September 29, 2016 - Database
Hospital Database
Develop a comprehensive list of unique hospitals
Gather/generate characteristics … of hospitals
Link to physicians
Hospital ownership of group practices (SK&A, Medicare claims)
Physician … in 2013
Data Sources: AHA survey, SK&A, HCRIS
Matched AHA hospitals to SK&A hospitals
Still looking … Annual Survey of
– Hospital-level information on system membership
• CMS Physician Compare … Database
Hospital Database
Outline of Acute Care Hospital Data
AHA Survey Data
A Set of Unique Hospitals
October 01, 2020 - Webinar on Patient Safety Organizations’ Value for Hospitals During COVID-19 . … Researchers surveyed 1,666 parents of children hospitalized at one of seven North American hospitals. … efficiency and suggested that slower adoption rates in smaller clinics and those affiliated with single hospital … hospital leaders to the PSO program; provide participating hospitals’ insights on the value of PSOs; … help hospitals avert safety events and lower costs.
January 01, 2017 - In addition, the 20 percent sample of
the hospitals in the NIS did not provide enough statistical power … In addition, the 20 percent sample of
the hospitals in the NIS did not provide enough statistical power … In addition, the 20 percent sample of
the hospitals in the NIS did not provide enough statistical power … In addition, the 20 percent sample of
the hospitals in the NIS did not provide enough statistical power … In addition, the 20 percent sample of
the hospitals in the NIS did not provide enough statistical power
May 01, 2018 - Hospitals
Because hospitals tend to have information systems for data collection and reporting, staff … vary by hospital, and hospitals obtain the information in various ways (e.g., self-report and observer … A 2006 National Public Health and Hospitals Institute (NPHHI) survey asked hospitals that collected race … Data collected at the hospital level are useful both for assessing the quality of hospital-provided services … administrative database versus a sample of hospital patients).
September 30, 2016 - 1000
Hospital 1, 2, or 3
Hospital 1, … adjusted for method of measurement (B), and birth weight
in grams (C) for each of the three study hospitals … N=100,
158, and 487 for Hospitals 1, 2, and 3 respectively. … Scatter plot of corrected temperature (see text) by birthweight in grams for each of the
three study hospitals … infants in Hospital 2, and 459 infants in Hospital 3.
June 01, 2019 - Composite Measures
Supervisor … • All nursing and medical staff in all hospital units
5. Who can lead the initiative? … measures
► Feedback from staff during huddles and
walkarounds on actual implementation of SBAR
► Hospital … on how
training is going (e.g., 25% done)
• Share evaluation form results
• Share results of the Hospital … Example: Our Hospital’s Results
Comparing to the Database
Comparing to Similar Hospitals
August 01, 2017 - Quality Improvement Effort
Search All Impact Case Studies
August 2017
AHRQ's Preventing Hospital-Related … and 2013, led to a reduction of an estimated 330 VTEs per year compared with the baseline for the 39-hospital … San Francisco-based Dignity Health, which operates hospitals and clinics in California, Arizona, and … Added Janet Holdych, Pharm.D., vice president of quality, "We went to the hospitals to ask what they … Of nearly 1.2 million inpatient admissions in the nine pilot hospitals, there were approximately 34,000
October 01, 2014 - The Collaborative used two years of NIS data and five years of SID data, measuring Iowa hospitals' performance—in … For example, the IHC's Healthcare Associated Infection Workgroup has collected information from hospitals … To close this information gap, the IHC launched an effort encouraging hospitals to report their influenza … Of the 116 hospitals, 100 reported data, with a total influenza immunization rate of 68 percent. … IHC was originally formed through a partnership of the Iowa Hospital Association and the Iowa Medical
May 18, 2018 - CHIPRA 119 Section 3, Figures 1 and 2
Figure 1
Hospital 1, 2, or 3
ct … adjusted for method of measurement (B), and birth weight
in grams (C) for each of the three study hospitals … N=100,
158, and 487 for Hospitals 1, 2, and 3 respectively. … Scatter plot of corrected temperature (see text) by birthweight in grams for each of the
three study hospitals … infants in Hospital 2, and 459 infants in Hospital 3.
