
Total Results: 3,252 records

Showing results for "hospitalization".

    January 01, 2023 - six-month intervals throughout the course of the study, we measured emergency department encounter rates, hospitalization
    January 01, 2019 - Support Funded Amount: $792,333 Suboptimal prescribing can result in repeated ED visits, hospitalizations … Preventable suboptimal prescribing can result in repeated ED visits, hospitalizations, or other adverse
    July 22, 1996 - the US Preventive Services Taskforce, as reminders on the computer screen or suggested orders. 1,622 hospitalizations
    January 01, 2023 - Concord Hospital Electronic Communications Across Provider Settings Description Integrated an office-based EMR within an acute care hospital, rural community health centers, a community mental health center, a family medicine residency, private physician practices, and a home …
    January 01, 2023 - Huron Hospital CCHS-East Huron Hospital CPOE Project Description Created an information management environment that integrated patient care data, standardized practice variation and use of best practices, and supported the delivery of a seamless continuum of patient care throu…
    January 01, 2023 - Woman's Hospital Distance Management of High-Risk Obstetrical Patients Description Developed a technology plan to improve access to maternal-fetal medicine services throughout the State and guided the implementation of telemedicine capabilities to provide real-time remote diag…
    January 01, 2023 - Military Hospital A Longitudinal Machine Learning Approach Providing Clinicians Timely Detection to Prevent Military Suicide Description This research will develop and validate a clinician-facing longitudinal risk-prediction tool using self-reported data from US military servi…
    January 01, 2023 - SCOPE Background and Context Traditional hospitalization is expensive and resource intensive, accounting … patients and their caregivers navigate the complex decision-making process of choosing between discrete hospitalization
    January 01, 2015 - countries, and applied to 60+ million patients to help predict various healthcare events (including hospitalization … Besides future hospitalizations, the current ACG predictive models have multiple prediction capabilities … Post-hospitalization transitions: Examining the effects of timing of primary care provider follow-up.
    Evaluation Method:  Measures of influenza vaccinations, and percentage of patients with hospitalizations … to 33,451 to 71,075 cases per year), and the investigators modeled the percentage of patients with hospitalizations … intervention group and those in the control group was significant for emergency room visits (P < 0.05), hospitalizations
    January 01, 2023 - The resource-use measures include emergency department visits, nonelective hospitalizations, and office … our outcomes, e.g., 80 percent power to detect a 3 percent change in the relative rate of nonelective hospitalizations … Implementation of an outpatient electronic health record and emergency department visits, hospitalizations … Implementation of an outpatient electronic health record and emergency department visits, hospitalizations
    July 01, 2011 - Asthma can range from relatively mild to quite severe, and is the third leading cause of hospitalizations … In 2004, asthma accounted for nearly 500,000 hospitalizations and 1.8 million emergency department … Analysis of asthma prevalence and hospitalization data suggests that the trends in Minnesota parallel … The asthma hospitalization rates for children under 5 in Minneapolis are almost 50 percent higher than … acute asthma exacerbations that require intervention in an emergency department and/or an inpatient hospitalization
    December 31, 2007 - , the Information Technology Systems for Rural Indian Clinic Healthcare aims to prevent unnecessary hospitalizations … The system will provide a window into hospitalizations and how they can be prevented.
    January 01, 2023 - , the Information Technology Systems for Rural Indian Clinic Healthcare aims to prevent unnecessary hospitalizations … The system will provide a window into hospitalizations and how they can be prevented.
    January 01, 2020 - Closing the Gap: Supporting Patients' Transition to Self-Management after Hospitalization.
    July 11, 2012 - Preventing Falls and Injury While in the Hospital Preventing Falls and Injury While in the Hospital You have one or more health conditions that make it likely that you may either fall or become injured if you fall. Knowing that you are more likely to fall, we want to work with you to prevent you from fall…
    January 26, 2009 - Document Workflow Assessment Guide - Hospital Document Workflow Assessment Guide: Hospital HealthInsight, Salt Lake City UT This is an interview guide designed to be conducted with staff in an inpatient setting. The tool includes questions to assess user's needs of health information exchange. Permission has been…
    January 01, 2023 - Factors associated with Iowa rural hospitals' decision to convert to critical access hospital status. Citation Li P, Ward MM, Schneider JE. Factors associated with Iowa rural hospitals' decision to convert to critical access hospital status. J Rural Health 2009 Winter;25(1):70-6. Link http://w…
    January 01, 2023 - Implementation of an outpatient electronic health record and emergency department visits, hospitalizations … Implementation of an outpatient electronic health record and emergency department visits, hospitalizations
    January 01, 2024 - Advancing Health Information Exchange During Inter-Hospital Transfer to Improve Patient Outcomes Project Description Publications Research Story An enhanced health information exchange platform that improves workflow, interoperability, and visualization of data for …

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