
Total Results: 1,864 records

Showing results for "hospitalization".

    October 01, 2010 - unit of analysis was any hospital “case” of rFVIIa use—defined as any application during a patient hospitalization
    April 25, 2013 - No mention of time to clinical worsening (TTCW), only hospitalization. … We cited two studies of prostacyclin’s effect on hospitalization. … Either measurement can be used to predict short term outcomes such as symptoms, walk distance, hospitalizations … minimal data to assess effects on hemodynamics, the positive benefits from PDES-I and ERA on decreasing hospitalizations … combination vs. placebo and vs. monotherapy does appear more favorable with respect to reduction in hospitalizations
    December 01, 2019 - consequences of DVT and PE. 1 Two-thirds of all VTE cases are nonfatal and result in hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations … Although these obese patients were at risk of VTE, their hospitalizations were short, and they were able … assess the optimal drugs, dosages, dose frequency, and duration of pharmacologic prophylaxis during hospitalization … assess the optimal drugs, dosages, dose frequency, and duration of pharmacologic prophylaxis during hospitalization … the comparative effectiveness and safety of pharmacologic prophylaxis for prevention of VTE during hospitalization
    October 01, 2019 - compared to a similar procedure without the heat (sham procedure), does not improve asthma control or hospitalizations … and standard care, did not improve asthma control (defined as ACQ change from baseline to 12 months), hospitalizationsHospitalizations were more common in patients undergoing BT than with either standard care alone or sham … post-procedure segmental atelectasis due to mucus plugging, hemoptysis, chest infections requiring hospitalization … Following the 12-week treatment period, rates of respiratory-related hospitalizations were not significantly
    October 01, 2019 - to no FeNO, reduced the risk of exacerbations (SOE: High) but did not affect other outcomes such as hospitalization
    April 01, 2023 - Life Support have a high risk for blood and fluid exposure, and EMS clinicians had a higher risk of hospitalization
    December 01, 2019 - Hospitalization was less common following CCTA than following usual care at the initial ED visit (moderate
    December 01, 2019 - continuing symptoms, limited activity, missing work, adverse events or lack of efficacy, treatment failure, hospitalizations … intervention framework and better evaluate measures of appropriate prescribing, adverse consequences such as hospitalization
    September 01, 2023 - adverse events (any harm to patients due to medical care), other specified harms (i.e., preventable hospitalizations … Thirteen studies examined preventable hospitalizations or emergency department (ED) visits and reported … Of the 6 RCTs, 3 showed no difference in risk of hospitalization or ED visits for telehealth compared … Telehealth was not inferior to usual care in terms of hospitalizations or ED visits.
    January 01, 2012 - • ARB significantly reduced risk of CHF hospitalization and ESRD; results were mixed regarding … between telmisartan and valsartan in risk of all-cause or cardiovascular mortality, MI, stroke, CHF hospitalization … Mortality: low ESRD: insufficient • BB significantly reduced risk of all-cause mortality, CHF hospitalizations … • There was no significant difference in risk of CHF hospitalization, ESRD, or composite renal … • High-dose statin significantly reduced risk of CHF hospitalization and reduced risk of all composite
    March 01, 2011 - of DVT and PE. 1 Two-thirds of all VTE cases are nonfatal and result in hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations … one-third of these cases are fatal and result in an estimated 300,000 deaths each year. 1,2 The cost of hospitalization … Although these obese patients were at risk of VTE, their hospitalizations were short, and they were … the comparative effectiveness and safety of pharmacologic prophylaxis for prevention of VTE during hospitalization … the comparative effectiveness and safety of pharmacologic prophylaxis for prevention of VTE during hospitalization
    December 01, 2019 - periventricular leukomalacia, seizures, retinopathy of prematurity, sepsis, stillbirth, death within initial hospitalization … periventricular leukomalacia, seizures, retinopathy of prematurity, sepsis, stillbirth, death within initial hospitalization … Periventricular leukomalacia Seizures Retinopathy of prematurity Sepsis Stillbirth Death within initial hospitalization … periventricular leukomalacia, seizures, retinopathy of prematurity, sepsis, stillbirth, death within initial hospitalization … significant intraventricular hemorrhage (grade III/IV); neonatal death and/or death within initial hospitalization
    June 01, 2014 - hospitalized for a respiratory event during the study were tracked to determine the time to next hospitalization … Patients treated with azithromycin experienced 156 respiratory-related hospitalizations compared with … Azithromycin significantly increased the time between the first respiratory-related hospitalization … and the second hospitalization compared with placebo (HR 0.58, 95% CI, 0.34 to 0.99); this effect … Chronic azithromycin therapy decreases the risk of re- hospitalization in patients with COPD.
    September 01, 2011 - , partial hospitalization, and intensive outpatient care). (29) [PC] 9 Table 2. … This could include assessing the circumstances that are best suited for long-term hospitalization to … SH Note: As part of examining the role of inpatient hospitalization, examine: (1) the role of step-down … Compare the effectiveness of management strategies (e.g., inpatient psychiatric hospitalization, crisis … residential services, extended observation, partial hospitalization, intensive outpatient care) for
    August 01, 2012 - November 2011 1 new study reported hospitalization for pulmonary exacerbations among 10 rhGH and … Up-to-date Up-to-date Hospitalization rate: Pooling of 4 RCTs found an improvement with rhGH … However, with the exception of hospitalizations, the benefits on final health outcomes cannot be directly … both prepubertal and adolescent patients had significant improvements in height, weight, LBM, and hospitalizations … greater increases in absolute FVC, FEV1, and bone mineral content vs. control but experience fewer hospitalizations
    July 08, 2015 - Up-to-date No new research was found Length of stay (LOS) for acute hospitalization: Reported in two … Up-to-date No new research was found LOS for acute hospitalization: Reported in two RCTs (n = 89). … LOS for acute hospitalization: The strength of the evidence was rated as moderate. … LOS for acute hospitalization: The strength of the evidence was rated as moderate. … LOS for acute hospitalization (days) was reported in two cohort studies (n = 634), but the pooled
    July 27, 2023 - functional independence, general satisfaction of care, mortality risk, time to nursing home placement, hospitalization … Mortality • Time to nursing home placement • Patient satisfaction • Person-centered outcomes • Hospitalization
    April 18, 2017 - atherosclerotic revascularization procedures (carotid endarterectomy), left ventricular hypertrophy, hospitalization … for heart failure, hospitalization for any cause of coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease … for heart failure, or hospitalization for any cause of coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease … for heart failure, or hospitalization for any cause of coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease … for heart failure, or hospitalization for any cause of coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease
    January 01, 2010 - NCDR using indirect identifiers (non-unique fields that when used in combination may identify unique hospitalizations … Only revascularizations occurring after discharge from the index hospitalization were included in the … analysis estimated ‘cause of death’ after stent implantation according to the primary diagnosis of a hospitalization … during which the patient expired or the most recent hospitalization within 6-months of death. … Stroke and Major Bleeding Few differences in stroke or major bleeding rates requiring re-hospitalization
    October 01, 2022 - focused on seizure freedom and seizure frequency, and few reported other important outcomes such as hospitalization

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