
Total Results: 1,063 records

Showing results for "hospitalization".

    February 12, 2015 - treatment-related harms at any time after initiation of intervention (i.e., death, medical issue requiring hospitalization … serious harms of pharmacotherapy): No minimum followup; serious harms are events resulting in death, hospitalization
    February 12, 2015 - treatment-related harms at any time after initiation of intervention (i.e., death, medical issue requiring hospitalization … serious harms of pharmacotherapy): No minimum followup; serious harms are events resulting in death, hospitalization
    April 01, 2016 - Most rel- evant cohort data came from a large good-quality Ital- ian study examining hospitalizations … Cohort data suggested that hospitalizations for intracranial bleed- ing events may contribute more prominently … to bleeding-related hospitalizations in community settings (incidence rate ratio, 1.54 [CI, 1.43 to … 1.64]) (22), repre- senting about one third of hospitalizations for all major bleeding events (22). … associated with the largest relative incidence rate of hospitalizations for major bleeding in cohort
    October 08, 2020 - events requiring unexpected or unwanted medical attention and/or resulting in death (e.g., requiring hospitalization
    February 24, 2022 - A1c, healthy weight gain in pregnancy) Healthcare utilization (e.g., emergency department visits, hospitalization
    February 24, 2022 - A1c, healthy weight gain in pregnancy) Healthcare utilization (e.g., emergency department visits, hospitalization
    October 08, 2020 - events requiring unexpected or unwanted medical attention and/or resulting in death (e.g., requiring hospitalization
    May 15, 2004 - Bateman and Fonagy compared psychoanalytically oriented partial hospitalization with standard psychiatric … At the 36-month followup, a significantly smaller proportion of the partial hospitalization group made … ; between-group difference, 19.3 (8.6-30.0); P <0.001 Psychoanalytically Oriented Partial Hospitalization … Effectiveness of partial hospitalization in the treatment of borderline personality disorder: a randomized … Treatment of borderline personality disorder with psychoanalytically oriented partial hospitalization
    May 01, 2004 - Bateman and Fonagy compared psychoanalytically oriented partial hospitalization with standard psychiatric … At the 36-month follow-up, a significantly smaller proportion of the partial hospitalization group made … of Interventions to Reduce Deliberate Self-Harm in Adults and Older Adolescents* Outpatient Day Hospitalization … Effectiveness of partial hospitalization in the treatment of borderline personality disorder: a randomized … Treatment of borderline personality disorder with psychoanalytically oriented partial hospitalization
    May 15, 2004 - Bateman and Fonagy compared psychoanalytically oriented partial hospitalization with standard psychiatric … At the 36-month followup, a significantly smaller proportion of the partial hospitalization group made … ; between-group difference, 19.3 (8.6-30.0); P <0.001 Psychoanalytically Oriented Partial Hospitalization … Effectiveness of partial hospitalization in the treatment of borderline personality disorder: a randomized … Treatment of borderline personality disorder with psychoanalytically oriented partial hospitalization
    June 07, 2018 - disease events, including: myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac death, stroke, heart failure, and hospitalization
    March 19, 2024 - The evidence suggested no benefit for emergency department visits in the short term (<2 years) and hospitalizationsHospitalization: Findings | Thirteen RCTs reported on hospitaliza- tion outcomes (eTables 24-27 in the … maltreatment on reports to CPS, removal of the child from the home, emergency de- partment visits, or hospitalizations … e Outcomes with no statistically significant results include number of hospitalizations because of nonaccidental … care–sensitive conditions (1 study), number of children rehospitalized (1 study), mean number of all-cause hospitalizations
    January 03, 2019 - harms requiring unexpected or unwanted medical attention and/or resulting in death (e.g., requiring hospitalization
    August 06, 2019 - (ERCP) across 2 studies, 17 , 18 15 people (10%) reported acute pancreatitis, 9 of which required hospitalization … One of these studies (n = 24 receiving ERCP) found 2 cases of acute pancreatitis, 1 requiring hospitalization … 17 ; the other study (n = 126 receiving ERCP) 18 found 8 cases (6.3%) of pancreatitis requiring hospitalization … (mean hospital stay, 8.25 days) and 5 cases not requiring hospitalization. … 216 (6%) adverse events related to anesthesia ERCP: 15/150 (10%) acute pancreatitis, 9 requiring hospitalization
    November 27, 2018 - Hospitalization: Findings | Twelve trials reported on hospital- ization outcomes (eTable 20 and eTable … ; (7) mean number of all-cause hospitalizations; (8) total counts of hos- pital visits; (9) mean number … One of 5 trials that reported on the number of children with all-cause hospitalization demonstrated a … Infants 12 (5491) 1 of 5 studies showed a reduction in number of children with all-cause hospitalization … g Outcomes with no statistically significant results include number of hospitalizations attributable
    June 15, 2007 - Clark and colleagues conducted a nonrandomized cohort study examining hospitalization rates after screening … The investigators found a slight decrease in the adjusted relative risk for hospitalization overall ( … The investigators noted a lower adjusted relative risk for hospitalization for PID, but this difference … The relative risk for hospitalizations for chlamydia-related sequelae (PID, infertility, or ectopic pregnancy … The study examined military hospitalizations only and did not capture civilian hospital use by either
    June 15, 2007 - Clark and colleagues conducted a nonrandomized cohort study examining hospitalization rates after screening … The investigators found a slight decrease in the adjusted relative risk for hospitalization overall ( … The investigators noted a lower adjusted relative risk for hospitalization for PID, but this difference … The relative risk for hospitalizations for chlamydia-related sequelae (PID, infertility, or ectopic pregnancy … The study examined military hospitalizations only and did not capture civilian hospital use by either
    January 19, 2023 - infarction (any, fatal, or nonfatal) Stroke (any, fatal, or nonfatal) Congestive heart failure (hospitalization
    October 04, 2018 - disease events, including: myocardial infarction, sudden cardiac death, stroke, heart failure, and hospitalization
    July 01, 2007 - Clark and colleagues conducted a nonrandomized cohort study examining hospitalization rates after screening … The investigators found a slight decrease in the adjusted relative risk for hospitalization overall ( … The investigators noted a lower ad- justed relative risk for hospitalization for PID, but this difference … The relative risk for hospitalizations for chlamydia- related sequelae (PID, infertility, or ectopic … The study examined military hospitalizations only and did not capture civilian hospital use by either

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