October 20, 2017 - CHIPRA 117, Section 3.A, Figures 1 and 2
Figure 1
Hospital 1, 2, or 3
ct … adjusted for method of measurement (B), and birth weight
in grams (C) for each of the three study hospitals … N=100,
158, and 487 for Hospitals 1, 2, and 3 respectively. … Scatter plot of corrected temperature (see text) by birthweight in grams for each of the
three study hospitals … infants in Hospital 2, and 459 infants in Hospital 3.
January 01, 2019 - NBER looked into how systems allocate
patients among member community hospitals
and teaching hospitals … a
community hospital is less than the distance to
the teaching hospital. … local community
hospital is a member of a health system with
a teaching hospital; this effect was … Association Hospital
Survey, and SK&A physician and hospital data
of providers and health systems. … Whether hospitals affiliated with health
systems perform better than non-system
hospitals in the first
January 01, 2014 - Patient perception of
pain care in hospitals in
the United States. … characteristics, including hospital
ownership and hospital care acuity, with
critical access hospitals … Do Hospitals With
Lower Mortality Have
Higher Patient
Satisfaction? … Children’s hospitals, military and Veterans
Administration hospitals, and those
missing Adult HCAHPS … Gender
disparities were largest in for-profit
October 01, 2014 - The initiatives were developed in collaboration with the Massachusetts Hospital Association (MHA). … As the national group that accredits hospitals, JCAHO now expects hospitals around the country to follow … The toolkits and set of implementation tips and strategies based on the lessons learned from these hospital … teams are now available on the Coalition's Web site for use by any hospital working on the JCAHO National … The Coalition also provides tips and tools that hospitals can access through its Web site ( www.macoalition.org
October 01, 2014 - the accuracy of a model of prehospital times for patients traveling to trauma and nontrauma center hospitals … severity-adjusted differences in mortality exist for injured patients treated at trauma and nontrauma center hospitals … predictors of severity-adjusted mortality for injured patients treated at trauma and nontrauma center hospitals … He received his MD from Temple University and served his residency in emergency medicine at the Hospital … The PI also has a cleaned and merged nationally representative datasets of patients admitted to hospitals
September 01, 2015 - are commonly used in the hospital setting. … was admitted to the hospital because of a left leg infection. … and reduce hospital-acquired infections
and other safety events. … The two main unit types in the hospital are ICUs and non-ICUs. … The structure of ICUs differs depending on the hospital.
September 01, 2015 - are commonly used in the hospital setting. … was admitted to the hospital because of a left leg infection. … and reduce hospital-acquired infections
and other safety events. … The two main unit types in the hospital are ICUs and non-ICUs. … The structure of ICUs differs depending on the hospital.
September 01, 2015 - are commonly used in the hospital setting. … was admitted to the hospital because of a left leg infection. … and reduce hospital-acquired infections
and other safety events. … The two main unit types in the hospital are ICUs and non-ICUs. … The structure of ICUs differs depending on the hospital.
August 01, 2016 - for evaluating the impact of the many process improvements that will be implemented throughout the hospital … In order for there to be replication of redesign efforts in other hospital systems, there needs to be … an incentive for hospitals to invest in this effort. …
ALOS for Top 10 Diagnoses
Mean Wait Time in ED for Hospital … On a weekly basis the hospitals send Press Ganey a list of inpatients for which Press Ganey selects a
October 01, 2015 - These indicators
reflect quality of care inside hospitals (or geographic regions) and include volume … from individual IQIs from low-
volume centers and theoretically allowing better discrimination among hospitals … The IQIs can be used to help hospitals identify potential problem areas that may need further
study. … ; utilization indicators for procedures for which utilization
varies across hospitals or geographic … Because hospitals have just begun coding with ICD-10 codes,
there are no available national data that
October 01, 2014 - as HCAHPS or Hospital CAHPS). … The online report compares the performance of Utah hospitals on measures such as patient safety and average … The report also shows maps of county rates of readmissions, hospitals' adherence to guidelines for recommended … One section, "Hospital Quality Ratings," shows which hospitals performed better than average, average … , or below average when compared with all Utah hospitals for conditions such as heart attacks or procedures