January 01, 2024 - Predictive modeling to identify children with complex health needs at risk for hospitalization … Predictive modeling to identify children with complex health needs at risk for hospitalization.
January 01, 2009 - adoption
and the rate of e-prescribing use was also evaluated, as was the effect of e-prescribing on hospitalization … People with Chronic Conditions
There was no impact of e-prescribing on mortality or hospitalization … Overall, 25 percent of patients
with a chronic condition had either a death or a hospitalization in
January 01, 2018 - or home setting, although studies of
hospital patients found that most (90%) desired access during hospitalization … used to predict
health-care outcomes including medication adherence, emergency room utilization and hospitalization … we administered a Patient Survey that included two scales which measured:
1) satisfaction with the hospitalization … size was determined based on the hypothesis that patient satisfaction and patient
engagement during hospitalization … The increase in activation over the course of a hospitalization
may underscore the likelihood that patient
September 29, 2024 - Health Care Needs
Predictive modeling to identify children with complex health needs at risk for hospitalization … Predictive modeling to identify children with complex health needs at risk for hospitalization.
January 01, 2018 - decision-making by applying a machine learning algorithm to predict patients’ risk of
acute outcomes and hospitalization … cardiac catheterization, that occurred
in an operating room within 12 hours of ED disposition, (3) hospitalization … care areas were not considered admitted unless their observation ultimately resulted in
inpatient hospitalization … remained similar pre- and post-implementation with the exception of a 3% increase (25.4%
to 28.5%) in hospitalizations … For example, this up-triaged group’s rate of hospitalization was 41.0% compared to 28.1% for the
September 29, 2023 - The large variation in outcomes--from uneventful recovery to hospitalization, intensive care unit admission … COVID-19 patient’s risk of returning to the ED, and for those identified at risk, predict the risk of hospitalization
January 01, 2013 - Results: In 835 hospitalizations (422 pre-intervention, 392 post-intervention); 560 (317 pre- and
243 … Key Words: medical error; hospitalization; medication reconciliation
The authors of this report … published
literature on hospital/PCP communication, communication on medication changes made during
hospitalizations … , and post hospitalization care planning (1, 4-8). … Medications received during the hospitalization and discharge medications were
obtained by EMR following
January 01, 2023 - Outcomes measures included outpatient, ED, and hospitalization utilization rates. … However, there were no differences in outpatient, ED, and hospitalization encounters among the three
January 01, 2023 - Pilot-test the SLEEPkit, including its effectiveness on patient’s sleep during hospitalization, as well … the intervention group using the SLEEPkit or 2) a control group receiving usual care for sleep during hospitalization
June 01, 2006 - events with 85% resulting in temporary harm and requiring medical intervention or initial or prolonged hospitalization
January 01, 2010 - and coordination of data sharing across multiple settings often hamper clinician workflow in the post-hospitalization … generating patient-specific therapeutic monitoring recommendations for high-risk medications in the post-hospitalization
January 01, 2023 - delivery of recommended care to hospitalized patients with heart failure, regardless of the reason for hospitalization
January 01, 2023 - published literature on hospital and PCP communication, communication on medication changes made during hospitalizations … , and post-hospitalization care planning. … primary outcome of discharge medication errors, and on the secondary outcomes of 30-day rates of re-hospitalization
Hospitalization was required for 79 patients, or about 9% of outpatient ADEs.
January 01, 2008 - The impact of the three notification methods on emergency care utilization,
hospitalizations and care … by
patient with asthma
Pts with
Hospitalization in the past month associated with any … diagnosis by a patient with asthma
Commission Hospitalization by
patient with diabetes
Pts with … Study measures
Measurement Focus Measures
Clinical Outcomes:
ED Encounters
ED … encounters per 1000 pt years
Hospitalizations per 1000 pt years
Primary care encounters per 1000 pt
January 01, 2010 - coordination of data sharing across multiple settings
often hamper clinician workflow in the post-hospitalization … generating patient-specific therapeutic monitoring recommendations for
high-risk medications in the post-hospitalization
January 01, 2012 - Follow up OASIS assessment data
were used to identify patients’ hospitalization and emergency department … Hospitalizations and Emergency Department Visits – The measures were derived from the
evaluation of … Comparative analysis on the main outcomes of ED visits, hospitalization and complexity
threshold were … Patients whose nurse used
CDS for their cases had significantly lower hospitalization rates and better … patient-level outcomes – reduction in medication complexity,
and reduction in emergency department visits and hospitalizations
January 01, 2012 - that more than 13 percent of hospitalized Medicare beneficiaries experience an adverse event during hospitalization
January 01, 2011 - and coordination of data sharing across multiple settings often hamper clinician workflow in the post-hospitalization … generating patient-specific therapeutic monitoring recommendations for high-risk medications in the post-hospitalization
January 01, 2010 - Target Population: Adults
Summary: The transition period between hospitalization … and the first post-hospitalization ambulatory visit has a high risk for medical errors.