August 20, 2014 - TONSILLECTOMY Tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure with an associated morbidity that includes possible hospitalization
October 01, 2010 - unit of analysis was any hospital “case” of rFVIIa use—defined as any
application during a patient hospitalization
April 25, 2013 - No mention of
time to clinical worsening (TTCW), only hospitalization. … We cited two studies of prostacyclin’s effect on
hospitalization. … Either measurement can be used to predict short term outcomes
such as symptoms, walk distance, hospitalizations … minimal data to assess effects on hemodynamics,
the positive benefits from PDES-I and ERA on decreasing
hospitalizations … combination
vs. placebo and vs. monotherapy does appear more favorable
with respect to reduction in hospitalizations
March 01, 2017 - atherosclerotic revascularization procedures (carotid endarterectomy), left ventricular hypertrophy, hospitalization … for heart failure, hospitalization for any cause of coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease … for heart failure, or hospitalization for any cause of coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease … for heart failure, or hospitalization for any cause of coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease … for heart failure, or hospitalization for any cause of coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease
March 10, 2022 - Compared with firefighters, EMS workers had an increased risk of hospitalization or
death from COVID … 66/5665 1.2 (0.9, 1.5)
Tarabichi, 202113 Healthcare
SARS-CoV-2 Hospitalization due … to symptoms
1/16 6.3 (1.1, 28.3)
Weiden, 202132 Healthcare
SARS-CoV-2 Hospitalization … Most of the studies focused on
SARS-CoV-2 exposures or COVID-19 hospitalizations, as shown … Most studies reported on SARS-CoV-2 prevalence, incidence, and hospitalization.
January 12, 2012 - consequences of DVT and PE. 1 Two-thirds of all VTE cases are nonfatal and result in hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations … one-third of these cases are fatal and result in an estimated 300,000 deaths each year. 1,2 The cost of hospitalization … Although these obese patients were at risk of VTE, their hospitalizations were short, and they were able … assess the optimal drugs, dosages, dose frequency, and duration of pharmacologic prophylaxis during hospitalization … assess the optimal drugs, dosages, dose frequency, and duration of pharmacologic prophylaxis during hospitalization
March 01, 2011 - of DVT and PE.
Two-thirds of all VTE cases are
nonfatal and result in hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations … one-third of
these cases are fatal and result in an estimated 300,000 deaths each year.
The cost of hospitalization … Although these obese patients were at risk of VTE, their hospitalizations were short, and
they were … the comparative effectiveness and safety of pharmacologic prophylaxis for prevention of VTE
during hospitalization … the comparative effectiveness and safety of pharmacologic prophylaxis for prevention of VTE
during hospitalization
January 01, 2012 - • ARB significantly reduced risk of CHF hospitalization and ESRD; results were
mixed regarding … between telmisartan and valsartan in risk of
all-cause or cardiovascular mortality, MI, stroke, CHF hospitalization … Mortality: low
ESRD: insufficient
• BB significantly reduced risk of all-cause mortality, CHF hospitalizations … • There was no significant difference in risk of CHF hospitalization, ESRD, or
composite renal … • High-dose statin significantly reduced risk of CHF hospitalization and reduced
risk of all composite
June 01, 2014 - hospitalized for a respiratory
event during the study were tracked to determine the time to next hospitalization … Patients treated
with azithromycin experienced 156 respiratory-related hospitalizations compared with … Azithromycin significantly increased the
time between the first respiratory-related hospitalization … and the second hospitalization compared
with placebo (HR 0.58, 95% CI, 0.34 to 0.99); this effect … Chronic
azithromycin therapy decreases the risk of re-
hospitalization in patients with COPD.
September 01, 2011 - , partial hospitalization, and
intensive outpatient care). (29) [PC]
Table 2. … This could include
assessing the circumstances that are best suited for long-term hospitalization to … SH Note: As part of examining the role of inpatient hospitalization, examine:
(1) the role of step-down … Compare the effectiveness of management strategies (e.g., inpatient
psychiatric hospitalization, crisis … residential services, extended observation, partial
hospitalization, intensive outpatient care) for
December 08, 2010 - Clinical outcomes (e.g., death, myocardial infarction, unstable angina, hospitalization, revascularization … coronary artery bypass surgery)
Clinical outcomes (e.g., death, myocardial infarction, unstable angina, hospitalization … stratification, treatment offered, and clinical outcomes (including myocardial infarction, unstable angina, hospitalization … intervention or coronary artery bypass graft
Clinical outcomes:
Myocardial infarction
Unstable angina
August 01, 2012 - November 2011
1 new study reported
hospitalization for
exacerbations among
10 rhGH and … Up-to-date Up-to-date
Pooling of 4
RCTs found an
with rhGH … However, with
the exception of hospitalizations, the
benefits on final health outcomes cannot
be directly … both prepubertal and adolescent
patients had significant improvements in
height, weight, LBM, and hospitalizations … greater increases in absolute FVC, FEV1, and
bone mineral content vs. control but
experience fewer hospitalizations
July 08, 2015 - Up-to-date No new research was found
Length of stay (LOS) for acute hospitalization:
Reported in two … Up-to-date No new research was found
LOS for acute hospitalization:
Reported in two RCTs (n = 89). … LOS for acute hospitalization:
The strength of the evidence was rated as moderate. … LOS for acute hospitalization:
The strength of the evidence was
rated as moderate. … LOS for acute
hospitalization (days) was
reported in two cohort studies (n
= 634), but the pooled
July 27, 2023 - functional independence, general satisfaction of care, mortality risk, time to
nursing home placement, hospitalization … Mortality
• Time to nursing home placement
• Patient satisfaction
• Person-centered outcomes
• Hospitalization
April 18, 2017 - atherosclerotic revascularization procedures
(carotid endarterectomy), left ventricular hypertrophy, hospitalization … for
heart failure, hospitalization for any cause of coronary heart disease or
cardiovascular disease … for heart
failure, or hospitalization for any cause of coronary heart disease or
cardiovascular disease … for
heart failure, or hospitalization for any cause of coronary heart disease or
cardiovascular disease … for heart failure, or hospitalization for any
cause of coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease
August 05, 2010 - periventricular leukomalacia, seizures, retinopathy of prematurity, sepsis, stillbirth, death within initial hospitalization … periventricular leukomalacia, seizures, retinopathy of prematurity, sepsis, stillbirth, death within initial hospitalization … Periventricular leukomalacia
Retinopathy of prematurity
Death within initial hospitalization … periventricular leukomalacia, seizures, retinopathy of prematurity, sepsis, stillbirth, death within initial hospitalization … significant intraventricular hemorrhage (grade III/IV); neonatal death and/or death within initial hospitalization
January 01, 2010 - NCDR using indirect identifiers (non-unique
fields that when used in combination may identify unique hospitalizations … Only
revascularizations occurring after discharge from the index hospitalization were included
in the … analysis estimated ‘cause of death’ after stent implantation
according to the primary diagnosis of a hospitalization … during which the patient expired
or the most recent hospitalization within 6-months of death. … Stroke and Major Bleeding
Few differences in stroke or major bleeding rates requiring re-hospitalization
October 01, 2022 - focused on seizure freedom and seizure frequency, and few reported
other important outcomes such as hospitalization
January 08, 2024 - of the hospital course faxed to primary care provider; 2) Families received: a) A brief summary of hospitalization … 3-day educational conversations using teach-back to engage patients and caregivers delivered during hospitalization
June 29, 2016 - Serious adverse events (hospitalization or surgery) were rare among all patients.