May 17, 2010 - Medicare Part A (hospitalization and nursing home stays), Part B (outpatient services and procedures) … Hospital Characteristics
Among patients who had at least one hospitalization, approximately 40% of … Morbidity during hospitalization: can we predict it? … Medicare claims
> 1 hospitalization
Numerator: Individuals with documentation of > 1 hospital … within 14 months for the prospective cohort and the last acute care hospitalization within 30 days prior
July 06, 2015 - use of ARB
compared to placebo demonstrated benefit for composite endpoint, and
increased risk of hospitalization … What is the evidence of benefit on other
outcomes such as symptom reporting, hospitalization, revascularization … What is the evidence of benefit on
other outcomes such as symptom reporting, hospitalization, revascularization … What is the evidence of benefit on other outcomes such as symptom reporting, hospitalization,
revascularization … What is the evidence of benefit on other outcomes such as symptom reporting, hospitalization, revascularization
December 01, 2009 - Failure was indicated by an exacerbation that resulted in a
hospitalization or at least two outpatient … Seventh, patients with a hospitalization during baseline were excluded in an attempt to
focus on a more … Similar rate ratios were seen for
exacerbation and hospitalization rates between groups. … Association between medication regimen and mortality, exacerbation, and hospitalization
Mortality … Association between medication regimen and mortality, exacerbation, and hospitalization
Figure 1.
January 24, 2022 - For patients with Omicron infection, hospitalization was used as a proxy for severe, and ICU admission … Primary infections, N (%)
Total: 2747
Symptomatic: 2041 (74)*
Asymptomatic: 118 (4)
Unknown: 588 (21)
Hospitalizations … (13)
Reinfections, N (%)
Total: 210
Symptomatic: 113 (54)*
Asymptomatic: 45 (21)
Unknown: 52 (25)
Hospitalizations … PCR Upon exhibiting symptoms 4 months NR NR 11/12 residents with symptom data were symptommatic. 0 hospitalizations … The outcomes were SARS-CoV-2 infection of any severity and COVID-19 related hospitalization.
March 31, 2011 - Chronic renal disease affects more than 26 million Americans and is the cause of significant morbidity, hospitalization
July 16, 2010 - Additionally, children 0-4 have a higher incidence of hospitalization and adult women 25-44 have a higher … incidence of ED visits, hospitalizations, and death. … Decrease in hospitalizations. Decrease in asthma episodes. … stage and risk level, an inhaled corticosteroid (including being discharged on and ICS following ED or hospitalization
April 06, 2016 - adverse consequences, including days of limited activity or missed work and rates of continuing symptoms, hospitalization … medium] ) but increased the rate of reconsultation ( [evidence medium] ), possibly increased the risk of hospitalization … associated with an increased number of days with moderately severe symptoms and possibly increased risk of hospitalization … symptoms at 28 days for URTI or LRTI in primary care
[evidence low]
No difference in hospitalizations … rate within 4 weeks with CRP testing
3 RCTs
[evidence medium]
Potentially increased risk of hospitalization
July 28, 2010 - disease (i.e., dialysis or transplantation, stage 5 CKD without dialysis or transplantation)
Reduced hospitalization … with increased treatment, possibly including worsened estimated GFR, hyperkalemia, hypotension, cough, hospitalization … disease (i.e., dialysis or transplantation, stage 5 CKD without dialysis or transplantation)
Reduced hospitalization … Chronic kidney disease and the risks of death, cardiovascular events, and hospitalization. … CKD and risk of hospitalization and death with pneumonia. Am J Kidney Dis 2009;54(1):24-32.
November 01, 2010 - disease (i.e., dialysis or
transplantation, stage 5 CKD without dialysis or transplantation)
Reduced hospitalization … increased treatment, possibly including
worsened estimated GFR, hyperkalemia, hypotension, cough, hospitalization … increased treatment, possibly including
worsened estimated GFR, hyperkalemia, hypotension, cough, hospitalization … Chronic kidney disease and
the risks of death, cardiovascular events, and hospitalization. … CKD
and risk of hospitalization and death with pneumonia.
