August 01, 2012 - the comparative effectiveness/efficacy of antiepileptic medications on health outcomes: mortality, hospitalizations … Three out of the four studies showed that rates of
hospitalization were higher with generic use
compared … the comparative effectiveness/efficacy of antiepileptic medications on health
outcomes: mortality, hospitalizations … branded
product; changes in utilization may be more sensitive than emergency
department visits and hospitalizations … the comparative effectiveness/efficacy of antiepileptic medications on health outcomes: mortality, hospitalizations
October 01, 2015 - However, current clinical practice in the care of adults with
HF after hospitalization varies greatly … HF hospitalizations in the United States have declined
by almost 30 percent during the past decade. … clinical expectation that it could have
been prevented by providing quality care during the initial
hospitalization … �� Encourage them to ask about the availability of transitional
care interventions in the event of hospitalization
January 01, 2020 - Pennsylvania Medicare
Medicare data included both Part A (hospitalizations and nursing home stays) … Hospitalization with ICD-9 diagnoses 22 (in the principal or secondary position) or DRG 23 codes for … Hospitalization with a diagnostic code for congestive heart failure. 27
Pneumonia. … Hospitalization with a diagnostic code for bacteremia/septicemia, cellulitis, encephalitis/meningitis … We employed ICD-9 diagnostic codes, CPT procedure codes 29 , DRG hospitalization codes, and medication
June 06, 2011 - interest in
case management as a means to prevent adverse clinical events, such as falls, preventable
hospitalizations … Resource utilization outcomes (include but are not limited to): overall financial cost;
hospitalization … quality of care
•Patient satisfaction
KQ 2:
•Overall financial cost
•Hospitalization … Resource utilization, including overall financial cost, hospitalization rates, days in
the hospital, … care
• Quality of life
• Patient satisfaction
• Morbidity
• Mortality
Resource Utilization
• Hospitalization
January 01, 2011 - Furthermore, the
mean number of DFU hospitalizations
for those with a prevalent DFU was 0.25
in 2006 … However, the
mean number of hospitalizations for any
reason was 1.43 in 2006, 1.42 in 2007,
and 1.41 … In the prevalent DFU
population, the rate for readmission for
a DFU (i.e., any second hospitalization … Definition of Hospitalization
A hospitalization was defined in the prevalent DFU and
prevalent LEA populations … DFU or LEA hospitalizations were defined
by such inpatient stays with a DFU or LEA diagnosis or
December 01, 2019 - and 2011, beneficiaries with type 2 diabetes who used insulin had the highest burden of comorbidity, hospitalization … addition, individuals with diabetes typically have multiple outpatient visits, and many have one or more hospitalizations … we describe the demographic characteristics of diabetes patients in the Medicare program and report hospitalization
December 01, 2019 - The odds ratio (OR) of hospitalization was lower in patients taking endothelin receptor antagonists or … powered to detect a mortality reduction, monotherapy was associated with improved 6MWD and reduced hospitalization
December 01, 2019 - disease (i.e., dialysis or transplantation, stage 5 CKD without dialysis or transplantation)
Reduced hospitalization … with increased treatment, possibly including worsened estimated GFR, hyperkalemia, hypotension, cough, hospitalization … disease (i.e., dialysis or transplantation, stage 5 CKD without dialysis or transplantation)
Reduced hospitalization … Chronic kidney disease and the risks of death, cardiovascular events, and hospitalization. … CKD and risk of hospitalization and death with pneumonia. Am J Kidney Dis 2009;54(1):24-32.
