April 01, 2015 - “It was very useful to hear the lessons learned across the board, and in
particular, to talk with the … “The larger group got to hear from two people who
were experienced with the model and knew that it
September 01, 2020 - Return to Contents
Slide 13/When to Consult an Authorized Representative
Select the image to hear … They may not be able to hear everything you are saying, instead tending to focus on the negative aspects … Select each image to hear their stories regarding language barriers. … For example, you could say: “I hear you're worried about not being able to walk much this summer. … Doctor: I hear how much you'd like to go home and get back to the rest of your family.
April 01, 2015 - “It was very useful to hear the lessons learned across the board, and in particular, to talk with the … “The larger group got to hear from two people who were experienced with the model and knew that it worked
August 01, 2022 - “We continue to hear about trust and communication [and] that patients feel their doctor didn’t hear
January 18, 2017 - Slide 13/When to Consult an Authorized Representative
Select the image to hear Cecile’s real life story … , and if immediate treatment is not
required, you should wait until your patient is better able to hear … Select each image to hear their stories regarding language barriers. … For example, you could say: “I hear you’re worried about not being able to
walk much this summer. … Doctor: I hear how much you’d like to go home and get back to the rest of your family.
November 01, 2023 - Palabras)
Add the following text before the questions:
Health care providers find it helpful to hear
November 01, 2023 - Using the complete item set
separately from the survey provides an opportunity to
• hear directly … respondents to
answer the prompts:
In Your Own Words
Health care providers find it helpful to hear
July 01, 2023 - Skip to main content
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December 01, 2023 - 19, 2020
This AHRQ webcast provided an opportunity to hear
January 01, 2011 - So a lot of times we hear from leaders that they really do want to be supportive and they really
September 01, 2020 - Skip to main content
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July 25, 2018 - Just a quick soundcheck, can folks hear me okay?
Joann Sorra
Yes, we can, yes. … to
solutions and understanding broader foundational issues like patient safety culture that you'll hear … We hear about this both for physicians
and for nurses. … If I report a problem with the system do I hear back about what's been
changed or not changed? … on Patient Safety
Culture and about use of Health IT as it relates to culture and now we're gonna hear
January 01, 2017 - facilitate linking of narrative responses to responses
to closed-ended questions
• On its own
• To hear
June 01, 2020 - are so thrilled to have so much interest in patient safety culture and
these resources that you'll hear … I think you'll hear a little bit more about how the culture surveys follow that
interest. … Again, you'll
hear more about; but also improving communication and engagement between clinicians and … thing that I want to mention just to provide some context, additional context for the work that you'll hear … Can you hear me okay?
Laura Gray
We sure can. Thank you, Jeff.
Jeff Brady
Sure, yes.
September 01, 2019 - Advice From Report Sponsors and Researchers
Hear directly from report sponsors and leading researchers
July 22, 2021 - Mental Health Services Administration
VA Veterans Affairs
The aims of the meeting were to: (1) Hear
August 01, 2022 - Patients want to hear from their care providers and/or the organization an explanation of what happened … knowledge and experience in the following:
Active listening skills—listener tells the speaker what they hear
September 01, 2015 - For
meetings to be the most effective, we want to hear from everybody. … • “Tom, I hear how concerned you are about the patient wait times. … Let’s hear what others have to say on this topic. … I’m curious to hear what others are thinking
about what you’ve said and the other issues raised. … Let’s hear from them now.”
April 01, 2018 - The easiest way to remember how to implement this law is the saying, "What you see or hear here, must
January 01, 2010 - What would they hear or see?
If you could describe the office in one word, what would it be?