
Total Results: 2,762 records

Showing results for "hospitalization".

    April 30, 2018 - Table 7. Race/Ethnicity by Site for Children (ages 0 through 18 years of age) with Septic Syndrome Table 7: Race/Ethnicity by Site for Children (Ages 0 through 18 years of age) with Sepsis Syndrome Hospital White Non- Hispanic White Hispanic White Unknown White Total Black Non- Hispanic Black His…
  2. Section 7E (pdf file)
    December 29, 2017 - Section 7E Table 12: Analyses of Differences in Inpatient Pediatric Experience Based on Respondent Preferred Language UNADJUSTED ANALYSIS English (12001) Spanish (1018) P-Value Nurse-parent communication 80.8% 81.4% .57 Doctor-parent communication 82.2% 83.3% .27 Communication about medicines 79.9…

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