October 01, 1999 - Information in this Research Note helps to answer questions such as:
What are the most common reasons for hospitalization … atherosclerosis treated without an invasive procedure are, on
average, $5,000, compared with $19,000 for hospitalizations … during which
percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty is performed, and $44,000 for a
May 01, 2011 - There were no differences
in headache hospitalization rates by
rural/urban location and income. … ■ The West had the lowest rate of ED
visits and hospitalizations for headache. … ■ Hospitalizations for headache tended to
be shorter (2.7 days) compared to the
overall average … There were no differences in hospitalization rates by urban/rural location and income. … For information on other hospitalizations in the U.S., download HCUP Facts and Figures: Statistics on
May 01, 2011 - There were no differences in headache hospitalization rates by rural/urban location and income. … The West had the lowest rate of ED visits and hospitalizations for headache. … Hospitalizations for headache tended to be shorter (2.7 days) compared to the overall average hospital … Inpatient stays for headache as a first-listed diagnosis
In 2008, there were 222 hospitalizations … For information on other hospitalizations in the U.S., download HCUP Facts and Figures: Statistics on
January 01, 2009 - The largest male-to-female difference in hospitalizations for mood disorders was in the South, … Giving birth (mothers) or being born (infants) accounted for 8.9 million hospitalizations in 2009 … Males accounted for 16.4 million hospitalizations, while females experienced 22.9 million stays … Even when pregnancy and childbirth stays are excluded, the rate of hospitalizations for females … The highest rate of mood disorder hospitalizations among females was in the Midwest (50 stays per
April 13, 2010 - residence than is spending on other types of hospitalizations. … net flow cost ratios to adjust state-level estimates of spending on MHSA inpatient
hospitalization … In other words, there is a
net inflow of spending for inpatient hospitalization in State 13. … While cross-border travel for hospitalization for MHSA
conditions does exist, most spending for inpatient … the state of residence than hospitalization spending for other reasons.
January 01, 2008 - By age, the distribution of MHSA hospitalizations differed substantially from the distribution of hospitalizations … Adults 18-64 years old accounted for a disproportionate share of all MHSA hospitalizations (83 percent … ) relative to their share of the total population (63 percent) and all hospitalizations (49 percent). … Children 1-17 had the lowest rate of hospitalization for MHSA conditions—19 stays per 10,000. … For adults 65 and older, MHSA hospitalization occurred at about twice the rate of children—more than
August 01, 2006 - childbirths in U.S. community
hospitals, making the delivery of infants the most common reason
for hospitalization … 3.4 $11,500 $10,295,105,300
C-section with complication 277,000 4.6 $15,500 $4,298,856,100
*Hospitalization … 3.3%
Removal ectopic pregnancy 20,300 0.5%
Diagnostic amniocentesis 17,400 0.4%
*Hospitalization … 127,245 2.4 8,900 1,125,783,300
Other insurance 83,488 2.5 8,000 667,161,200
*Hospitalization … A small number of hospitalizations are missing corresponding payer
January 01, 2009 - Changes in stays per 10,000 population between 1997 and 2009 for the most common reasons for hospitalization … Hospitalizations per 10,000 population for musculoskeletal conditions increased by 15 percent,
January 01, 2007 - pregnancy and childbirth are excluded, the largest differences between males and females in reasons
for hospitalization … hospitalizations was similar to population growth. … group (discharges per 1,000 population)
show that older age is associated with a greater chance of hospitalization … The one exception to the rising rate of hospitalization as the population ages was for infants younger … hospital stays occurs because nearly all births occur in the hospital and some infants
require additional hospitalization
February 13, 1998 - 3 DCCHPR1 7 9 Num I:CCHPR: principal diagnosis
4 DIED 10 11 Num I:Died during hospitalization
March 18, 1996 - 3 DCCHPR1 7 9 Num I:CCHPR: principal diagnosis
4 DIED 10 11 Num I:Died during hospitalization
February 13, 1998 - 3 DCCHPR1 7 9 Num I:CCHPR: principal diagnosis
4 DIED 10 11 Num I:Died during hospitalization
November 12, 1999 - 3 DCCHPR1 7 9 Num I:CCHPR: principal diagnosis
4 DIED 10 11 Num I:Died during hospitalization
March 18, 1996 - 3 DCCHPR1 7 9 Num I:CCHPR: principal diagnosis
4 DIED 10 11 Num I:Died during hospitalization
January 01, 2008 - similar overall rates of hospitalization for SA as
patients residing in higher income communities … 44 percent of alcohol-related ED visits resulted in hospitalization. … 49 percent of all drug-related ED visits resulted in hospitalization. … Children 1-17 had the lowest rate of hospitalization for MHSA conditions—19 stays per 10,000. … For adults 65 and older, MHSA hospitalization occurred at about twice the rate of children—more
January 01, 2005 - Six of the 20 most costly conditions associated with hospitalization were related to the heart. … Hip fractures were the most common injury-related reason for hospitalization. … the hospital and some infants require additional hospitalization in the first year of life. … In 2005, 473 out of every 100,000 men experienced a hospitalization for coronary artery disease. … Blood transfusions were the most common procedure performed during a hospitalization in 2005.
HCUP (10/26/16) CDI Hospitalizations … 3.5 percent in the national
annual rate of CDI stays when the CDI diagnosis was acquired during the
hospitalization … Midwest region showed any
decrease in the annual rates when the CDI diagnosis was acquired during the
hospitalization … In the other three regions, the annual rates when the CDI
diagnosis was acquired during the hospitalization … When the CDI diagnosis was acquired during the hospitalization, the 2010 annual rates
ranged from 2.8
HCUP (10/26/16) CDI Hospitalizations … 3.5 percent in the national
annual rate of CDI stays when the CDI diagnosis was acquired during the
hospitalization … Midwest region showed any
decrease in the annual rates when the CDI diagnosis was acquired during the
hospitalization … In the other three regions, the annual rates when the CDI
diagnosis was acquired during the hospitalization … When the CDI diagnosis was acquired during the hospitalization, the 2010 annual rates
ranged from 2.8
January 01, 2007 - conditions with the greatest increase in costs drove more than one-third (38 percent) of the overall hospitalization … Septicemia was responsible for 7 percent of the increase in costs across all hospitalizations and for … Costs of hospitalizations for acute renal failure increased from $1 billion in 1997 to $4 billion in … These hospitalizations accounted for 2.5 percent of the growth in aggregate costs and 57 percent of the … Growth in the costs of stays for these two conditions contributed 5.5 percent to the total growth in hospitalization
January 22, 2007 - The rate of hospitalization for cervical cancer among women in the U.S. has been on the decline over … Between 1994 and 2004 the rate of hospitalization for cervical cancer declined from 25.9 admissions per … The hospitalization rate for cervical cancer was highest in the South and lowest in the West. … cervical cancer, by region
When adjusted for the female population in each region, the lowest rate of hospitalization … The hospitalization rate for all other female-specific cancers was lowest in the South and West regions