April 01, 2010 - Medicare Part A (hospitalization and nursing home stays), Part B (outpatient
services and procedures … Morbidity during hospitalization: can we
predict it? … Proportion of
patients who had an
ED visit or
related to l)
toxicity … Numerator: Individuals with an ED visit or
hospitalization with documentation of > 1 of the
specified … within 14 months for the prospective cohort and the last acute care hospitalization within 30 days prior
August 24, 2020 - In addition, length of hospitalization may impact negatively both patient and staff experience. 2 Delays … discharge. 18 - 20 These patients are typically at greater risk for adverse events during and after hospitalization … and both of their associated outcomes
Include: All
acute care hospitalizations … The association between multimorbidity and hospitalization is modified by individual demographics and … Trends, causes, and outcomes of hospitalizations for homeless individuals: a retrospective cohort study
August 01, 2016 - R O U N D
Heart failure (HF) is a major clinical and public
health problem and a leading cause of hospitalization … Despite a
decline in HF-related hospitalizations during the
past decade, readmission rates for patients … reasonable expectation that it could have
been prevented by providing quality care in the
initial hospitalization
March 01, 2009 - Health care
utilization including hospitalizations, nursing home stays, use of other psychiatric medications … had lower rates of using antidepressants, other psychotropic
medications, total number of drugs, hospitalizations … We did not
note a greater risk of cardiovascular events leading to hospitalization in conventional … Conventional and atypical antipsychotics and
the risk of hospitalization for ventricular
arrhythmias … Causes of death and cardiovascular and infection hospitalization within 180 days after
APM initiation
January 01, 2023 - gynecological
care) who received an initial telehealth visit had higher emergency department (ED) visit
and hospitalization … received care for general medical conditions, those who received an initial
telehealth visit had lower hospitalization
October 23, 2012 - life based on residence in an NH or residential care/assisted living (RC/AL), other than increased hospitalization
April 14, 2010 - Exposures: CAS, CEA, medical treatment
Outcome: Study outcomes include all-death as well as hospitalization
January 01, 2015 - Assessment
Number 202
Transition of Care for Acute Stroke and
Myocardial Infarction Patients:
From Hospitalization … acute stroke patients experiencing at least one
readmission within 90 days after discharge.4 Acute-care
hospitalization … Intervention type 2 included all components of education,
whether started during the hospitalization … Education of the patient and family prior
discharge was also initiated during the acute hospitalization … Transition of Care for Acute Stroke and
Myocardial Infarction Patients: From Hospitalization to
May 01, 2014 - Executive Summary
Heart failure (HF) is a major public
health problem and a leading cause of
hospitalization … readmission rates for HF patients have
fallen during the past two decades, despite the observation
that HF hospitalizations … Outcomes
far away from the index hospitalization probably reflect
the natural history of HF or an unrelated … Most of the studies included
components delivered both during hospitalization and after
discharge. … Diagnoses and timing
of 30-day readmissions after hospitalization for heart failure,
acute myocardial
January 01, 2014 - 2011, beneficiaries
with type 2 diabetes who used insulin
had the highest burden of comorbidity,
hospitalization … describe the demo-
graphic characteristics of diabetes patients
in the Medicare program and report
hospitalization … Data Points • # 18 • Use of Diabetes Care
Hospitalizations: Hospitalizations are de-
fined as acute … 64/100 71/100 31/100
Not leading to
69/100 72/100 44/100
The mean number of E&M … Consistent with their comorbidity bur-
den, the highest hospitalization rates were
for beneficiaries
January 01, 2020 - placenta, but it is now understood that HDP can persist, worsen, or develop de
novo after discharge from hospitalization … patients with HDP require increased monitoring during and
after pregnancy and have potentially prolonged hospitalization … stay*
o Unplanned obstetrical triage area or clinic visits*
o Emergency department visits*
o Re-hospitalization … stay*
o Unplanned obstetrical triage area or clinic visits*
o Emergency department visits*
o Re-hospitalization … (anxiety, depression)
• Length of postpartum hospital stay
• Unplanned healthcare utilization (re-hospitalization