January 24, 2011 - Microvascular disease of the coronary arteries is more common in women than in men. 15 Fourth, delay in hospitalization … outcomes (nonfatal MI, death, stroke, repeat revascularization, unstable angina, heart failure, repeat hospitalization … outcomes (nonfatal MI, death, stroke, repeat revascularization, unstable angina, heart failure, repeat hospitalization … outcomes (nonfatal MI, death, stroke, repeat revascularization, unstable angina, heart failure, repeat hospitalization … infarction, stroke, and repeat revascularization
Other clinical outcomes including: heart failure, repeat hospitalization
May 27, 2014 - Patients were included in this trial if
they had any hospitalization within the past year
(and were … not recruited during or shortly after
an index hospitalization). … According to Table 1
in that study, approximately 15% had no
hospitalization within the past year. … For example, trial by Kimmelstiel 2004 enrolled subjects until 2
weeks of hospitalization. … Reviewer 3 Discussion A clearer statement that little data were available on ER or all-
cause visits, and hospitalizations
February 27, 2012 - All patients with an index hospitalization for heart failure
Are there subgroups of patients that … All patient-related benefits, including but not limited to: reduction in all-cause hospitalizations … and HF hospitalizations, improvement in quality of life (using Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire
August 31, 2016 - depression and some professional societies recommend routine screening during and after the post-MI hospitalization … /at discharge
Within 30 days of hospitalization for an acute ACS event
Within 3 months of hospitalization … , behaviors, or attempts
At least 6 weeks of followup
Intervals of interest:
During hospitalization … /at discharge
Within 30-days of hospitalization for an acute ACS event
Within 3 months of hospitalization … for an acute ACS event
Beyond 3 months of hospitalization for an acute ACS event
February 15, 2017 - professional societies recommend routine screening during and after the post-MI
hospitalization … • Timing:
o Within 3 months of an identifying ACS event
o Intervals of interest:
§ During hospitalization … /at discharge
§ Within 30 days of hospitalization for an acute ACS event
§ Within 3 months of hospitalization … /at discharge
§ Within 30-days of hospitalization for an acute ACS event
§ Within 3 months of hospitalization … for an acute ACS event
§ Beyond 3 months of hospitalization for an acute ACS event
• Settings:
February 01, 2018 - Identify Harms that are of
Greatest Importance (II)
• Serious denotes death, life threatening,
hospitalization … , prolonging hospitalization,
persistent or incapacitating symptoms, or result
in congenital anomalies … Importance (II)
Serious harms are defined as those that result in death, are life-threatening, result in hospitalization … or prolongation of an existing hospitalization, result in persistent or significant incapacity or ability
October 01, 2019 - hospital admission, depletion
of financial resources, and a progressive decline
in lung function.7-14 Hospitalizations … Health service
interventions (e.g. hospital in the home as
alternative to hospitalization) and interventions … potential
risk for increased mortality associated with
pulmonary rehabilitation commenced during
hospitalization … Given the potential of exercise
programs during hospitalization for ECOPD to
ameliorate deconditioning … It is currently unclear whether pulmonary
rehabilitation commenced during hospitalization
October 01, 2019 - hospital admission, depletion
of financial resources, and a progressive decline
in lung function.7-14 Hospitalizations … Health service
interventions (e.g. hospital in the home as
alternative to hospitalization) and interventions … potential
risk for increased mortality associated with
pulmonary rehabilitation commenced during
hospitalization … Given the potential of exercise
programs during hospitalization for ECOPD to
ameliorate deconditioning … It is currently unclear whether pulmonary
rehabilitation commenced during hospitalization
October 11, 2019 - Section Comment Response
Peer reviewer #1 General Comments Most of the studies cited have mortality, hospitalization … Thirty-day hospital admissions
were chosen because hospital admissions within 30
days of an index hospitalization … Risk trajectories of readmission and death in
the first year after hospitalization for chronic obstructive … hospital
discharge and that during ECOPD refers to the initial
most acute phase of exacerbation (hospitalization … commenced before hospital discharge and that during
ECOPD refers to the most acute phase of
exacerbation (hospitalization
October 11, 2019 - Section Comment Response
Peer reviewer #1 General Comments Most of the studies cited have mortality, hospitalization … Thirty-day hospital admissions
were chosen because hospital admissions within 30
days of an index hospitalization … Risk trajectories of readmission and death in
the first year after hospitalization for chronic obstructive … hospital
discharge and that during ECOPD refers to the initial
