December 04, 2011 - Linking Lab Data to HHIC Hospitalization Data
1. … Of the 221,434 lab records, this resulted in the linking of
131,094 lab records to a hospitalization … Of the top five
hospitalizations, almost 1 in 2 lab records were not received for Newborns and
Mental … and hospitals are
currently being performed as to the explanation of missing lab records for the
hospitalizations … Table C.2 – Discharges without Lab Records: Top Five Reasons for Hospitalization
Reason for
August 01, 2013 - ■ Patients from the lowest income
area had a higher hospitalization
rate (1,401 stays per 10,000 … ■ The hospitalization rate was similar
for patients living in the Northeast,
Midwest, and South … With the exception of infants,
hospitalization rates increased with age. … The high hospitalization rate for infants (10,665 hospital stays
per 10,000 population) was largely … For information on other hospitalizations in the United States, refer to the following HCUP Statistical
September 01, 2014 - Linking Lab Data to HHIC Hospitalization Data
Preliminary Linking
A preliminary linking … Of the 221,434 lab records, this resulted in the linking of 131,094 lab records to a hospitalization … Of the top five hospitalizations, almost 1 in 2 lab records were not received for Newborns and Mental … labs and hospitals are currently being performed as to the explanation of missing lab records for the hospitalizations … Table C.2 — Discharges without Lab Records: Top Five Reasons for Hospitalization
Reason for Hospitalization
January 01, 2008 - experienced MH hospitalization rates 44 percent higher than patients living in higher income communities … similar overall rates of hospitalization for SA as patients residing in higher income communities. … in inpatient admission for MHSA conditions:
42 percent of all MH ED visits resulted in hospitalization … .
44 percent of alcohol-related ED visits resulted in hospitalization.
49 percent of all drug-related … ED visits resulted in hospitalization.
January 01, 2007 - hospitalizations was similar to population growth. … group (discharges per 1,000 population)
show that older age is associated with a greater chance of hospitalization … The one exception to the rising rate of hospitalization as the population ages was for infants younger … This group experienced roughly 1,200 hospitalizations per 1,000 infants in 1997 and 2007. … hospital stays occurs because nearly all births occur in the hospital and some infants
require additional hospitalization
May 01, 2012 - There were no significant differences between males and females in ED visits or hospitalizations for … Large regional variation was observed in the rates of animal-related ED visits and hospitalizations. … Costs associated inpatient hospitalizations varied markedly by type of animal. … Riding accidents were a leading cause of hospitalization among adults ages 45 to 64 (6.3 hospitalizations … Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations Associated with Animal Injuries, 2009.
January 01, 2008 - Males accounted for 41 percent of all hospitalizations in 2008. … These four major conditions amounted to 53 percent of all hospitalizations for males. … Females accounted for 58 percent of all hospitalizations in 2008. … 1 year of
age experienced the highest rates of hospitalization: 1,180 hospitalizations per 1,000 infants … in 1997 and
1,115 hospitalizations per 1,000 infants in 2008.
November 01, 2006 - This figure resulted in a
hospitalization rate of 427.9 stays per 1,000 people with diagnosed
diabetes—a … slight decrease from 1997, when the hospitalization
rate was 444.3 stays per 1,000 people with diagnosed … The average cost per hospitalization among patients with diabetes was
about 29 percent higher than the … There were 23.7 diabetes
stays per 1,000 uninsured hospitalizations. … Most common principal reasons for the hospitalization of patients with diabetes
Table 2 illustrates
November 17, 2006 - The average cost per hospitalization among patients with diabetes was about 29 percent higher than the … The hospitalization of patients with a principal diagnosis of diabetes cost $3.9 billion in 2004, but … There were 23.7 diabetes stays per 1,000 uninsured hospitalizations. … Most common principal reasons for the hospitalization of patients with diabetes
Table 2 illustrates … Multiple Hospitalizations for Patients with Diabetes.