January 01, 2020 - Failure was indicated by an exacerbation that resulted in a hospitalization or at least two outpatient … identified based on ICD-9 codes related to COPD present in combination with one of the following: (1) hospitalization … Seventh, patients with a hospitalization during baseline were excluded in an attempt to focus on a more … Similar rate ratios were seen for exacerbation and hospitalization rates between groups. … Association between medication regimen and mortality, exacerbation, and hospitalization
December 01, 2019 - There is moderate evidence to suggest that rhGH therapy reduces the rate of hospitalization (WMD ? … 1.62 hospitalizations per year, 95 percent CI ?1.98 to ? … 1.26 hospitalizations per year) versus control although one trial not amenable for quantitative synthesis … reported that there were no statistically significant differences in hospitalization days between groups … However, with the exception of hospitalizations, the benefits on final health outcomes cannot be directly
December 23, 2023 - As a general matter, only injuries
that warranted hospitalization (whether the person was actually hospitalized … ) or injuries
that led to a significant loss of function or disability (whether or not hospitalization … treatment Active comparators
Outcomes • Serious physical injury as a result of
treatment that warrant hospitalization
January 01, 2020 - Medicare Part A (hospitalization and nursing home stays), Part B (outpatient services and procedures) … Hospital Characteristics
Among patients who had at least one hospitalization, approximately 40% of … Morbidity during hospitalization: can we predict it? … Medicare claims
> 1 hospitalization
Numerator: Individuals with documentation of > 1 … within 14 months for the prospective cohort and the last acute care hospitalization within 30 days prior
March 01, 2016 - consequences, including days of limited activity
or missed work and rates of continuing symptoms,
hospitalization … to 34 percent (���) but increased the rate of
reconsultation (���), possibly increased the risk of
hospitalization … associated with an increased number of days
with moderately severe symptoms and possibly increased
risk of hospitalization … or continuing
symptoms at 28 days for URTI or LRTI in primary care
1 RCT ���
— No difference in hospitalizations … Greater reconsultation rate within 4 weeks with CRP testing 3 RCTs ���
— Potentially increased risk of hospitalization
December 01, 2019 - Background
HF hospitalizations in the United States have declined by almost 30 percent during the … clinical expectation that it could have been prevented by providing quality care during the initial hospitalization … However, current clinical practice in the care of adults with HF after hospitalization varies greatly … Encourage them to ask about the availability of transitional care interventions in the event of hospitalization
December 01, 2019 - adverse consequences, including days of limited activity or missed work and rates of continuing symptoms, hospitalization … medium] ) but increased the rate of reconsultation ( [evidence medium] ), possibly increased the risk of hospitalization … associated with an increased number of days with moderately severe symptoms and possibly increased risk of hospitalization … symptoms at 28 days for URTI or LRTI in primary care
[evidence low]
No difference in hospitalizations … within 4 weeks with CRP testing
3 RCTs
[evidence medium]
Potentially increased risk of hospitalization
February 01, 2009 - Pennsylvania Medicare
Medicare data included both Part A (hospitalizations and nursing home stays … Hospitalization with ICD-9 diagnoses22 (in the
principal or secondary position) or DRG23 codes for … Hospitalization with a diagnostic code for congestive heart
Pneumonia. … Hospitalization with a diagnostic code for
bacteremia/septicemia, cellulitis, encephalitis/meningitis … We employed ICD-9 diagnostic codes, CPT procedure codes29, DRG
hospitalization codes, and medication
October 01, 2007 - The odds of hospitalization
were also comparable (relative odds, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.33–1.98). … broad cate-
gories of demographics (age, sex, census division of resi-
dence), utilization variables (hospitalizations … Average Monthly Hospitalization Frequency and Relative Risk of Hospitalization a
Longitudinal Causal … Framework
Medication in Each Time Period
Average Monthly
95% Confidence … Similarly, in Table 6, we
show the average rates of hospitalization and the relative risk
of hospitalization
December 01, 2009 - Failure was indicated by an exacerbation that resulted in a
hospitalization or at least two outpatient … Seventh, patients with a hospitalization during baseline were excluded in an attempt to
focus on a more … Similar rate ratios were seen for
exacerbation and hospitalization rates between groups. … Association between medication regimen and mortality, exacerbation, and hospitalization
Mortality … Association between medication regimen and mortality, exacerbation, and hospitalization
Figure 1.
July 06, 2015 - use of ARB
compared to placebo demonstrated benefit for composite endpoint, and
increased risk of hospitalization … What is the evidence of benefit on other
outcomes such as symptom reporting, hospitalization, revascularization … What is the evidence of benefit on
other outcomes such as symptom reporting, hospitalization, revascularization … What is the evidence of benefit on other outcomes such as symptom reporting, hospitalization,
revascularization … What is the evidence of benefit on other outcomes such as symptom reporting, hospitalization, revascularization
January 24, 2022 - For patients with Omicron infection, hospitalization was used as a proxy for severe, and ICU admission … Primary infections, N (%)
Total: 2747
Symptomatic: 2041 (74)*
Asymptomatic: 118 (4)
Unknown: 588 (21)
Hospitalizations … (13)
Reinfections, N (%)
Total: 210
Symptomatic: 113 (54)*
Asymptomatic: 45 (21)
Unknown: 52 (25)
Hospitalizations … PCR Upon exhibiting symptoms 4 months NR NR 11/12 residents with symptom data were symptommatic. 0 hospitalizations … The outcomes were SARS-CoV-2 infection of any severity and COVID-19 related hospitalization.