
Total Results: 3,252 records

Showing results for "hospitalization".

    January 01, 2023 - effectiveness of a virtual in-home program designed to reduce hospital readmissions among COPD patients post-hospitalization
    January 01, 2023 - Furthermore, adoption of pull HIE was associated with a decrease in potentially avoidable hospitalization … Medicare beneficiaries, providers that used pull HIE were associated with a 15% relative decrease in hospitalization … Push HIE adoption was not associated with change in hospitalization or readmissions.
    January 01, 2023 - Nearly 5 million Americans have HF (the leading cause of hospitalization) with an estimated $40 billion … In Stage 1, the incidence of hospitalization and/or ER visits with Standard Care were compared to the … Management to test the hypothesis that Case Management will have a lower incidence of ER visits and/or hospitalization … Management to test the hypothesis that both interventions are equivalent in reducing ER visits and/or hospitalization … living with CHF must actively manage their condition, or risk facing serious complications, frequent hospitalizations
    January 01, 2023 - o Develop ML algorithms to predict the risk of ED return and, among returns, risk of hospitalization … Secondary target variables: ED return hospitalization and ED return mortality Models were trained on … two secondary target variables 1) hospitalization within 9 days of discharge from the ED index visit … /no hospitalization cohort and mortality/no mortality cohort. … Hospitalization Hospitalization N = 25,636 N = 818 Demographic Factors Age (mean) 44.3 55.4
    January 01, 2024 - Care Health Care Theme Clinical Decision Making Shared Decision Making Hospitalization … Hospital at Home (HaH) is an alternative to costly and high-risk inpatient hospitalization, where care … to implement to help patients and their caregivers navigate the complex process of choosing between hospitalization … Home” may be underutilized For a subset of patients experiencing acute illness that requires inpatient hospitalization
    January 01, 2023 - effectiveness of a virtual in-home program designed to reduce hospital readmissions among COPD patients post-hospitalization
    September 26, 2019 - Early expected discharge date accuracy during hospitalization: A multivariable analysis. … Early expected discharge date accuracy during hospitalization: A multivariable analysis.
    January 01, 2023 - But no such transitional support or instruction is offered during the hospitalization or after discharge … would happen if patients and their families were provided more transition information during their hospitalization
    January 01, 2023 - Sociotechnical Metrics To Inform Health IT Adaptation Empowering patients during hospitalization … Empowering patients during hospitalization: perspectives on inpatient portal use.
    October 31, 2024 - Communication problems in  clinical settings can lead to poor health outcomes and increased hospitalization … an effective process for proactively reaching patients with unmet interpreter needs early in their hospitalization … machine learning algorithms to reliably identify NELP patients with complex care needs early in their hospitalization
    May 19, 2014 - The discharge checklist collates patient information, providing a summary of the patient’s re­ cent hospitalization … Enhancements to the EHR system included: 1) an electronic discharge checklist summarizing a patient’s hospitalization … diagnostic test results and 2) an automated fax mechanism to notify PCPs of their patient’s recent hospitalization
    August 12, 2005 - for asthma Hospitalization for diabetes Care Quality No mammogram in 2 years No Pap smear in 3 years … encounter for asthma / diabetes / low severity / 3rd in 90 days daily CHW, CLM, PCP monthly weekly Hospitalization … ED Encounters Hospitalizations ED encounters per 1000 pt years Hospitalizations per 1000 pt years Primary … ED costs Hospitalization Costs Costs of HIT interventions including personnel/hardware/software costs … Co-pay costs Professional fees Technical fees Pharmaceutical reimbursement ED costs Hospitalization
    January 01, 2012 - Re-hospitalizations, emergency department visits and office visits to providers outside the medical … Their SNF stays were primarily due to a need for prolonged nursing care after hospitalizations, many … Office visits, lab tests, hospitalizations, and emergency department visits during the intervention … the short time period many of these patients spent at home after the SNF discharge; 63% of the re-hospitalizations … Influence of hospitalization on drug therapy in the elderly.
    January 01, 2011 - 2007 - August 2011 AHRQ Funding Amount $1,180,772 Summary: The transition period between hospitalization … and the first post-hospitalization ambulatory visit has a high risk for medical errors.
    January 01, 2023 - Predictive modeling to identify children with complex health needs at risk for hospitalization … Predictive modeling to identify children with complex health needs at risk for hospitalization.
    January 01, 2007 - The Pra score came from a logistic model of age, gender, prior hospitalizations, prior doctor visits … Follow up occurred until 6 months after discharge from index hospitalization. … Before discharge, patients received a logbook to record post-discharge symptoms, hospitalizations, and … 10 hospitalists and adjusted for baseline characteristics that predicted readmission: previous hospitalizations … Compliance with post-hospitalization follow-up visits: rationing by inconvenience?
    January 01, 2023 - hospital without cause, with a significant proportion experiencing negative health outcomes related to the hospitalization … ED physicians are often challenged because these patients do not require acute care or hospitalization
    January 01, 2023 - care providers for patients discharged from the hospital, improves patients’ medication adherence post-hospitalization … technological design and implementation of the smart pillbox show promise to improve medication adherence post-hospitalization
    January 01, 2009 - adoption and the rate of e-prescribing use was also evaluated, as was the effect of e-prescribing on hospitalization … People with Chronic Conditions There was no impact of e-prescribing on mortality or hospitalization … Overall, 25 percent of patients with a chronic condition had either a death or a hospitalization in the
    August 16, 2021 - Improved outcome included a decrease in hospitalization rate.

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