
Total Results: 1,734 records

Showing results for "hospitalization".

    April 01, 2019 - consultations reduced utilization (the number of in-person specialist and hospital visits; number of hospitalizations
    May 19, 2013 - Common clinical outcomes included emergency department (ED) visits (n=30) and hospitalizations (n=27) … Moderate grade evidence supports use of decision support tools to reduce ED visits/hospitalizations while
    April 01, 2020 -  Frequently reported outcomes were asthma control, asthma knowledge, symptoms, quality of life, hospitalizations …  Results were mixed for hospitalizations, emergency department visits, and quality of life.
    July 01, 2012 - psychological distress, functional status or health- related quality of life, and mortality rates beyond hospitalization … psychological distress, functional status, health-related quality of life, and mortality rates beyond hospitalization … Few studies reported effects beyond the duration of hospitalization and no studies reported effects
    May 21, 2015 - Structured Abstract Background Repeated psychiatric hospitalizations, affecting primarily those individuals
    February 01, 2020 - B-3. Obs Studies Masks HCWs Archived: This living report is not being updated. Findings may be used for research purposes, but should not be considered current. Appendix Table B-3. Observational studies of masks in healthcare settings Author Publication Year Title Date Retrieved Source Link/URL Study Design Study Da…
    March 23, 2020 - HCWs Archived: This living report is not being updated. Findings may be used for research purposes, but should not be considered current. Appendix Table A-3. Observational studies of masks in healthcare settings Author Publication Year Title Date Retrieved Source Link/URL Study Design Study Dates Geographic Setting …
    February 01, 2020 - B-3. Obs Studies Masks HCWs Archived: This living report is not being updated. Findings may be used for research purposes, but should not be considered current. Appendix Table B-3. Observational studies of masks in healthcare settings Author Publication Year Title Date Retrieved Source Link/URL Study Design Study Da…
    September 14, 2016 - primary care visits and was the main reason for 1.8 million emergency department visits and 439,000 hospitalizations … Systemic corticosteroids for asthma Asthma exacerbations / Healthcare utilization Asthma-specific hospitalizations … Question For key questions 1 and 3 we will grade asthma control composite scores, asthma specific hospitalizations … events (AE): An injury caused by medical management–rather than by the underlying disease–which prolongs hospitalization … : The event is serious and should be reported when the patient outcome is: death, life-threatening, hospitalization
    September 14, 2016 - primary care visits and was the main reason for 1.8 million emergency department visits and 439,000 hospitalizations … Systemic corticosteroids for asthma o Asthma exacerbations / Healthcare utilization § Asthma-specific hospitalizations … Question For key questions 1 and 3 we will grade asthma control composite scores, asthma specific hospitalizations … (AE): An injury caused by medical management–rather than by the underlying disease–which prolongs hospitalization … The event is serious and should be reported when the patient outcome is: death, life-threatening, hospitalization
    May 01, 2010 - The Premier database includes information on 40 million annual hospitalizations occurring in 615 U.S. … The Premier database includes information on 40 million annual hospitalizations occurring in 615 U.S.
    May 01, 2010 - The Premier database includes information on 40 million annual hospitalizations occurring in 615 U.S. … The Premier database includes information on 40 million annual hospitalizations occurring in 615 U.S.
    July 01, 2023 - EHC Protocol: Making Healthcare Safer IV: Failure to Rescue: Rapid Response Systems 1 Evidence-based Practice Center Rapid Review Protocol Project Title: Making Healthcare Safer IV: Failure to Rescue - Rapid Response Systems Review Questions 1. What is the frequency and severity of harms associ…
    January 01, 2023 - Design PMID First Author Publication year Extractor Study Name/database/RCT PMID/site Followup duration N Mean age (SD) Baseline CY-BOCS score, mean (SD) Intervention type (if not a single cler intervention (e.g., lumped arms from an RCT), reject) Pharmacolgical interventions, drug class (e.g., SSRI) Pharmacolgical in…
    January 01, 2017 - including psychiatric symptoms, functioning (e.g., employment, social), service utilization (e.g., hospitalization … outcome because: (1) there is important variation in the indications for and length of psychiatric hospitalizations … community treatment because it is the target of this intervention for patients with a history of frequent hospitalization … Self-Harm • Clozapine was found superior to olanzapine in preventing significant suicide attempts or hospitalization … recommends that family interventions should last between 6 and 9 months to reduce rates of relapse and hospitalization
    May 12, 2020 - No-Touch Modalities for Disinfection of Hospital/Acute Care Settings: A Rapid Evidence Review Timeline May 05, 2020 Topic Initiated May 12, 2020 Research Protocol No-Touch Modalities for Disinfection of Hospital/Acute Care Settings: A Rapid Evidence Review …
    January 10, 2012 - suffering, pressure ulcers can impede patients’ return to full functioning and can add to the length of hospitalization … . 2 The length of hospitalizations for pressure ulcers is nearly three times longer than hospitalizations … characteristics † on severity/stage o Resource utilization (e.g., length of stay and number of hospitalizations … characteristics † on severity/stage o Resource utilization (e.g., length of stay and number of hospitalizationsHospitalizations Related to Pressure Ulcers among Adults 18 Years and Older, 2006.
    September 02, 2013 - debulking of myocardium Watchful waiting (ACE inhibitor use, 34%; ß-blocker use, 40%) Outcomes: hospitalizations
    September 02, 2013 - debulking of myocardium Watchful waiting (ACE inhibitor use, 34%; ß-blocker use, 40%) Outcomes: hospitalizations

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