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Showing results for "hospitalization".

    April 20, 2022 - placenta, but it is now understood that HDP can persist, worsen, or develop de novo after discharge from hospitalization … patients with HDP require increased monitoring during and after pregnancy and have potentially prolonged hospitalization … stay* o Unplanned obstetrical triage area or clinic visits* o Emergency department visits* o Re-hospitalization … stay* o Unplanned obstetrical triage area or clinic visits* o Emergency department visits* o Re-hospitalization … (anxiety, depression) • Length of postpartum hospital stay • Unplanned healthcare utilization (re-hospitalization
    October 01, 2020 - Traditional management for patients with uncomplicated diverticulitis includes hospitalization, bowel … positive, false negative, and incidental findings on CT imaging; (2) the effectiveness and harms of hospitalization
    October 01, 2020 - Traditional management for patients with uncomplicated diverticulitis includes hospitalization, bowel … positive, false negative, and incidental findings on CT imaging; (2) the effectiveness and harms of hospitalization
    May 19, 2010 - patients needed at least three outpatient visits at Johns Hopkins or at least two outpatient visits and a hospitalization … Most patients had at least three visits and a hospitalization, and only 20 had only outpatient care. … For the patients’ last cancer-related hospitalization, both sites abstracted the first 3 days of the … hospitalization for symptom management, and the entire hospitalization for information and care planning … The mean abstraction time at JHH/SKCCC was approximately 2.5 hours for patients with a hospitalization
    October 01, 2015 - with or without a placebo in the need for renal replacement therapy, cardiac events, or length of hospitalization … two interventions in mortality, cardiac events, need for renal replacement therapy, or length of hospitalization … adenosine antagonists on the need for renal replacement therapy, cardiac events, mortality, or length of hospitalization … on mortality, cardiac events, the need for subsequent renal replacement therapy, or the length of hospitalization … standardized reporting on adverse outcomes, such as drug side effects, need for hemodialysis, length of hospitalization
    June 28, 2013 - for heart failure” or “hospitalization for atrial arrhythmias” within the CV hospitalization framework … to avoid the issue of variations in how CV hospitalizations are defined. … Such endpoints include: quality of life/functional status, CV hospitalizations, AF hospitalizations, … Protocol-required adimissions/hospitalizations are quite distinct from unplanned CV hospitalizations … vs. unplanned hospitalizations.
    January 01, 2012 - Staff-Generated PICO Population(s): Patients with heart failure requiring hospitalization, including
    January 01, 2009 - improvement in activities of daily living, improvement in employment status, quality of life, reduced hospitalization
    January 01, 2016 - There was no negative impact on days missing work or with limited activity, symptom duration, hospitalizations … Evidence on reconsultations, patient satisfaction, and hospitalizations was insufficient. … Evidence on the impact on hospitalizations is less clear: five studies reported none within 30 days … There was no impact on reconsultation, diagnostic testing use, or days off work, but increased hospitalizations … similar non– statistically significant increased risk; however, in five other studies there were no hospitalizations
    April 01, 2010 - patients needed at least three outpatient visits at Johns Hopkins or at least two outpatient visits and a hospitalization … Most patients had at least three visits and a hospitalization, and only 20 had only outpatient care. … For the patients’ last cancer-related hospitalization, both sites abstracted the first 3 days of the … hospitalization for symptom management, and the entire hospitalization for information and care planning … The mean abstraction time at JHH/SKCCC was approximately 2.5 hours for patients with a hospitalization
    June 01, 2015 - known risk factors for rehospitalization (e.g., functional status, social support, number of past hospitalizations … Outcomes: general E-2 Stakeholder Responses Topic Code 39 Major system impact of CM (i.e., hospitalizations … CM associated with reduction of hospitalizations Identified six elements of CM programs that … reduced hospitalizations. … Hospitalizations were decreased without increasing spending.
    November 17, 2014 - expenditures on medication costs; and, for patients with diabetes, the proportion hospitalized and costs of hospitalization
    April 01, 2013 - Current evidence is inconclusive regarding a reduction in hospitalization associated with treatment … Table E summarizes the strength of evidence ratings for the key outcomes of mortality, 6MWD, and hospitalization … In studies evaluating hospitalization, endothelin receptor antagonists and phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor … treatment was associated with lower odds of hospitalization compared with placebo (OR 0.34 and 0.48 … Combination therapy compared with monotherapy also showed a similar nonsignificant effect on hospitalizations
    March 01, 2010 - link between intermediate and final health outcomes (which include health-related quality of life, hospitalization … such as pulmonary variables, anthropometrics, bone variables, insulin-like growth factor variables, hospitalization … The final health outcomes include mortality, hospitalization, bone fracture, and health-related quality … also found out that the occurrence of infections would not be informative to stakeholders; rather, hospitalizations … As such, we dropped infections and added hospitalizations as an outcome.
    September 29, 2011 - outcomes (nonfatal MI, death, stroke, repeat revascularization, unstable angina, heart failure, repeat hospitalization … outcomes (nonfatal MI, death, stroke, repeat revascularization, unstable angina, heart failure, repeat hospitalization … infarction, stroke, and repeat revascularization o Other clinical outcomes: Heart failure, repeat hospitalization … Nonfatal MI Repeat revascularization Stroke Other clinical outcomes Heart failure Repeat hospitalization … , stroke, and repeat revascularization o Other clinical outcomes including: heart failure, repeat hospitalization
    December 31, 2022 - the United Kingdom, found that, for unvaccinated individuals, prior infection reduced the risk of hospitalization … risk of infection (Adjusted HR 0.05; 95% CI: 0.05, 0.05) and an 87 percent reduction in the risk of hospitalization … cases with a first infection over a year earlier Prior infection was highly protective against hospitalization … estimated protection: 91.3%; 95% CI 83.8, 95.4) with no noticeable evidence among the relatively few hospitalizations … In the Omicron period, prior infection was also less protective against hospitalization (47.1%; 95%
    August 01, 2013 - In two trials comparing IDDT with other non– dual-diagnosis treatments, psychiatric hospitalizations … also demonstrated that IDDTs were more effective than standard treatments in reducing psychiatric hospitalizations … treatment as usual in the community Psychiatric hospitalization Medium (2 trials, N = 460) Consistent … general mental health services Psychiatric hospitalization; completed suicide Medium (1 trial … IDDT also appears to be a promising intervention for reducing psychiatric hospitalization in offenders
    March 29, 2016 - Hospitalization was less common following CCTA than following usual care at the initial ED visit (moderate
    January 01, 2008 - patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is a risk factor for increased mortality, morbidity, hospitalization
    October 01, 2017 - controller • Does affect: – The risk of exacerbations requiring oral corticosteroids (low SOE) – Hospitalization … Does not affect – The risk of exacerbations requiring systemic corticosteroids (moderate SOE) – Hospitalization

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