August 01, 2011 - Findings
Table 1 provides information on the hospitalization of children compared to all U.S. hospital … Figure 2 shows the rate of hospitalizations by age. … Adolescents 15-17 years old had the next highest rate of hospitalization at 382 per 10,000 population … Children 5-9 and 10-14 years old had the lowest rate of hospitalization at 177 and 183 per 10,000 population … The hospitalization rate for respiratory conditions was consistently ranked as #1 for each of the three
May 01, 2015 - Values State Specific Notes
General Notes
Length of stay for the inpatient hospitalization
November 01, 1998 - performed), and outcome of care (such as discharge status),
whether complications occurred during hospitalization
January 01, 2009 - version)
Changes in stays per 10,000 population between 1997 and 2009 for the most common reasons for hospitalization … Hospitalizations per 10,000 population for musculoskeletal conditions increased by 15 percent, from 95
January 01, 2009 - Exhibit 4.2 shows the average annual growth in aggregate costs for the twenty most costly reasons for
hospitalization … The decline in hospitalizations per population dampened increases in the net cost of hospital stays
May 01, 2012 - injury related ED visits were slightly more likely than the average injury-related visit to result in a hospitalization … 30 percent more per day than hospitalization for other injuries. … hospitalizations in several ways. … On average, the costs associated with each day of hospitalization for an ATV injury is about 30 percent … hospitalization, despite the shorter mean length of stay.
May 01, 2020 - self-pay/no charge)
Community-level income (from the lowest quartile 1 to the highest quartile 4)
January 01, 2005 - ■ Cardiovascular conditions were the most common reasons
for hospitalization among 45–64 year olds … ■ Hip fractures were the most common injury-related reason
for hospitalization. … ■ Males accounted for 16.1 million hospitalizations in 2005. … This was the most prevalent
reason among women for a hospitalization for a circulatory
condition. … This was the most preva-
lent reason among men for a hospitalization for a circulatory
September 01, 2019 - has released new information in HCUP Fast Stats — Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) Among Newborn Hospitalizations … This new topic provides trends in NAS-related newborn hospitalizations at the national level and for … Rates of NAS per 1,000 newborn hospitalizations are presented overall as well as by sex, expected payer … The number of NAS newborn hospitalizations, median hospitalization cost (actual and inflation-adjusted
December 01, 2008 - A secondary diagnosis may indicate that the
pressure ulcer developed during the hospitalization, or … hospitalizations with a secondary diagnosis of pressure ulcers. … reasons for hospitalizations during which pressure ulcers were
also present. … The most common principal reasons for hospitalization among stays with secondary
pressure ulcer diagnoses … 4.2% 11.6% 2.6%
Utilization characteristics
Mean length of stay, days 14.1 12.7 5.0
Mean cost per hospitalization
January 01, 2008 - Coding Diagnoses and Procedures
Diagnoses and procedures associated with an inpatient hospitalization … (s) and may contain one or more ICD-9-CM procedure code(s) if a procedure was performed during that hospitalization … SECTION 3 — INPATIENT HOSPITAL STAYS BY PROCEDURE
EXHIBIT 3.1 (graphic)
Childbirth-related hospitalizations … were defined using the following Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) for 1997:
Childbirth-related hospitalizations … were defined using the following Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) for 2008:
Childbirth-related hospitalizations
January 01, 2017 - Hospitalizations in 2017
This Is a Sample Two Line
Infographic Arial BK - 24 PT
Source: The source … HCUP Data Partners can be found at: https://hcup-us.ahrq.gov/partners.jsp
Hospitalizations in 2017 … $434 Billion
Total Cost
36 Million
January 01, 2017 - Hospitalizations in 2017 … Reports Archive
Hospitalizations … in 2017
Hospitalizations in 2017
(Picture of AHRQ Logo) … 36 Million Hospitalizations = $434 Billion Total Cost
Source: AHRQ, Healthcare Cost … Internet Citation: Hospitalizations in 2017
Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP).
January 01, 2009 - male-to-female difference for 10 to 14 year olds, females 15 to 17 years old had a 70-percent higher rate of hospitalization … For children 3-5 years:
Pneumonia was the most common condition, but the hospitalization rate was … Hospitalization rates for fracture of lower limb and intracranial injury were more than twice as high … years:
Appendectomy was one of the top procedures performed among 3 to 5 year olds and the rate of hospitalizations
January 01, 2009 - 1,313 versus 447 stays per 10,000 population); this difference is largely due to childbirth-related
hospitalizations … , females were more likely to be hospitalized across all four regions:
In the South, the rate of hospitalization … Female rates of hospitalization were also higher than male rates across all areas of patient residence … Non-maternal females 45 years and older had the highest hospitalization
rate (1,970 stays per 10,000 … The rate of non-maternal female hospitalizations was higher than the rate for maternal females across
September 24, 2010 - the patient
was admitted or whether they described complications that occurred during the
course of hospitalization … inability to determine
whether or not a diagnosis was present on admission or whether it occurred
during hospitalization … When an acute diagnosis is made during hospitalization, it is coded as present
on admission if its presence … When we explicitly document an acute diagnosis or exacerbation during
hospitalization but have not documented … Accidents
that occur during hospitalizations will be coded as hospital‐acquired
January 01, 2007 - Conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, and newborn infants were by far the most frequent reasons
for hospitalization … This condition accounted for 2 percent of male hospitalizations and 1.2 percent
of female hospitalizations … Chronic Complications
are chronic disorders that are not the primary reason for hospitalization … , but which may influence
the course of hospitalization … secondary conditions, as secondary conditions may be directly related to the principal reason for
January 01, 2006 - Spending for Hospitalization
■ The top 20 principal diagnoses with the highest aggregate inpa-
tient … ■ Hospitalizations for lung cancer (200,000 discharges in 2006),
the leading cause of cancer hospitalizations … In documenting hospitalization trends, this report illustrates the
range of information available from … the hospi-
tal and some infants require additional hospitalization in the
first year of life. … Typically, these conditions do not require
expensive procedures as part of the hospitalization.
August 31, 2010 - Results: Overall, across the states, there was a ten fold variation in the hospitalization rate per … Conclusion: The wide variation in the rate of SUD hospitalizations and use of specialized
settings … alcohol and illicit drug use disorders were principally responsible
for more than 385,000 community hospitalizations … The wide variation in the rate of SUD hospitalizations across the states suggests that
these admission … The role of hospitalization in the treatment of individuals presenting with substance use disorders
October 01, 1999 - diagnoses most commonly recorded on discharge abstracts of
patients who had that procedure during the hospitalization … Instead,
it refers to the total charge for the hospitalization in which this procedure
was listed as … All charge data are charges for the
hospitalization, excluding professional (primarily physician) fees … Table 2 shows
the mean charges for their hospitalizations are around $5,000. … Surveillance of
major causes of hospitalization among the elderly, 1988.