
Total Results: 4,141 records

Showing results for "hospitalization".

  1. Nrd2010-2013 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2013 - NRD_VisitLink) produces a number larger than the NRD_ DaystoEvent value of the patient’s subsequent hospitalization
    January 01, 2007 - Costs for hospitalizations for infectious and parasitic conditions amounted to $15.3 billion in 2007, … $6.6 billion) and 2007 ($15.3 billion) and were responsible for 7 percent of the increase in aggregate hospitalization … On average, these hospitalizations cost $11,600. … and childbirth and perinatal (newborn) conditions were the second and third most frequent reasons for hospitalizations … second highest average cost for a hospitalization.
  3. Ff 2009 Exhibit5 3 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 -  Females had a 42-percent higher rate of hospitalization for mood disorders than males in 1997, a …  The highest rate of mood disorder hospitalizations among females was in the Midwest (50 stays per …  The largest male-to-female difference in hospitalizations for mood disorders was in the South, where … the hospitalization rate for females (34 per 10,000 population) was 36 percent higher than for males
    May 05, 2006 - HCUP Statistical Brief #5: Hospitalizations for Women with Circulatory Disease, 2003 … These conditions are also the most costly reasons for hospitalization. … There was no difference between men and women in hospitalizations for cardiac dysrhythmias. … identifier=4786 Age-related differences in hospitalization … The most common specific reasons for hospitalization for conditions related to the circulatory system
    May 01, 2006 - The most common reason for hospitalization was related to circulatory disorders, accounting for 28.4 … proportion of elderly patients died during hospitalization. … Congestive heart failure was the single most common condition primarily responsible for the hospitalization … of persons age 65 and older in 2003; pneumonia was the second most common reason for hospitalization … Congestive heart failure was the single most common reason for hospitalization in this population, resulting
  6. Section4 2 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2007 - conditions with the greatest increase in costs drove more than one-third (38 percent) of the overall hospitalization … Septicemia was responsible for 7 percent of the increase in costs across all hospitalizations and for …  Costs of hospitalizations for acute renal failure increased from $1 billion in 1997 to $4 billion … These hospitalizations accounted for 2.5 percent of the growth in aggregate costs and 57 percent of … Growth in the costs of stays for these two conditions contributed 5.5 percent to the total growth in hospitalization
    April 01, 2011 - Introduction In 2008, childbirth continued to be the most common reason for hospitalization in U.S … Still, childbirth remained the most common reason for hospitalization; these stays accounted for 11 percent … 3% 2.1 2.6¶ $3,600¶ $0.5 18-44** 4,060,000 96% 7.3 2.6 $3,800 $15.5 * Hospitalization … A small number of hospitalizations are missing corresponding payer data. … *Hospitalization for childbirth and delivery type identified by DRGs 370-375 for 1997-2007 and 765-768
    April 01, 2009 - Hospitalization rates for potentially preventable conditions were highest among residents in poorer … Lastly, comparisons of potentially preventable hospitalization rates by median income level of patient … implementing this strategy, AHRQ has developed a tool for mapping the frequency of potentially preventable hospitalization … Differences in preventable hospitalization rates by community income level Table 2 compares the admission … These are conditions for which good outpatient care can potentially prevent the need for hospitalization
    September 01, 2007 - increasingly is administered on an outpatient basis,3 a significant amount of care still requires hospitalization … The two most common pediatric cancer conditions that required hospitalization—leukemias and brain tumors4 … 2 years older than the typical pediatric patient (8.4 versus 6.4 years old), and the likelihood of hospitalization … child stays for the same conditions: $31,000 per leukemia hospitalization, with a mean length of stay … of 14.4 days, and $16,700 per brain tumor hospitalization, with a mean length of stay of 7.3 days.
  10. Section2 1 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2008 - Conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, and liveborn infants were the most frequent reasons for hospitalization … percent of all discharges) and congestive heart failure (2.6 percent) were the most common reasons for hospitalization
