
Total Results: 8,766 records

Showing results for "hospitalization".

    May 20, 2016 - which hospitals do not receive the higher payment for cases when the condition was acquired during hospitalization … Predictors of falls and hospitalization outcomes in elderly patients admitted to an acute geriatric unit
    October 01, 2014 - Identify medical and nursing notes from the first 24 hours of hospitalization. … Identify nursing notes from the first 24 hours of hospitalization.
    May 01, 2018 - Since most hospitalizations for asthma are from the ED, and many ED visits that result in hospitalization … An ED visit that results in hospitalization must be counted as a single numerator event. … Consecutive days of hospitalization are considered to represent one hospitalization. … Prior hospitalization with asthma as primary or secondary diagnosis b. … Asthma exacerbations (including ED visits and subsequent 8 hospitalizations) are consequential
    July 01, 2021 - It is associated with increased hospitalizations and emergency department (ED) visits, as well as racial … A significant proportion of asthma hospitalizations can be avoided with appropriate primary care asthma … Does quality of care affect rates of hospitalization for childhood asthma?
    June 01, 2021 - Trends and Disparities in Delivery Hospitalizations Involving Severe Maternal Morbidity, 2006–2015 ( … Prevalence, Trends, Outcomes, and Disparities in Hospitalizations for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease … Hospitalization Outcomes and Racial Disparities in Cervical Cancer Patients: An Analysis of the National
  6. References (pdf file)
    October 23, 2013 - Direct medical costs of bronchiolitis hospitalizations in the United States. … National hospitalization trends for pediatric pneumonia and associated complications. … U.S. hospitalizations for pneumonia after a decade of pneumococcal vaccination. … At-home recovery following hospitalization for bronchiolitis. … Epidemiology, complications, and cost of hospitalization in children with laboratory-confirmed influenza
    September 17, 2020 - Evidence is insufficient to make conclusions about other important outcomes such as hospitalization, … Evidence is insufficient to make conclusions about other important outcomes such as hospitalization, … Evidence was insufficient to estimate an effect on important outcomes such as pain, hospitalization, … • Evidence was insufficient to estimate an effect on important outcomes such as pain, hospitalization … No significant difference was found on number of amputation (Appendix Figure Q.1.2.), hospitalization
    January 01, 2013 - Ambulatory Care-Sensitive Conditions: Negative Outcomes and Unnecessary Hospitalization We predicted … that hospitalizations related to ambulatory care-sensitive conditions would be positively associated … In brief, both the Coverage and Duration measures often showed a significant association with ACSC hospitalizations … , but in the direction of increased Coverage and Duration leading to increased likelihood of hospitalization … county-level coverage was significantly associated (p<0.01) with a 3.3% and 1.1% decreased odds of hospitalization
    December 01, 2017 - members of their health care team are more likely to see their health conditions improve (following a hospitalization
    April 01, 2015 - • Hospitalization rates for all patients, including those with diabetes, were stable before PCMH
    September 02, 2016 - the patients/caregivers if they are willing to have a 5- to 10-minute discussion about their recent hospitalizations … Prompt for patient/caregiver understanding of the reason for hospitalization.
    June 01, 2019 - Fiscal Burden of the Condition Increased hospitalizations contribute to higher healthcare costs and … level could have prevented the readmission, may provide insight into care practices that could limit hospitalizations … Preventing hospitalizations in children with medical complexity: A systematic review. … The effect of influenza on hospitalizations, outpatient visits, and courses of antibiotics in children … Hospitalization of rural and urban infants during the first year of life.
    September 01, 2018 - Asthma is also a leading cause of hospitalization for children in the United States, responsible for … chronic disease of childhood and is the leading cause of childhood school absences, ED visits, and hospitalizations … dispensing ICS at the time of discharge from the ED led to fewer return visits to the ED and fewer hospitalizations … improve patient outcomes by reducing the frequency of urgent care and ED visits and the number of hospitalizations … Children enrolled in Medicaid are at a higher risk for asthma hospitalization, and many do not receive
    May 01, 2015 - Discharge (RED) Toolkit , a discharge planning resource to help patients prepare for life at home after hospitalization
    June 01, 2020 - Example : You can measure the current baseline rate of adolescent immunization, the hospitalization rate … Has the hospitalization rate declined? Has satisfaction with wait times increased?
    July 01, 2018 - score (indicating better adherence to the medical home model) was significantly associated with lower hospitalization … controlling for patients' chronic conditions, overall MHI practice score was significantly associated with hospitalization … The care coordination domain was also associated with lower hospitalization rates. … score (indicating better adherence to the medical home model) was significantly associated with lower hospitalization … The care coordination domain was also associated with lower hospitalization rates.
    April 28, 2008 - characteristics other than teaching status, we used logistic regression analysis to estimate whether a hospitalization … in a teaching hospital was more likely to incur a PSI event than a hospitalization in a nonteaching … suggest that, after accounting for other hospital characteristics and for patient risk factors, a hospitalization … at a teaching facility may have similar or greater likelihood of a PSI event in comparison with hospitalization … Excess length of stay, charges, and mortality attributable to medical injuries during hospitalization
    August 30, 2016 - Considering “whole-person” needs following a hospitalization is a commitment to delivering safe, effective … behavioral health comorbidity, or any unmet social need] [e.g., patients with a personal history of 4+ hospitalizations
    October 01, 2015 - The PSIs use administrative data in the typical hospitalization discharge record to identify potential
    March 01, 2013 - the RED, the RED consisted of 11 mutually reinforcing components that are delivered throughout the hospitalization … Answer phone calls from patients, family, and other caregivers with questions about the AHCP, hospitalization … enter the RED components into the Workstation as the DE gathers information throughout the patient's hospitalization

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