January 01, 2007 - te of hospitalization for
was highest in the South
stays per 100,000 popula-
nd among patients living … ost frequent causes of
requiring hospitalization
ccidents caused by hot
or vapors and ignition of … The average
cost of a burn-related hospitalization was $17,300 versus $9,000 for all stays. … The second highest rate of
hospitalization occurred in the Midwest (11.1 hospital stays per 100,000 … Rates of
hospitalization were lowest in the West and the Northeast, at 8.0 and 6.6 hospital stays per
May 01, 2007 - The brief describes the patterns of hospitalization, including delivery method and mean length of stay … The mean cost of hospitalization for childbirth among teenagers covered by other payers, however, was … the regional differences for childbirth-related hospitalization rates among adolescent girls and women … In the Midwest and West, the childbirth-related hospitalization rates were 35.7 and 42.1, respectively … In contrast, among women over 18 years of age, the childbirth-related hospitalization rate was the highest
January 01, 2012 - The KID is the only database specifically
developed to study hospitalizations among children. … ■ For most conditions, the rate of
hospitalization for children
decreased or remained relatively … Only skin conditions showed an
increase in rate of hospitalization
(35.6 percent). … Medicaid now pays for nearly half
of all hospitalizations for children. … for 234,000 hospitalizations (12 percent of nonneonatal stays).
September 01, 2006 - Most expensive conditions requiring hospitalization
In 2004, the five conditions accounting for the … Most expensive conditions requiring hospitalization, by primary payer
Tables 2 through 5 illustrate … The top 20 most expensive reasons for hospitalization among patients with private insurance included … Four of the top 20 most expensive reasons for
hospitalization among the uninsured involved injuries. … The charge is generally more than the amount paid to the hospital by
payers for the hospitalization
January 01, 2016 - large sample size is ideal for developing national and
regional estimates and enables analyses of hospitalizations … : development of sepsis during hospitalization and in-hospital mortality. … Onset of an event during hospitalization
Development of sepsis during hospitalization
Possible HCUP … Kidney transplant would require inpatient hospitalization. … Onset of an event during hospitalization
Table 2.
May 01, 2006 - The most common reason for
hospitalization among uninsured patients related to childbirth
(pregnancy … this group of
conditions was the second most common reason for hospitalization
among the uninsured … disorders, alcohol abuse,
ug abuse accounted for 3
top 10 most common
s for hospitalization
the … One common disorder, appendicitis, was a nondiscretionary condition
(i.e., requiring hospitalization … Most frequent conditions causing hospitalization among the uninsured, 2003
Rank Principal diagnosis
November 01, 2006 - HEALTHCARE COST AND
October 2006
In 2004, there
hospitalization … The second highest rate of
hospitalization occurred in the Northeast (8.1 hospital stays per 100,000 … Rates of
hospitalization were lowest in the South and the West, at 7.1 and 2.8 hospital stays per 100,000 … Hospitalizations for influenza compared to hospitalizations for all conditions, 2004
Hospital stays … The rate of hospitalization for influenza,
by age, 2004*
<18 18-44
January 01, 2012 - schizophrenia (and other psychotic disorders)
were the two most frequent principal diagnoses among
hospitalizations … involving M/SUD conditions in 2011.3 Among all
hospitalizations in 2011, the sixth most common diagnosis … In addition, initial admissions do not require a prior “clean period” with no hospitalizations; that … Adult Hospital Readmissions by
Payer, 2011
Statistical Brief #127, 30-Day Readmissions following Hospitalizations … All-Cause Hospital Readmissions among Non-Elderly Medicaid Patients, 2007
For information on other hospitalizations
May 01, 2007 - As shown in figure 1, there were 56.2 hospitalizations per
100,000 males in the U.S. principally for … The average cost for a prostate cancer hospitalization was $8,100—about $700 less than the
mean cost … for all hospitalizations among males. … Men older than 65 years comprised almost 90 percent of
hospitalizations where prostate cancer was a … Although the hospitalization rate for prostate cancer decreased by nearly 30 percent between 1997 and
May 01, 2008 - disease, which
represented a hospitalization rate of 77.3 stays per 10,000 persons older than 45 years … Trends in hospitalization rates for common cerebrovascular diseases
