
Total Results: 8,766 records

Showing results for "hospitalization".

    February 01, 2023 - Assessment of patient retention of inpatient care information post-hospitalization .
    July 01, 2022 - information require review and reconciliation: Patient's list of home medications prior to their hospitalization
    July 01, 2022 - Data from AHRQ's Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project helped to highlight a jump in hospitalizations … AHRQ showed that hospitalization rates more than doubled between 1993 and 2012, when there were more
    July 28, 2016 - A focus on patients with a personal history of repeated hospitalizations is data informed. … o Prompt for patient/caregiver understanding of the reason for hospitalization. … – Considering “whole‐person” needs following a hospitalization is a commitment to delivering safe … A brief reason for hospitalization and principal diagnosis Many patients do not know why they were … Utilization Summary: • [summarize past 12 months of ED visits, hospitalizations, relevant diagnostic
    January 01, 2024 - Disease and Health (452) Hepatitis (41) Home Healthcare (141) Hospital Discharge (220) Hospitalization … Using data from the Nursing Home Stay file, 2006-2008, they found that three fifths of hospitalizations … Staffing, quality, and reimbursement affected avoidable, but not unavoidable, hospitalizations. … Potentially avoidable hospitalizations for elderly long-stay residents in nursing homes. … Keywords: Elderly, Hospitalization, Long-Term Care, Nursing Homes, Policy Easter JS , Haukoos
    February 01, 2014 - management) for depression after myocardial infarction on medication adherence, cardiovascular events, hospitalization
    October 01, 2015 - reductions in emergency care and primary care services, though studies also found some evidence of reduced hospitalization
    March 01, 2017 - reductions in emergency care and primary care services, though studies also found some evidence of reduced hospitalization
    June 01, 2023 - Thus, those patients ill enough to require hospitalization and to have worse outcomes are also most likely
    December 01, 2017 - Consequences of Falls Serious injury such as hip fracture Increased risk of death associated with hospitalization
    January 01, 2014 - Data Infographic: Women have higher rates of opioid-related hospitalizations in most states Opioid-related … Women have higher rates of opioid-related hospitalizations in most states Fast Stats Source: AHRQ
    March 01, 2015 - Measure Importance In 2009, 6.4 million children between 0 and 17 years old experienced a hospitalization … That same year, total costs for children’s hospitalizations were $33.6 billion, roughly 9 percent of
    July 01, 2018 - a clinic assistant—on the patient's ability to ask questions or raise concerns during pre- or post-hospitalization … issues and any patient or family member concerns. 32 , 192 Helping patients reconcile pre- and post-hospitalization … transition coach (nurse practitioner) who helped patients reconcile medications and prepare for post-hospitalization … , intervention group participants had a significantly lower rate of emergency department visits and hospitalizations … Similarly, the shared care or daily plans discussed above can be updated to reflect the most recent hospitalization
    April 04, 2008 - available in the inpatient data and were consistent over multiple records (for patients with more than one hospitalization … Results Table 1 shows the sample characteristics overall and by race at the hospitalization level. … of PSI per 1,000 hospitalizations.; d = Risk- adjusted rate of PSI per 1,000 hospitalizations (AHRQ … of PSI per 1,000 hospitalizations.; d = Risk-adjusted rate of PSI per 1,000 hospitalizations (AHRQ … that a given PSI has accurately flagged all related preventable AEs that occurred during the index hospitalization
    January 01, 2024 - Determine the rate of recurrent VTE and major bleeding during hospitalization and after discharge. 6 … postoperative patients will develop some form of DVT, and VTE is associated with more than 300,000 hospitalizations … appropriate outpatient therapy; the change in the rate of recurrent VTE and major bleeding during hospitalization … with appropriate outpatient therapy; decrease the rate of recurrent VTE and major bleeding during hospitalization
    October 01, 2023 - Risk factors for opioid-related adverse drug events among older adults after hospitalization for major
    January 01, 2018 - content that will be covered; specify how follow-up with patients will be conducted 20 CC During Hospitalization … CC for CR should start during hospitalization, with Getting to know the patient and their concerns and
    September 18, 2011 - Indicative of need for hospitalization for post operative wound treatment. … Rather than a preoperative risk factor, this finding was indicative of the need for hospitalization for
    November 06, 2017 - of investigating and following up after an adverse event, such as a fall or a pressure ulcer, or a hospitalization … is more difficult for staff to identify which residents are at risk for a fall or pressure ulcer or hospitalization …  For example, pneumonia is the most common condition associated with potentially avoidable hospitalizations … events: pressure ulcers, pressure ulcers that are not healing appropriately, falls, and preventable hospitalizations …  Pressure Ulcer Healing, Falls, and Avoidable Hospitalization reports and worksheets have been
    November 30, 2010 - the effects of a DRP list generated by MTM clinicians on patient safety (measured by number of ADEs, hospitalizations … risk for a drug related problem (DRP): Change in medication, new physician visit, ER visit, hospitalization … Baseline rate of hospitalization or ER use within 30 days prior to study initiation will be captured … reduction with MTM, so a decision was made to pursue the more frequently occurring ADEs, ER visits, and hospitalizations … procedures, from one provider to another) have been identified as high prevalence times for ADEs, hospitalization

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