    September 01, 1999 - common questions about hospital care, such as: What are the most frequent conditions requiring hospitalization … How are hospitalization patterns changing?
    March 01, 2007 - This represented a hospitalization rate of 6.9 stays per 10,000 persons and totaled $3.2 billion in hospital … Hospitalization rates for Type 2 and Type 3 TBI remained relatively stable from 1994 to 2004. … The average cost for a Type 1 TBI hospitalization was $19,300. … Hospitalizations for traumatic brain injuries (TBI) compared with hospitalizations for all other injuries … Common causes of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) that result in hospitalization, 2004* Cause of injury
  13. Section4 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2007 -  Costs for hospitalizations for infectious and parasitic conditions amounted to $15.3 billion in … billion) and 2007 ($15.3 billion) and were responsible for 7 percent of the increase in aggregate hospitalization … On average, these hospitalizations cost $11,600. … second highest average cost for a hospitalization … Septicemia was responsible for 7 percent of the increase in costs across all hospitalizations and for
    November 01, 2010 - The rate of hospitalization increased by 55 percent over the 16 year period, as shown in figure 2, from … percent for the average injury-related hospitalization. … hospitalization ($5,500 per day versus $2,200). … As shown in table 2, the rate of hospitalization for patients in rural areas was 2.9 stays per 100,000 … Hospitalizations for dog bite injuries.
    March 01, 2011 - Among the uninsured, heart attack was the most expensive reason for hospitalization ($2.4 billion). … Three of the top 20 most expensive reasons for hospitalization involved injury ($2.9 billion). … The top five most expensive reasons for hospitalization among patients with private insurance included … Among the uninsured, heart attack was the most expensive reason for hospitalization (table 5). … Three of the top 20 most expensive reasons for hospitalization among the uninsured involved injuries.
    March 11, 2011 - ■ Among the uninsured, heart attack was the most expensive reason for hospitalization ($2.4 billion … Three of the top 20 most expensive reasons for hospitalization involved injury ($2.9 billion). … The top five most expensive reasons for hospitalization among patients with private insurance included … Among the uninsured, heart attack was the most expensive reason for hospitalization (table 5). … Three of the top 20 most expensive reasons for hospitalization among the uninsured involved injuries
    January 01, 2006 - Spending for Hospitalization The top 20 principal diagnoses with the highest aggregate inpatient … Patients living in the lowest income communities had a higher rate of hospitalization for depression … Hospitalizations for lung cancer (200,000 discharges in 2006), the leading cause of cancer hospitalizations … hospital and some infants require additional hospitalization in the first year of life. … Typically, these conditions do not require expensive procedures as part of the hospitalization.
    July 10, 2012 - HCUP Projections: Clostridium Difficile Hospitalizations 2011 to 2012. 2012. … Utilization Project (HCUP) sponsored by AHRQ is used to provide quarterly estimates of C. difficile hospitalization … Projections show that C. difficile hospitalization rates are expected to continue to increase in 2011 … The C. difficile hospitalization rate was considered to be a binomial rate taking values between zero … from time series models. 9 For C. difficile hospitalization
    October 01, 2006 - The breast cancer hospitalization rates in the South and Midwest were about the same—58.8 and 57.4 hospital … The lowest rate of hospitalization for breast cancer was in the West, where 53.6 hospitalizations per … As the hospitalization rate for breast cancer decreased by 34 percent between 1997 and 2004, the use … Breast cancer hospitalization rate, 1997–2004* *Based on principal diagnosis. … Breast cancer hospitalization rate, by region, 2004* 9 20.4 19.4 19.6 19.0 17.5 15.1 12.7 11.3
    January 01, 2008 - Conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, and liveborn infants were the most frequent reasons for hospitalization … percent of all discharges) and congestive heart failure (2.6 percent) were the most common reasons for hospitalization … Among adults 85 and older, hospitalizations for septicemia (up 95 percent) and urinary tract infections … (up 81 percent) increased at more than twice the rate of all hospitalizations for this age group between

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