March 01, 2020 - Alerts to the primary care provider’s support staff to
schedule a post hospitalization office visit … There were no significant differences between the treatment and comparison groups for
hospitalizations … Weekly contact in the case of
5. … Provide timely access to care following a
2. … Post-discharge Telephone Follow-
up With Chronic Disease Patients Reduces Hospitalizations, Emergency
January 01, 2022 - https://hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/statbriefs/sb281-Operating-Room-Procedures-During-Hospitalization-2018
November 01, 2021 - https://hcup-us.ahrq.gov/reports/statbriefs/sb281-Operating-Room-Procedures-During-Hospitalization-2018
November 01, 2018 - Further, hospitalizations involving opioid pain relievers
and heroin increased 75 percent for women … period, women
and men were hospitalized at virtually the same rate
nationwide in 2014--about 225 hospitalizations … Related to Opioid Overuse Among Adults, 1993–2012,”
published in August 2014, found that the rate of
hospitalizations … Hospitalization rates
climbed among every adult age group and in every region
of the country, making … For example, a
data query shows that Owsley County, KY, had the
highest overall hospitalization rate
August 01, 2016 - Patient and family experience measures
Electronic health records
Hospitalization … PMID: 27471218 Keywords: Quality measure, Care transitions, Hospitalization
Potentially preventable … Keywords: Asthma, Hospitalization, Medicaid and CHIP
Transcranial Doppler screening among children
March 01, 2020 - that involves the primary care
clinician “reaching in” to participate in care coordination during hospitalization
April 01, 2006 - If your State is not listed in Table 1.2, or if your State collects its own hospitalization data for … 6 was calculated by multiplying the national mean charge per pediatric asthma hospitalization ($5,888 … Mean cost for pediatric asthma hospitalization* $2,590.72
7. … at your potential cost savings from reducing excess hospitalizations. … Do you want to focus on reducing asthma hospitalizations?
April 01, 2006 - If your State is not listed in Table 1.2, or if your State collects its own hospitalization data for … Mean cost for pediatric asthma hospitalization*
7. … 6 was calculated by multiplying the national mean charge per pediatric asthma hospitalization ($5,888 … at your potential cost savings from reducing excess hospitalizations. … Do you want to focus on reducing asthma hospitalizations?
July 01, 2018 - Descriptive definitions of identifiable asthma management are as follows:
• Any prior hospitalization … ED visits that result in hospitalizations. … ED visits/hospitalizations for asthma are common, costly, and
potentially preventable. … result from failures of processes of care before the ED visit and/or
hospitalization. … Few children in HUSKY A received care after an emergency visit or
hospitalization for asthma.
July 31, 2018 - Hospitalization CPT Codes CPT 99238
CPT 99239
CPT 99221
CPT 99222
CPT 99223
CPT 99356
CPT 99357
December 31, 2015 - The hospitalization was for birth of a healthy newborn.
3. … The hospitalization was for obstetric care, including labor and delivery.
4. … The hospitalization was at a specialty or non-acute care hospital.
6. … Admission date after a discharge status of death during a prior hospitalization.
13. … Social and Clinical Burdens of Readmission
Hospitalization of a child is disruptive to families.
September 01, 2013 - HAIs also prolong hospitalizations and lead to readmissions. 2-4 Finally, patients with HAIs incur large … patient’s normal flora, or they may be new, often antimicrobial-resistant organisms acquired during hospitalization … risk of later infection among MRSA carriers, sometimes as high as 33 percent in the year following hospitalization
September 01, 2013 - HAIs also prolong hospitalizations and lead to readmissions. 2-4 Finally, patients with HAIs incur large … patient’s normal flora, or they may be new, often antimicrobial-resistant organisms acquired during hospitalization … risk of later infection among MRSA carriers, sometimes as high as 33 percent in the year following hospitalization
January 01, 2013 - fact someone had or did not have insurance would not influence the rate of
appendicitis or prevent hospitalization … By identifying appendicitis hospitalizations, and by determining how many of these patients
were already … We predicted that hospitalizations related to ambulatory care-sensitive conditions would be positively … In brief, both the Coverage and Duration measures often showed a significant association with ACSC
hospitalizations … , but in the direction of increased Coverage and Duration leading to increased likelihood
of hospitalization
Recent Research Studies
Estimating state-specific population-based hospitalization
Initiation of oral anticoagulation in US older adults newly diagnosed with atrial fibrillation during hospitalization
April 01, 2022 - April 26, 2022
AHRQ Stats: State Variations in Mental Disorders
Rates of hospitalization for depressive … Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders hospitalization rates varied from 20.4 to 200.8
June 01, 2021 - criteria are at risk of pneumonia with more resistant infections such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa:
Recent hospitalization … Community-acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization among U.S. adults.
May 20, 2016 - Nationwide Inpatient Sample that were flagged by this PSI had 19.8% excess
mortality, 8.9 days of excess hospitalization … which hospitals do not receive the higher payment for
cases when the condition was acquired during hospitalization
October 01, 2015 - reductions in emergency care and primary care services, though studies also found some evidence of reduced hospitalization … and health care utilization for the most complex patients, but not lower inpatient admissions. 42
Hospitalization … In contrast to the findings of no link between PCMH transformation and hospitalization reported by … Reid and Solberg, two studies found evidence that hospitalizations decreased following PCMH implementation … At Southcentral Foundation, Driscoll found trends for hospitalization similar to those for emergency