November 01, 2013 - The hospitalization rate was similar for patients living in the Northeast, Midwest, and South (about … Patients living in the West had the lowest hospitalization rate, at 1,029 stays per 10,000 population … With the exception of infants, hospitalization rates increased with age. … Females accounted for 58 percent of hospital stays in 2011; the hospitalization rate for females was … For information on other hospitalizations in the United States, refer to the following HCUP Statistical
March 01, 2012 - Statistical Brief #137: Obesity-Related Hospitalizations, 2004 versus 2009
July 2012 … The rate of hospitalization with
obesity as a secondary diagnosis increased with the patient’s age. … Females had a 54 percent higher rate
of hospitalization with obesity as a secondary diagnosis (107.0 … The rate of hospitalization with obesity as a secondary diagnosis in 2009 was higher in the Midwest … Compared with hospitalizations with no mention of obesity, the
mean cost per stay for hospitalizations
May 01, 2015 - schizophrenia (and other psychotic disorders) were the two most frequent principal diagnoses among hospitalizations … involving M/SUD conditions in 2011. 3 Among all hospitalizations in 2011, the sixth most common diagnosis … In addition, initial admissions do not require a prior "clean period" with no hospitalizations; that … Adult Hospital Readmissions by Payer, 2011
Statistical Brief #127, 30-Day Readmissions following Hospitalizations … All-Cause Hospital Readmissions among Non-Elderly Medicaid Patients, 2007
For information on other hospitalizations
January 01, 2012 - pe
f S
2012, U.S. hospitals recorded a total of 709,500
opioid-related hospitalizations. … DEMOGRAPHICS
In 2002, young adults between the ages of 25 and
44 had the highest hospitalization rates … Over the next 10 years, hospitalization
rates for other age groups grew more rapidly. … Related to Opioid Overuse Among Adults, 1993-2012,
May 01, 2007 - The brief describes the patterns of hospitalization, including delivery
method and mean length of stay … The mean cost of hospitalization for childbirth among
teenagers covered by other payers, however, was … the regional differences for childbirth-related hospitalization rates among
adolescent girls and women … In the Midwest and
West, the childbirth-related hospitalization rates were 35.7 and 42.1, respectively … In contrast, among women over 18 years of age, the childbirth-related hospitalization rate was the
September 01, 2021 - birth or a birth before admission to the hospital, either in this case
resulting in a newborn hospitalization … Eligible cases only exist on the initial hospitalization
related to the birth and not subsequent … reporting of the normal newborn births with the mother's delivery record, instead of a separate newborn hospitalization … Unit of Analysis
The unit of analysis is the newborn hospitalization (i.e., birth inside hospital or … The SID and NIS include information on total hospital charges for a newborn hospitalization.
June 01, 2021 - Hospitals, 2003
Hospitalization in the United States, 2002
Preventable Hospitalizations, 2000 … Hospitals, 2000
Care of Women in US Hospitals, 2000
Procedures in US Hospitals, 1997
January 01, 2007 - Comorbidities 5 are chronic disorders that are not the primary reason for hospitalization, but which … may influence the course of hospitalization. … from secondary conditions, as secondary conditions may be directly related to the principal reason for hospitalization
January 01, 2012 - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) All-Cause
Readmissions Following Hospitalization for … Clinical Scope for Index Admission
By definition, six of the measures are specific to hospitalizations … failure
• All-cause readmissions following hospitalization for pneumonia
5. … carrier (physician) Standard Analytic Files; VA
administrative data; and enrollment information for hospitalizations … • When a patient is transferred from one acute care hospital to
another, these multiple contiguous hospitalizations
September 01, 2009 - ■ Hospitalizations for near-elderly
adults were more similar to those for
the elderly in terms of … This Statistical Brief presents data from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) on
hospitalizations … Specifically, near-elderly
hospital stays are compared with other adult hospitalizations and differences … Hospitalizations for acute complications such as complications of
device, implant or graft, septicemia … For information on other hospitalizations in the U.S., download HCUP Facts and Figures: Statistics on
September 01, 2009 - Specifically, near-elderly hospital stays are compared with other adult hospitalizations and differences … Hospitalizations for near-elderly adults were more similar to those for the elderly in terms of lengths … Uninsured near-elderly patients had significantly
fewer hospitalizations for complications of surgery … Hospitalizations for acute complications such as complications of device, implant or graft, septicemia … For information on other hospitalizations in the U.S., download HCUP Facts and Figures: Statistics on