most acute phase of exacerbation (hospitalization … commenced before hospital discharge and that during
ECOPD refers to the most acute phase of
exacerbation (hospitalization
January 01, 2013 - high blood pressure, eclampsia, preeclampsia, future
diabetes) and babies (e.g., preterm birth, hospitalization … management of diabetes improves
metabolic control (as determined by HbA1c, numbers of diabetes-related hospitalizations … management of
diabetes, including better adherence to recommendations made in clinic and decreased
hospitalizations … Improved metabolic control, (as determined by HbA1c values, numbers of diabetes-
related hospitalizations
February 10, 2010 - NCDR using indirect identifiers (non-unique fields that when used in combination may identify unique hospitalizations … Only revascularizations occurring after discharge from the index hospitalization were included in the … analysis estimated ‘cause of death’ after stent implantation according to the primary diagnosis of a hospitalization … during which the patient expired or the most recent hospitalization within 6-months of death. … Stroke and Major Bleeding
Few differences in stroke or major bleeding rates requiring re-hospitalization
October 01, 2007 - The score varied
during hospitalization according to an autoregressive equation. … was experienced, the adverse
event status variable was set to the value of 1 for the remainder
of the hospitalization … individuals who experienced the adverse event, this
effect was assumed to be constant for the remainder of
hospitalization … population of 200,000 individuals was randomly
assigned to experience the adverse event at the beginning of
hospitalization … Excess length of stay, charges, and mortality
attributable to medical injuries during hospitalization
June 06, 2011 - Clinical outcomes (e.g., death, myocardial infarction, unstable angina,
hospitalization, revascularization … artery bypass surgery)
- Clinical outcomes (e.g., death, myocardial infarction, unstable angina,
hospitalization … stratification, treatment offered, and clinical outcomes (including myocardial infarction, unstable angina,
hospitalization … technically inadequate
Clinical outcomes
Myocardial infarction
Unstable angina
Hospitalization … or coronary artery bypass graft
Clinical outcomes:
o Myocardial infarction
o Unstable angina
o Hospitalization
July 27, 2011 - interventions, etc) in improving nutrition, growth, health, and quality of life Health outcomes should include hospitalizations … outcomes such as growth, quality of life, functional improvements, participation, survival, avoidance of hospitalization
January 11, 2011 - coordination for patients with complex care needs can lead to preventable problems, such as higher rates of hospitalization … interest in case management as a means to prevent adverse clinical events, such as falls, preventable hospitalizations … Resource utilization outcomes (include but are not limited to): overall financial cost; hospitalization … Resource utilization , including overall financial cost, hospitalization rates, days in the hospital,
December 01, 2010 - Settings: All settings, including hospitalization and outpatient treatment. … Utilization of the health care system to include: time to hospitalization/rehospitalization because of … mental illness and all other causes; rates of hospitalization/rehospitalization; mean hospital bed days … ; length of hospitalization stay; rates of emergency department visits; attendance in day care programs … and all other causes; rates of hospitalization/rehospitalization; rates of emergency department visits
January 01, 2007 - analysis yielded a hazard ratio of 1.08 (95-percent CI,
0.89 to 1.31) for the primary end point of
hospitalization … In Kaplan-Meier
curves, the risk of hospitalization or death from
myocardial infarction was slightly … Allergic reactions NA No serious allergic reactions requiring hospitalization were reported.
requiring … hospitalization
4&5j. … Food and Drug NA Pioglitazone was associated with an increased rate of hospitalization
December 01, 2010 - Settings: All settings, including hospitalization and outpatient treatment. … /rehospitalization because of mental illness and all other
causes; rates of hospitalization/rehospitalization … ; mean hospital bed days;
length of hospitalization stay; rates of emergency department visits;
attendance … • Health care-system utilization (i.e., time to hospitalization/rehospitalization
related to mental … illness and all other causes; rates of
hospitalization/rehospitalization; rates of emergency department
October 18, 2010 - periventricular leukomalacia, seizures, retinopathy of prematurity, sepsis, stillbirth,
death within initial hospitalization … leukomalacia
• Seizures
• Sepsis
• Stillbirth
• Retinopathy of prematurity
• Death within initial
hospitalization … leukomalacia
• Seizures
• Retinopathy of prematurity
• Sepsis
• Stillbirth
• Death within initial hospitalization … 18, 2010
seizures, retinopathy of prematurity, sepsis, stillbirth, death within initial
hospitalization … significant intraventricular
hemorrhage (grade III/IV); neonatal death and/or death within initial hospitalization