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Showing results for "hospitalization".

    May 01, 2022 - Topics include falls, end-of-life hospitalizations, and nursing home transitions. …   #293 Changes in Hospitalizations and In-Hospital Deaths for Adults Aged 65 … #285 Changes in Hospitalizations and In-Hospital Deaths for Adults Aged 65 Years and Older … News Brief #83 Potentially Preventable Hospitalization Rates Declined for Older Adults, 2003 … News Brief #81 The Costs of End-of-Life Hospitalizations, 2007 ( PDF file, 149 KB; HTML
    March 01, 2021 - HCUP Statistical Briefs - Preventable Hospitalizations These HCUP Statistical Briefs provide statistics … about potentially preventable or avoidable hospitalizations in U.S. hospitals … News Brief #83 Potentially Preventable Hospitalization Rates Declined for Older Adults, 2003 … News Brief #61 Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations among Hispanic Adults, 2006 ( PDF … News Brief #36 Trends in Potentially Preventable Hospitalizations among Adults and Children
    September 01, 1999 - How are hospitalization patterns changing? … All charge data are charges for the hospitalization. … The most expensive hospitalizations include stays during which the following procedures were listed … Examining trends in hospitalization. … Surveillance of major causes of hospitalization among the elderly, 1988.
    July 19, 2021 - Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South a Each hospitalization … was assigned to a single hospitalization type hierarchically, based on the following order of hospital … 2016–2019, 29 States State of hospitalization Number of hospitalizations Apr–Dec, 2020 percent … Risk for COVID-19 Infection, Hospitalization, and Death by Age Group. …
    September 01, 2007 - The two most common pediatric cancer conditions that required hospitalization–leukemias and brain tumors … The two most common pediatric cancers that required hospitalization in 2005 were leukemias and brain … Among adults, leukemias were the 16th most common cancer condition requiring hospitalization and brain … child stays for the same conditions: $31,000 per leukemia hospitalization, with a mean length of stay … of 14.4 days, and $16,700 per brain tumor hospitalization, with a mean length of stay of 7.3 days.
    May 01, 2006 - of health care services is discretionary, when faced with a serious or life-threatening condition, hospitalization … Because populations vary by region, table 2 also presents the hospitalization rate per 10,000 people … This table demonstrates that although the overall hospitalization rate was relatively similar in the … , and only 34.2 uninsured hospitalizations per 10,000 people. … 19.8 23.1 38.1 19.1 Percentage of the population that is uninsured 11.6 13.8 19.8 19.2 Hospitalization
    March 01, 2007 - This represented a hospitalization rate of 6.9 stays per 10,000 persons and totaled $3.2 billion in … Hospitalization rates for Type 2 and Type 3 TBI remained relatively stable from 1994 to 2004. … The average cost for a Type 1 TBI hospitalization was $19,300. … Hospitalizations for traumatic brain injuries (TBI) compared with hospitalizations for all other injuries … Common causes of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) that result in hospitalization, 2004* Cause of injury
    December 01, 2007 - Most expensive conditions requiring hospitalization In 2005, over half the U.S. hospital charges were … Most expensive conditions requiring hospitalization, by primary payer Tables 2 through 5 illustrate … The top 20 most expensive reasons for hospitalization among patients with private insurance included … Heart attack was the most expensive reason for hospitalization among the uninsured (table 5). … Three of the top 20 most expensive reasons for hospitalization among the uninsured involved injuries
    July 01, 2020 - #134 Emergency Department Visits and Hospitalizations Associated with Animal Injuries … Hospitalizations Involving Osteoporosis and Injury, 2006 ( PDF file, 134 KB; HTML ). … News Brief #19 Common Injuries That Result in Hospitalization, 2004 ( PDF file, 206 KB; HTML
    May 01, 2006 - out of four hospital stays for alcohol abuse occurred in men, making it one of the top 25 reasons for hospitalization … Alcohol abuse was most prominent among men ages 35—44, where it ranked as the 4th most common reason for hospitalization … This condition was one of the 25 most common reasons for hospitalization among men of all ages and the … out of every 1,000 hospital stays were principally for alcohol abuse—the 4th most common reason for hospitalization … CHAMPVA, Title V, and other government programs), alcohol abuse ranked as the 15th most common reason for hospitalization
    May 01, 2006 - patients uring hospitalization. … responsible for the alization of persons age older in 2003; pneumo- s the second most com- ason for hospitalization … STATISTICAL BRIEF # reason for hospitalization … Congestive heart failure was the single most common reason for hospitalization in this population, resulting … Major reasons for hospitalizations among the elderly, 2003* 8 Hospitalizations in the
    November 01, 2007 - Hospitalizatio secondary HI decreased by infants, but in percent for th percent for ne The inpatient hospitalization … insurance HIV declined by 2 charity care H by 44 percent Pneumonia, m and skin infec common princ hospitalization … HIV diagnosis In 2005, 15 p hospitalization with candidias with pneumoc pneumonia (P Between 1998 … National HIV hospitalization costs in 2005 totaled $3.2 billion, an increase of only 4 percent since … hospitalization in 1998 and 2005.