There has been a decline in the … hospitalization rate for different types of cerebrovascular disease
between 1997 and 2005, with the … Between 1997 and 2005, the
hospitalization rate for ischemic stroke decreased by 34 percent, from 54.4 … In contrast, the hospitalization rate for hemorrhagic stroke
remained relatively stable during this
January 01, 2006 - Asthma
Rates of Asthma Hospitalization by Median Income of Patient Zip Code and Region, 2006
April 01, 2009 - Statistical Brief #71: Hospitalizations Related to Childbirth, 2006
April 2009
Hospitalizations … In 2006, the delivery of infants was the most
common reason for hospitalization in U.S. community hospitals … childbirths in U.S. community hospitals, making the delivery of
infants the most common reason for hospitalization … 1,012,400 3.3 $4,500 $4.6 billion
Csection with complication 332,800 4.4 $6,100 $2.0 billion
*Hospitalization … Uninsured 186,000 2.4 $3,400 $626 million
Other insurance 102,800 2.7 $3,500 $358 million
January 01, 2007 - Costs for hospitalizations for infectious and parasitic conditions amounted to $15.3 billion in … billion) and 2007 ($15.3 billion)
and were responsible for 7 percent of the increase in aggregate hospitalization … On average, these hospitalizations cost $11,600. … childbirth and perinatal (newborn) conditions were the second and
third most frequent reasons for hospitalizations … second highest average cost for a
September 01, 2008 - Three of the top 10
most expensive reasons for
hospitalization among the uninsured
involved injuries … Most expensive conditions requiring hospitalization
In 2006, over half of the U.S. hospital charges … Most expensive conditions requiring hospitalization, by primary payer
Tables 2 through 5 illustrate … Three of
the top 10 most expensive reasons for hospitalization among the uninsured involved injuries … The charge is
generally more than the amount paid to the hospital by payers for the hospitalization
December 01, 2014 - The KID is the only database specifically developed to study hospitalizations among children. … Only skin conditions showed an increase in rate of hospitalization (35.6 percent). … Medicaid now pays for nearly half of all hospitalizations for children. … for 234,000 hospitalizations (12 percent of nonneonatal stays). … Epilepsy was ranked as the sixth most common reason for hospitalization among children.
April 01, 2021 - Data
External Cause of Injury Codes (E codes)
Fact Books
Fact Book #1 Hospitalization … Hospitals
Fact Book #5 Preventable Hospitalizations, 2000
Fact Book #6 Hospitalization in the United
January 01, 2007 - The average cost of a burn-related hospitalization was $17,300 versus $9,000 for all stays. … The rate of hospitalization for burns was highest in the South (15.6 stays per 100,000 population) and … The most frequent causes of burns requiring hospitalization were accidents caused by hot liquids or vapors … Rates of hospitalization were lowest in the West and the Northeast, at 8.0 and 6.6 hospital stays per … Causes of burn injuries that resulted in hospitalization,* 2001
Mechanism of injury†
Total number
January 01, 2009 - .
���� In general, the most common
principal reasons for
hospitalization among Medicare
enrollees … Similarly, the utilization of procedures during hospitalization among Medicare enrollees in FFS plans … The most common potentially preventable
hospitalization among Medicare enrollees was for congestive … See http://www.hcup-us.ahrq.gov.
Primary payer
Each hospitalization and its related hospital … These are conditions for which good outpatient care can
potentially prevent the need for hospitalization
June 01, 2006 - http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/nvsr/nvsr53/nvsr53_06.pdf
†The most common reason for hospitalization among … reasons for hospital stays among males
Table 2 highlights frequent specific health conditions causing hospitalization … Pneumonia was the second most common reason for male hospitalization, accounting for 4.0 percent of … Top 10 Conditions causing hospitalization among males, 2003
Rank for
stays* Principal … Most common reason for hospitalization among
males and non-obstetric females, by body system, 2003*
July 01, 2008 - General characteristics of these stays are compared to the average non-maternal hospitalization. … Meningitis was listed as the principal reason for hospitalization (i.e., the principal diagnosis) for … among all patients with meningitis—those for whom meningitis was the principal reason for hospitalization … subtypes of meningitis noted during hospitalization. … Hospitalizations related to meningitis compared to hospitalizations for all conditions, 2006