August 01, 2011 - Findings
Table 1 provides information on the hospitalization of children
compared to all U.S. hospital … Adolescents 15-17 years old had the next highest rate of
hospitalization at 382 per 10,000 population … Children 5-9 and 10-14 years old had the lowest rate of
hospitalization at 177 and 183 per 10,000 population … 144,000 pediatric stays for mental health disorders, making this the fifth most common major
reason for hospitalization … The hospitalization rate for respiratory conditions was consistently ranked as #1 for
each of the three
April 01, 2022 - whether a condition was present at hospital admission (a comorbidity) or whether it arose during the hospitalization
June 11, 2008 - childbirths in U.S. community hospitals, making the delivery of infants the most common reason for hospitalization … $10,295,105,300
C-section with complication
*Hospitalization … Removal ectopic pregnancy
Diagnostic amniocentesis
*Hospitalization … 127,245
Other insurance
*Hospitalization … A small number of hospitalizations are missing corresponding payer data.
January 01, 2009 - Giving birth (mothers) or being born (infants) accounted for 8.9 million hospitalizations in 2009 … Males accounted for 16.4 million hospitalizations, while females experienced 22.9 million stays … Excluding pregnancy and childbirth, the largest sex differences in reasons for hospitalization … Even when pregnancy and childbirth stays are excluded, the rate of hospitalizations for females … Excluding pregnancy and childbirth, the largest sex differences in reasons for hospitalization were
November 01, 2014 - Understanding the characteristics and patterns of hospitalization for high-utilizing patients can help … Mood disorders and schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders were the two most common reasons for hospitalization … Among hospitalizations covered by Medicaid, super-utilizers accounted for 14 percent of hospital stays … disorders, and alcohol-related disorders were the first, second, and sixth most common reasons for hospitalization … Cancer treatment (e.g., chemotherapy, radiotherapy) was the fourth most common reason for hospitalization
November 01, 2010 - HCUP Statistical Brief #99: Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations for Acute and Chronic Conditions … Rates of hospitalization
for chronic conditions were based on admissions for
diabetes, specific respiratory … Rates of hospitalization for acute
conditions were based on admissions for dehydration,
bacterial pneumonia … These are conditions for which good outpatient
care can potentially prevent the need for hospitalization … Potentially preventable hospitalizations for acute and chronic conditions and all other
October 01, 2006 - HCUP Statistical Brief #14: Trends in Elderly Hospitalizations, 1997–2004
HEALTHCARE … complicated by chronic coexisting conditions, such as
diabetes and hypertension; on average, each hospitalization … Most frequent reasons for hospitalization among elderly individuals
Heart and respiratory conditions … Table 2 presents a list of the top 10 reasons for hospitalization in 1997, 2000, and 2004. … of elderly hospitalizations.
March 01, 2012 - These
hospitalizations were on average
shorter than hospitalizations for other
injuries, but cost … about 30 percent
more per day than hospitalization for
other injuries. … Bethesda, MD, Consumer Product Safety Commission.
related visit to result in a hospitalization … On average, the costs associated with each day of hospitalization for an ATV injury is about 30 percent … hospitalization, despite the shorter mean length of stay.
October 01, 2011 - Findings
In 2009, septicemia was the sixth most common principal reason for hospitalization (836,000 … stays, or 2.1 percent of all hospitalizations), but was the single most expensive condition treated … Highlights
Septicemia was the sixth most common principal reason for hospitalization in the U.S … Septicemia was the most expensive reason for hospitalization in 2009—totaling nearly $15.4 billion in … Table 5 shows the conditions most commonly associated with septicemia hospitalizations.
January 01, 2012 - Understanding the characteristics and
patterns of hospitalization for high-utilizing patients can help … interventions to address the
special needs of these patients and reduce their risks for multiple
hospitalizations … disorders and
schizophrenia and other
psychotic disorders were the
two most common reasons for
hospitalization … Among hospitalizations covered by Medicaid, super-utilizers accounted for 14 percent of hospital
stays … Cancer treatment (e.g., chemotherapy, radiotherapy)
was the fourth most common reason for hospitalization
January 01, 2009 - stays) and congestive heart failure (2.6 percent) were the second and third
most common reasons for hospitalization … Changes in stays per 10,000 population between 1997 and 2009 for the most common reasons for hospitalization … Hospitalizations per 10,000 population for musculoskeletal conditions increased by 15 percent, … stays) and congestive heart failure (2.6 percent) were the second and
third most common reasons for hospitalization … Mood disorders was a frequent cause of hospitalization among the privately insured, and increased
January 01, 2010 - 0) comorbidity
not present
x x x x x x
Indicates in-hospital death: (0) did not die during hospitalization … , (1) died during
x x x x x x
DISCWT NRD discharge weight to be used for calculating … same or different hospitals
x x x x x x
All discharges are categorized into one of five hospitalization
February 13, 1998 - 8 DCCHPR1 23 25 Num I:CCHPR: principal diagnosis
9 DIED 26 27 Num I:Died during hospitalization
November 12, 1999 - 8 DCCHPR1 23 25 Num I:CCHPR: principal diagnosis
9 DIED 26 27 Num I:Died during hospitalization
December 06, 1996 - 8 DCCHPR1 23 25 Num I:CCHPR: principal diagnosis
9 DIED 26 27 Num I:Died during hospitalization
March 18, 1996 - 8 DCCHPR1 23 25 Num I:CCHPR: principal diagnosis
9 DIED 26 27 Num I:Died during hospitalization
February 13, 1998 - 8 DCCHPR1 23 25 Num I:CCHPR: principal diagnosis
9 DIED 26 27 Num I:Died during hospitalization
January 01, 2008 - Conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, and liveborn infants were the most frequent reasons for
hospitalization … percent of all discharges) and congestive heart failure (2.6 percent) were the most
common reasons for hospitalization … Conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, and liveborn infants were the most frequent reasons for
hospitalization … percent of all discharges) and congestive heart failure (2.6 percent) were the most
common reasons for hospitalization … Males accounted for 16.5 million hospitalizations
in 2008.
January 01, 2019 - This new topic provides trends in NAS-related newborn hospitalizations at the national level and for … Rates of NAS per 1,000 newborn hospitalizations are presented overall as well as by sex, expected payer … The number of NAS newborn hospitalizations, median hospitalization cost (actual and inflation-adjusted … Opioid overdose hospitalization trajectories in States with and without opioid-dosing guidelines. … readmission for adolescents and young adults with increasing age, because that growing population requires hospitalization
January 01, 2019 - Trends in pediatric hospitalizations and readmissions: 2010-2016. Pediatrics. 2019;143(2). … U.S. county prevalence of retail prescription opioid sales and opioid-related hospitalizations from 2011 … System (ARCOS) to determine the relationship between retail opioid sales rates and opioid-related hospitalization … The presentations are titled—
County-Level Characteristics and Opioid-Related Hospitalization