October 01, 2016 - As needed, SCC staff members
accompany patients on specialist visits, or visit patients during hospitalization … high-risk, high-
cost plan members in an attempt to reduce utilization (e.g., emergency room visits and
hospitalizations … The SCC
▌pg. 8
team may see patients during their hospital stay and/or in their homes after hospitalization
January 01, 2004 - noticeable to the patient
unless the organ system was stressed, and medical intervention—but
not hospitalization—may … Medical Errors
• severe harm - a major change in some organ function that typically
would require hospitalization
May 01, 2014 - medication)
Falls, serious injury: require stitches, immobilization, ED assessment or treatment, surgery, hospitalization
May 01, 2018 - do not achieve good control of their diabetes may develop symptoms that require correction through hospitalization
December 01, 2021 - Deaths per 1,000 elective-surgery admissions having developed
specified complications of care during hospitalization … patients who had an emergency department visit and OASIS 2018
Home health care patients
without a hospitalization … patients who had an emergency department visit and OASIS 2018
Home health care patients
without a hospitalization
April 27, 2004 - The direct costs of
hospitalizations were obtained from the National Data Extract (NDE) of the DSS … Two hundred ninety seven patients had more serious injuries that required
hospitalization. … Risk of a
new benzodiazepine prescription in relation to recent
hospitalization. … Trends in
hospitalizations after injury: older women are
displacing young men. … CCS* injuries and costs for inpatient hospitalizations while on benzodiazepines,
Table 2.
June 01, 2018 - Coordination Measures
Transitions of Care
Preventable Emergency Department Visits
Potentially Avoidable Hospitalizations
January 01, 2019 - in Daily Life
The effect of SCD on children and families is significant; severe pain episodes and
hospitalizations … low-income children with SCD between 2004 and
2007, 27 percent of these children required inpatient hospitalization … In this study, hydroxyurea was associated with significant medical cost savings because
of reduced hospitalization … • Hydroxyurea therapy ameliorates anemia, leading to fewer vaso‐occlusive events and
hospitalizations … The trial’s striking findings regarding the reduction of pain
events, acute chest syndrome, hospitalizations
January 01, 2013 - Followup after hospitalization for mental illness (NCQA). … , or
partial hospitalization with a mental health practitioner within 7 or 30 days after discharge … Child and adolescent hospitalizations for mental health conditions typically indicate high
levels of … In 1997, 37.6 percent of all child inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations were paid for
by Medicaid … Mental Health and Substance
Abuse Hospitalizations with Medicaid as Expected Payer, 2006 HCUPNet KID
January 01, 2014 - Therefore, reviewers had to screen
chest X-rays and culture results for all
hospitalization days … The
first 30 days of hospitalization from a total
of 960 randomly selected charts (80 per
site) … The study population consisted of a random
sample of 278 Medicare beneficiary
hospitalizations selected … The final sample included 1,807,488
index hospitalizations and 262,026
readmissions. … The odds of readmission were 23% higher
for index hospitalizations with any PSI
event compared with
October 01, 2016 - The nurses address urgent patient
education needs, such as post-hospitalization education or insulin … The nurses address urgent patient
education needs such as post-hospitalization education or insulin … Care transition
Following ER visit or hospitalization, patient is scheduled for a nurse
February 26, 2008 - importance of calling and wait for assistance during activities that
increase risk of falling during hospitalization … , wrist bands, signage, electronic/written
• Collaborate with physician (early in hospitalization … Temporal
association between hospitalization and rate of falls
after discharge.
March 10, 2008 - area-level numerators captures patients who were admitted due to
complications that occurred in previous hospitalizations … defining denominators often requires the use of diagnosis-
related groups (DRGs) to identify eligible hospitalizations … Consequently, maternal hospitalizations
should be excluded from the population at risk. … They reported that 63.1 percent
of the cases identified by 20 PSI numerators occurred during hospitalization … Excess length of stay, charges,
and mortality attributable to medical injuries during
June 01, 2010 - Avoidable hospitalizations. … With regard to avoidable hospitalizations, the Prevention Quality Indicators (PQIs) developed by AHRQ … There are several challenges in adopting the PQIs, in both collecting data and linking hospitalization … TEP members provided feedback suggesting that some of the constructs we examined, including avoidable hospitalizations
April 01, 2022 - After hospitalization, when these patients return to the community, intermittent catheterization enhances
September 20, 2016 - adult inpatient discharges for a given 1-year period, less exclusions listed below
• Numerator: all hospitalizations … A focus on patients with a personal history of repeated hospitalizations is data informed. … readmissions from high-utilizing patients 56% A focus on patients with a personal history of repeated hospitalizations
March 01, 2010 - whose physician reviewed long-term
therapeutic plan have fewer ED visits, urgent office visits,
and hospitalizations
February 01, 2019 - Your ASC provides surgical procedural services to patients that do not require hospitalization,
except … and have a valid CMS certification number or CCN and they do provide surgeries
that do not require hospitalizations … really meant to look at sites that are certified by CMS and provide surgeries that don't require
any hospitalization
October 01, 2014 - Improved treatment of coronary heart disease by implementation of a Cardiac Hospitalization Atherosclerosis
October 01, 2014 - Several studies found decreased health care utilization overall, including lower ER use and hospitalizations … One article found a significant decrease in the risk of hospitalization (16 percent), while another found … Diabetes care management participation in a primary care setting and subsequent hospitalization risk.