
Total Results: 5,034 records

Showing results for "hospitalization".

    March 01, 2020 - Alerts to the primary care provider’s support staff to schedule a post hospitalization office visit … There were no significant differences between the treatment and comparison groups for hospitalizations … Weekly contact in the case of hospitalization; 5. … Provide timely access to care following a hospitalization, 2. … Post-discharge Telephone Follow- up With Chronic Disease Patients Reduces Hospitalizations, Emergency
    January 01, 2022 -
    November 01, 2021 -
    November 01, 2018 - Further, hospitalizations involving opioid pain relievers and heroin increased 75 percent for women … period, women and men were hospitalized at virtually the same rate nationwide in 2014--about 225 hospitalizations … Related to Opioid Overuse Among Adults, 1993–2012,” published in August 2014, found that the rate of hospitalizationsHospitalization rates climbed among every adult age group and in every region of the country, making … For example, a data query shows that Owsley County, KY, had the highest overall hospitalization rate
    August 01, 2016 - Patient and family experience measures (9) Antipsychotics (7) Electronic health records (7) Hospitalization … PMID: 27471218 Keywords: Quality measure, Care transitions, Hospitalization Potentially preventable … Keywords: Asthma, Hospitalization, Medicaid and CHIP Transcranial Doppler screening among children
    March 01, 2020 - that involves the primary care clinician “reaching in” to participate in care coordination during hospitalization
    April 01, 2006 - If your State is not listed in Table 1.2, or if your State collects its own hospitalization data for … 6 was calculated by multiplying the national mean charge per pediatric asthma hospitalization ($5,888 … Mean cost for pediatric asthma hospitalization* $2,590.72 7. … at your potential cost savings from reducing excess hospitalizations. … Do you want to focus on reducing asthma hospitalizations?
    April 01, 2006 - If your State is not listed in Table 1.2, or if your State collects its own hospitalization data for … Mean cost for pediatric asthma hospitalization* $2,590.72 7. … 6 was calculated by multiplying the national mean charge per pediatric asthma hospitalization ($5,888 … at your potential cost savings from reducing excess hospitalizations. … Do you want to focus on reducing asthma hospitalizations?
    July 01, 2018 - Descriptive definitions of identifiable asthma management are as follows: • Any prior hospitalization … ED visits that result in hospitalizations. … ED visits/hospitalizations for asthma are common, costly, and potentially preventable. … result from failures of processes of care before the ED visit and/or hospitalization. … Few children in HUSKY A received care after an emergency visit or hospitalization for asthma.
  10. CHIPRA 136 Table 4 (pdf file)
    July 31, 2018 - Hospitalization CPT Codes CPT 99238 CPT 99239 CPT 99221 CPT 99222 CPT 99223 CPT 99356 CPT 99357
    December 31, 2015 - The hospitalization was for birth of a healthy newborn. 3. … The hospitalization was for obstetric care, including labor and delivery. 4. … The hospitalization was at a specialty or non-acute care hospital. 6. … Admission date after a discharge status of death during a prior hospitalization. 13. … Social and Clinical Burdens of Readmission Hospitalization of a child is disruptive to families.
    September 01, 2013 - HAIs also prolong hospitalizations and lead to readmissions. 2-4 Finally, patients with HAIs incur large … patient’s normal flora, or they may be new, often antimicrobial-resistant organisms acquired during hospitalization … risk of later infection among MRSA carriers, sometimes as high as 33 percent in the year following hospitalization
    September 01, 2013 - HAIs also prolong hospitalizations and lead to readmissions. 2-4 Finally, patients with HAIs incur large … patient’s normal flora, or they may be new, often antimicrobial-resistant organisms acquired during hospitalization … risk of later infection among MRSA carriers, sometimes as high as 33 percent in the year following hospitalization
    January 01, 2013 - fact someone had or did not have insurance would not influence the rate of appendicitis or prevent hospitalization … By identifying appendicitis hospitalizations, and by determining how many of these patients were already … We predicted that hospitalizations related to ambulatory care-sensitive conditions would be positively … In brief, both the Coverage and Duration measures often showed a significant association with ACSC hospitalizations … , but in the direction of increased Coverage and Duration leading to increased likelihood of hospitalization
    Recent Research Studies Estimating state-specific population-based hospitalization
    Initiation of oral anticoagulation in US older adults newly diagnosed with atrial fibrillation during hospitalization
    April 01, 2022 - April 26, 2022 AHRQ Stats: State Variations in Mental Disorders Rates of hospitalization for depressive … Schizophrenia spectrum and other psychotic disorders hospitalization rates varied from 20.4 to 200.8
    June 01, 2021 - criteria are at risk of pneumonia with more resistant infections such as Pseudomonas aeruginosa: Recent hospitalization … Community-acquired pneumonia requiring hospitalization among U.S. adults.
    May 20, 2016 - Nationwide Inpatient Sample that were flagged by this PSI had 19.8% excess mortality, 8.9 days of excess hospitalization … which hospitals do not receive the higher payment for cases when the condition was acquired during hospitalization
    October 01, 2015 - reductions in emergency care and primary care services, though studies also found some evidence of reduced hospitalization … and health care utilization for the most complex patients, but not lower inpatient admissions. 42 Hospitalization … In contrast to the findings of no link between PCMH transformation and hospitalization reported by … Reid and Solberg, two studies found evidence that hospitalizations decreased following PCMH implementation … At Southcentral Foundation, Driscoll found trends for hospitalization similar to those for emergency

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