
Total Results: 3,252 records

Showing results for "hospitalization".

    January 01, 2023 - access are demonstrated by the fact that, in 61% of SC counties, over 50% of residents who require hospitalization … patient monitoring (RPM) for C-19+ patients: adult C-19+ patients across the state who do not require hospitalization … RPM for C-19+ patients: adult C-19+ patients across the state who do not require hospitalization and … • Changes in Stroke Hospitalization Rates and Outcomes in South Carolina in the 10 Months after COVID … -19.14 This study found that trends in acute ischemic stroke (AIS) hospitalizations in SC changed considerably
    January 01, 2023 - access are demonstrated by the fact that, in 61% of SC counties, over 50% of residents who require hospitalization … RPM for C-19 positive patients: adult C- 19 positive patients across the state who do not require hospitalization … RPM for C-19+ patients: adult C-19+ patients across the state who do not require hospitalization and … • Changes in Stroke Hospitalization Rates and Outcomes in South Carolina in the 10 Months after … COVID-19.14 This study found that trends in acute ischemic stroke (AIS) hospitalizations in SC changed
    January 01, 2023 - Results: There were 46,706 eligible hospitalizations across the four influenza seasons. … one missed opportunity for vaccination, highlighting the potential for improving vaccination during hospitalization … We classified each eligible hospitalization as part of influenza vaccine order group intervention if … if the patient had an active order for influenza vaccination but no administrations during the hospitalization … In addition, this study included hospitalizations before and during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    January 01, 2023 - Managing Patient Care Transitions: How Health IT can reduce unnecessary re-hospitalizations. … Managing Patient Care Transitions: How Health IT can reduce unnecessary re-hospitalizations. … Managing Patient Care Transitions: How Health IT can reduce unnecessary re-hospitalizations.
    January 01, 2023 - The project team plans to study how and why patient activation increased over the course of a hospitalization
    January 01, 2015 - IT in a county was found to significantly lower rates of ambulatory care sensitive (ACS) Medicare hospitalizations … health care services are provided and are an area in which potential cost savings from preventing hospitalizations … subset of the “Pediatric Quality Indicators” (PDIs), we computed rates of ambulatory care sensitive hospitalizations … market and demographic characteristics of the population that are likely to influence the county ACS hospitalization … The absolute magnitude of the decline in hospitalizations for chronic conditions is larger, but the
    June 08, 2005 - Memphis Managed Care-TLC, Omnicare Financial Measures Dollar Savings (millions) Reduced inpatient hospitalization
    June 08, 2005 - Memphis Managed Care-TLC, Omnicare Financial Measures Dollar Savings (millions) Reduced inpatient hospitalization
    June 08, 2005 - Memphis Managed Care-TLC, Omnicare Financial Measures Dollar Savings (millions) Reduced inpatient hospitalization
    January 01, 2005 - SynergyHealth - St. Joseph's Hospital: Designing a safe hospital AHRQ Patient Safety & Health IT 2006 Strengthening the Connections Designing a Safe Hospital John G. Reiling, Principal Investigator SynergyHealth St. Joseph’s Hospital Latent Conditions Errors in the design, organization, training or mainten…
    September 01, 2010 - A review of 15 randomized trials of the effects of care coordination on hospitalization, quality of care … Effects of care coordination on hospitalization, quality of care, and health care expenditures among … Effects of care coordination on hospitalization, quality of care, and health care expenditures among
    January 01, 2024 - Consequences of suboptimal prescribing include an increased risk of repeat ED visits, hospitalizations … care setting increases the chance of adverse drug events (ADEs), which can lead to repeat ED visits, hospitalization … Support Funded Amount: $792,333 Suboptimal prescribing can result in repeated ED visits, hospitalizations … Preventable suboptimal prescribing can result in repeated ED visits, hospitalizations, or other adverse
    January 01, 2019 - Requirements Examples Patient journey Track current VTE prophylaxis orders throughout the patient hospitalization … Dashboard of hospitalization to date showing relevant information trended over the stay Provide … VTE prophylaxis is a process that involves many different people and roles at various stages of the hospitalization … needs to be designed to support the whole process (instead of a single task) throughout the patient hospitalization
    January 01, 2023 - Pediatric asthma hospitalizations among urban minority children and the continuity of primary care. … Pediatric asthma hospitalizations among urban minority children and the continuity of primary care.
    June 03, 2010 - of asthma-specific meds and 4 outpatient visits coded with asthma Dx  Asthma-related ED visit or hospitalization … measures  Comparisons to manual chart review (~450 patients at each site)  Outcomes studies  Death, Hospitalizations
    February 15, 2008 - the status of your patient assessments and interventions, and patient fall history during current hospitalization
    January 01, 2011 - with diabetes resulted in an overall reduction in medical care costs, emergency room visits, and hospitalizations … subjects and touched subjects) ED encounters per 100 pt years (all subjects and touched subjects) Hospitalizations … # Outpatient 46.0 46.6 0.42 44.5 0.81 45.7 Emergency Department 0.87 0.84 0.77 0.89 0.47 0.87 Hospitalization … # Outpatient 52.4 53.4 0.14 48.3 0.98 51.4 Emergency Department 1.04 1.02 0.80 1.16 0.01 1.07 Hospitalization … Effect of medication nonadherence on hospitalization and mortality among patients with diabetes mellitus
    January 01, 2017 - care quality, and Medicare beneficiaries who have a diagnosis of CHF have the highest overall re-hospitalization … Although many risk factors that have been identified as predictors of a patient’s likelihood of re-hospitalization … patients seen within 24 hours of admission to home care; percentage of CHF patients with high risk of hospitalization … Risk factors for hospitalization in a national sample of medicare home health care patients.
    January 01, 2023 - Implementation of an outpatient electronic health record and emergency department visits, hospitalizations … Implementation of an outpatient electronic health record and emergency department visits, hospitalizations
    January 01, 2023 - Reducing emergency room visits and in-hospitalizations by implementing best practice for transitional … Reducing emergency room visits and in-hospitalizations by implementing best practice for transitional

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