    January 01, 2005 - Exhibit 4.1 Costs for the Most Frequent Diagnoses Amount and Growth in Inflation-adjusted* Hospitalization
    February 01, 2007 - However, the average cost per hospitalization for circulatory diseases was about 41 percent higher than … ary atherosclerosis was ost common circulatory e causing hospitalization, ne of the most common … Circulatory diseases causing hospitalization Table 2 highlights the specific circulatory diseases that … resulted in hospitalization. … Hospitalizations for circulatory diseases compared to hospitalizations for all conditions, 2004 Hospital
    February 01, 2007 - However, the average cost per hospitalization for circulatory diseases was about 41 percent higher than … Circulatory diseases causing hospitalization Table 2 highlights the specific circulatory diseases … that resulted in hospitalization. … Coronary atherosclerosis was the most common circulatory disease causing hospitalization, and one of … Hospitalizations for circulatory diseases compared to hospitalizations for all conditions, 2004  
    September 01, 2013 - continues to rise annually.1 Diabetes and its associated complications are significant sources of hospitalization … sb93.pdf 2 ED treatment and release (57.9 percent); the remaining (42.1 percent) resulted in a hospitalization … older population also represented a greater proportion of diabetes-related ED visits that resulted in hospitalization … Among ED visits that resulted in hospitalization, neurological complications were the most common (10.2 … For information about other hospitalizations in the United States, refer to the following HCUP Statistical
    November 01, 2013 - continues to rise annually. 1 Diabetes and its associated complications are significant sources of hospitalization … these visits were ED treatment and release (57.9 percent); the remaining (42.1 percent) resulted in a hospitalization … older population also represented a greater proportion of diabetes-related ED visits that resulted in hospitalization … Among ED visits that resulted in hospitalization, neurological complications were the most common (10.2 … For information on other hospitalizations in the United States, refer to the following HCUP Statistical
    January 01, 2020 - Some focus area goals include reducing preventable hospitalizations. … California: A Surveillance Report includes a section on asthma disparities by race/ethnicity that shows hospitalizations … ’s Asthma Control Program, the plan is a “road map” for improving asthma control, reducing related hospitalizations … Census neighborhood data to analyze repeat asthma hospitalizations for children under 19. … • Burden of Asthma in Wisconsin—2007, an update to a 2004 report, includes the number of asthma hospitalizations
    November 09, 2010 - Hospitalizations for dog bite injuries. … The rate of hospitalization increased by 55 percent over the 16 year period, as shown in figure 2, from … percent for the average injury-related hospitalization. … hospitalization ($5,500 per day versus $2,200). … As shown in table 2, the rate of hospitalization for patients in rural areas was 2.9 stays per 100,000
    May 01, 2006 - arh24-1/05-11.pdf stays for alcohol abuse occurred in men, making it one of the top 25 reasons for hospitalization … The frequency of alcohol abuse hospitalizations varied by age. … Alcohol abuse was most prominent among men ages 35–44, where it ranked as the 4th most common reason for hospitalization … out of every 1,000 hospital stays were principally for alcohol abuse—the 4th most common reason for hospitalization … , Title V, and other government programs), alcohol abuse ranked as the 15th most common reason for hospitalization

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