an increasing volume of health information, including their medical history, lab results, and medications, new consumer health in…
    January 01, 2009 - CHF was selected in that it is a common chronic illness with exacerbations which frequently result in … Recognizing that the burden of illness is strongly associated with patient outcomes, we included a Charlson
    May 08, 2008 - However, as Kathy illustrated, approaching survivors of an illness provides certain kinds of insights … It is, however, also useful to engage people at the point at which an illness is unfolding with them … Engaging people at the point where they live with the illness as opposed to just the points where they … are treated for the illness is a challenging and important aspect of user-centered design. … Finally, is it critical to engage people who are currently in the illness process and are currently
    January 01, 2012 - The Give Teens Vaccines Study - 2012 Project Name The Give Teens Vaccines Study Principal Investigator Fiks, Alexander Organization The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia Pediatric Research Consortium Funding Mechanism Primary Care Practice-Based Research Network (…
    January 01, 2011 - Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation and Adoption of EHR in Home Care - 2011 Project Name Barriers and Facilitators to Implementation and Adoption of EHR in Home Care Principal Investigator Sockolow, Paulina Organization Drexel University Funding Mechanism PA…
    January 01, 2023 - elders shared with family members did not remain static; instead, they shared more information during illness
    November 30, 2023 - The Role of Telehealth in COVID-19 Response Project Final Report ( PDF , 413.58 KB) Disclaimer Disclaimer The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, and do not necessarily represent the views of AHRQ. No stateme…
    January 01, 2008 - And because severity of illness would likewise be expected to effect outcomes, the SAPS was measured … , unlike previous studies, we observed that the tele-ICU effect on mortality varied by severity of illness
    January 01, 2011 - Patient Readiness to Use Internet Health Resources - 2011 Project Name Patient Readiness to Use Internet Health Resources Principal Investigator Koopman, Richelle J. Organization University of Missouri at Columbia Funding Mechanism PAR: HS09-085: Mentored Clinical S…
    January 01, 2011 - Self Management & Reminders with Technology: SMART Appraisal of an Integrated PHR - 2011 Project Name Self Management & Reminders with Technology: SMART Appraisal of an Integrated Personal Health Record Principal Investigator Roberts, Mark Stenius Organization University of P…
    January 01, 2010 - Evaluation of a computerized clinical decision support system and EHR-linked registry to improve management of hypertension in community-based health centers - 2010 Project Name Evaluation of a Computerized Clinical Decision Support System and Electronic Health Record (EHR)-linked Registry to Improv…

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