October 29, 2012 - Study
A patient safety dilemma: obesity in the surgical patient.
Citation Text:
Goode V, Phillips E, DeGuzman P, et al. A Patient Safety Dilemma: Obesity in the Surgical Patient. AANA J. 2016;84(6):404-412.
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November 29, 2009 - Book/Report
Maximizing the Use of State Adverse Event Data to Improve Patient Safety.
Citation Text:
Maximizing the Use of State Adverse Event Data to Improve Patient Safety. Rosenthal J, Booth M. National Academy for State Health Policy; 2005.
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August 17, 2018 - Study
Factors associated with emergency department visits and hospital admissions after invasive outpatient procedures in the Veterans Health Administration.
Citation Text:
Mull HJ, Gellad ZF, Gupta RT, et al. Factors Associated With Emergency Department Visits and Hospital Admissions Af…
July 13, 2010 - Commentary
Optimal preoperative assessment of the geriatric surgical patient: a best practices guideline from the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality Improvement Program and the American Geriatrics Society.
Citation Text:
Chow WB, Rosenthal RA, Merkow RP, et al. Optim…
August 02, 2015 - Study
Variation in hospital mortality associated with inpatient surgery.
Citation Text:
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January 14, 2009 - Study
Using system analysis to build a safety culture: improving the reliability of epidural analgesia.
Citation Text:
Garnerin P, Huchet-Belouard A, Diby M, et al. Using system analysis to build a safety culture: improving the reliability of epidural analgesia. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand…
June 19, 2018 - Commentary
The problem with…using stories as a source of evidence and learning.
Citation Text:
Iedema R. The problem with … using stories as a source of evidence and learning. BMJ Qual Saf. 2022;31(3):234-237. doi:10.1136/bmjqs-2021-014221.
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December 18, 2019 - Security Lapse
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Mason D. Security Lapse. PSNet [internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, US Department of Health and Human Services. 2004.
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February 26, 2025 - You'll hear people say, "Who are you going to hold responsible? Who's going to be fired?" … We seldom hear comments like these.
September 07, 2022 - Study
Influence of gender, profession, and managerial function on clinicians' perceptions of patient safety culture: a cross-national cross-sectional study.
Citation Text:
Gambashidze N, Hammer A, Wagner A, et al. Influence of gender, profession, and managerial function on clinicians' pe…
September 08, 2021 - Study
Is there a mismatch between the perspectives of patients and regulators on healthcare quality? A survey study.
Citation Text:
Bouwman R, Bomhoff M, Robben PB, et al. Is there a mismatch between the perspectives of patients and regulators on healthcare quality? A survey study. J Pat…
March 24, 2021 - Study
Emerging Classic
The burden of opioid-related adverse drug events on hospitalized previously opioid-free surgical patients.
Citation Text:
Urman RD, Seger DL, Fiskio JM, et al. The burden of opioid-related adverse drug events on hospitalized previously opi…
May 26, 2021 - Study
Validity of unplanned admission to an intensive care unit as a measure of patient safety in surgical patients.
Citation Text:
Haller G, Myles PS, Wolfe R, et al. Validity of unplanned admission to an intensive care unit as a measure of patient safety in surgical patients. Anesthe…
August 18, 2021 - Study
Initiative to deprescribe high-risk drugs for older adults presenting to the emergency department after falls.
Citation Text:
Selman K, Roberts E, Niznik J, et al. Initiative to deprescribe high‐risk drugs for older adults presenting to the emergency department after falls. J Am Ge…
April 19, 2023 - Study
Validation of new ICD-10-based patient safety indicators for identification of in-hospital complications in surgical patients: a study of diagnostic accuracy.
Citation Text:
McIsaac DI, Hamilton GM, Abdulla K, et al. Validation of new ICD-10-based patient safety indicators for iden…
September 28, 2022 - I’d love to hear a little bit about your thoughts on the role of primary care and the health and well-being … And I’d love to hear your thoughts around primary care and patient safety, and how those two things come … SM: I would be curious to hear your thoughts on unique opportunities that primary care providers have … I think when you say “patient safety,” oftentimes people hear “medical errors” and you’re going to point … I’d love to hear a little bit more about that.
July 14, 2009 - Study
Competition and health plan performance: evidence from health maintenance organization insurance markets.
Citation Text:
Scanlon D, Swaminathan S, Chernew M, et al. Competition and health plan performance: evidence from health maintenance organization insurance markets. Med Care.…
June 18, 2008 - Study
A report card system using error profile analysis and concurrent morbidity and mortality review: surgical outcome analysis, part II.
Citation Text:
Antonacci AC, Lam S, Lavarias V, et al. A report card system using error profile analysis and concurrent morbidity and mortality rev…
February 04, 2015 - Commentary
Accidental deaths, saved lives, and improved quality.
Citation Text:
Brennan TA, Gawande AA, Thomas EJ, et al. Accidental Deaths, Saved Lives, and Improved Quality. New England Journal of Medicine. 2005;353(13). doi:10.1056/nejmsb051157.
March 28, 2012 - Study
Successful implementation of the Department of Veterans Affairs' National Surgical Quality Improvement Program in the private sector: the Patient Safety in Surgery study.
Citation Text:
Khuri SF, Henderson WG, Daley J, et al. Successful implementation of the Department of Veteran…