
Total Results: 3,252 records

Showing results for "hospitalization".

    January 01, 2006 - Outcomes assessed were hospital antimicrobial expenditures, mortality, length of hospitalization, and
    January 01, 2011 - hand-off’ that opens the door to many potential medical errors. 23,24 Eliminating 4.7 percent of hospitalizations … Using a script, the subject was asked about: (1) number, approximate dates, and site of all hospitalizations … For any subjects with subsequent hospital utilization since the index hospitalization, we collected … The human and economic costs of preventable hospitalizations and rehospitalizations among urban safety … Repeated Hospitalization for the same disease: a multiplier of national health costs.
    January 01, 2019 - During hospitalization, discharge planning is often initiated late, and input from patients regarding … engage patients and caregivers in improving their knowledge, skills, and confidence during and after hospitalization … discharge readiness, are not well integrated with the EHR, and present challenges when used during hospitalization … lengths of stay, higher DRG weights, and higher HOSPITAL readmission risk scores during their index hospitalization … belief that clinicians will address all items • Encourage patients to review checklist early during hospitalization
    January 01, 2011 - September 2007 – August 2011 AHRQ Funding Amount: $1,180,772 Summary: The transition period between hospitalization … and the first post-hospitalization ambulatory visit has a high risk for medical errors.
    January 01, 2009 - that it is a common chronic illness with exacerbations which frequently result in ED visits and re-hospitalization … This could translate into lower hospitalization and in-hospital mortality rates. … As surrogates for quality of care, we used the hospitalization rate, inpatient LOS, and inpatient mortality … Logistic regression analysis was used to investigate the influence of Internality on hospitalization … In that study ED patients with CHF and prior clinical records demonstrated a lower hospitalization rate
    January 01, 2018 - Aim 2: To pilot evaluate the SLEEPkit, including its effectiveness on patient’s sleep during hospitalization … The Effectiveness of the SLEEPkit on Patient’s Sleep during Hospitalization Hypothesis: We hypothesize … If one patient participant became confused or disorientated during hospitalization (e.g., the development … Average during hospitalization Total sleep time (hours:mins) 5:52±1:58 6:17±2:10 .311 Sleep onset … Pisani, Sleep disturbance after hospitalization and critical illness: a systematic review, Ann.
    January 01, 2011 - Key Words: ambulatory care, health information technology, medication safety, post- hospitalization transitions … following clinical advice about medication use.6 Adverse drug events are particularly common after acute hospitalizations … Drug-related incidents occurring during the course of the hospitalization were not considered relevant … Managing Patient Care Transitions: How Health IT Can Reduce Unnecessary Re-Hospitalization. … Influence of hospitalization on drug therapy in the elderly. J Am Geriatr Soc.
    January 01, 2011 - Health outcome measures included clinical outcome test values, hospitalization rates, and mortality rates … Hospitalization and readmission rates and emergency department visits had not changed over time, but
    January 01, 2012 - Billings Clinic health care system receive notifications by efax, providing basic data on the recent hospitalization … Medical chart reviews were conducted on all participants to confirm the Billings Clinic visits and hospitalizations … standardization and improved provider communication, may improve followup of medically complex patients post-hospitalization
    November 17, 2004 - on the reminder teams received computerized reminders regarding the vaccines throughout the patients hospitalization
    January 01, 2023 - Technology: Patient Portal Population: Clinical Staff/Clinician Empowering patients during hospitalization … Empowering patients during hospitalization: perspectives on inpatient portal use.
    January 01, 2023 - But no such transitional support or instruction is offered during the hospitalization or after discharge … would happen if patients and their families were provided more transition information during their hospitalization
    January 01, 2010 - in clinical status that are associated with disease exacerbation and heightened risk of unscheduled hospitalizations … The primary outcome will be acute hospital care utilization (unplanned hospitalizations and ED visits … and asymptomatic CAD was added because of its prevalence and association with ED visits and unplanned hospitalizations … tests (e.g., no show, cancelled, attended), dates of unplanned utilization (e.g., urgent care, ED, hospitalization … ), dates of discharge from hospitalization, and allergies.
    May 23, 2013 - most important tool to improve care transitions (ONC, 2011) 17 Where do patients go after a hospitalization … side effects  Medication complexity has been identified as an independent contributor to unplanned hospitalizationsHospitalization Models  Logistic regression models predicting the 3 patient outcomes, adjusted …  CDS use, adjusted for propensity scores, was associated with lower hospitalization rates. … ” as the most important tool to improve care transitions (ONC, 2011) Where do patients go after a hospitalization
    January 01, 2024 - This study explored the use of and experiences with sharing inpatient notes during pediatric oncology hospitalization
    January 01, 2024 - effectiveness of a virtual in-home program designed to reduce hospital readmissions among COPD patients post-hospitalization
    January 01, 2010 - Summary Status as of: December 2010 Target Population: Adults Summary: The transition period between hospitalization … and the first post-hospitalization ambulatory visit has a high risk for medical errors.
    January 01, 2011 - Health outcome measures included clinical outcome test values, hospitalization rates, and mortality … Hospitalization and readmission rates and emergency department visits had not changed over time, but
    January 01, 2011 - coordination of data sharing across multiple settings often hamper clinician workflow in the post-hospitalization … generating patient-specific therapeutic monitoring recommendations for high-risk medications in the post-hospitalization
    January 01, 2010 - in clinical status that are associated with disease exacerbation and heightened risk of unscheduled hospitalizations … The primary outcome will be acute hospital care utilization (unplanned hospitalizations and ED visits … asymptomatic CAD was added because of its prevalence and association with ED visits and unplanned hospitalizations … tests (e.g., no show, cancelled, attended), dates of unplanned utilization (e.g., urgent care, ED, hospitalization … ), dates of discharge from hospitalization, and allergies.

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