
Total Results: 781 records

Showing results for "hear".

    September 27, 2016 - Study An observational study of practice during transfer of patients from anaesthetic room to operating theatre. Citation Text: Broom MA, Slater J, Ure DS. An observational study of practice during transfer of patients from anaesthetic room to operating theatre. Anaesthesia. 2006;61(10…
  2. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    September 01, 2018 - You hear about something that went wrong.
    June 14, 2023 - Commentary An organization-specific and modifiable inpatient safety composite measure. Citation Text: Smith PK, Amster A. An Organization-Specific and Modifiable Inpatient Safety Composite Measure. Jt Comm J Qual Patient Saf. 2019;45(4):304-314. doi:10.1016/j.jcjq.2018.11.005. Copy Cit…
    March 27, 2024 - at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), all in their first or second year as faculty, and I never hear … RW : I'm going to call out things that did not exist 10 years ago and do now, and I'd love to hear your … Every day we hear an announcement of something Amazon or Google or Apple is doing.
    December 18, 2024 - You hear about something that went wrong.
  6. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    April 01, 2009 - RW: One of the things I hear from hospitals is that they understand they are going to be measured, accredited … What we hear in the field is no longer, "There are problems, but they're not in my place."
    April 28, 2021 - Study A study of innovative patient safety education. Citation Text: Smith SD, Henn P, Gaffney R, et al. A study of innovative patient safety education. Clin Teach. 2012;9(1):37-40. doi:10.1111/j.1743-498X.2011.00484.x. Copy Citation Format: DOI Google Scholar PubMed BibT…
    August 18, 2021 - Study Hospitalisation for medication misadventures among older adults with and without dementia: a 5-year retrospective study. Citation Text: Mullan J, Burns P, Mohanan L, et al. Hospitalisation for medication misadventures among older adults with and without dementia: A 5-year retrospec…
    December 14, 2022 - Study Judgment errors in surgical care. Citation Text: Marsh KM, Turrentine FE, Jin R, et al. Judgment errors in surgical care. J Am Coll Surg. 2024;238(5):874-879. doi:10.1097/xcs.0000000000001011. Copy Citation Format: DOI Google Scholar BibTeX EndNote X3 XML EndNote 7 XM…
    May 26, 2021 - Book/Report Deficiencies in Inpatient Mental Health Care Coordination and Processes Prior to a Patient's Death by Suicide, Harry S. Truman Memorial Veterans' Hospital in Columbia, Missouri. Citation Text: Deficiencies in Inpatient Mental Health Care Coordination and Processes Prior to a…
    September 25, 2018 - Study Association of postoperative readmissions with surgical quality using a Delphi consensus process to identify relevant diagnosis codes. Citation Text: Mull HJ, Graham LA, Morris MS, et al. Association of Postoperative Readmissions With Surgical Quality Using a Delphi Consensus Proce…
    October 20, 2021 - Study Institution of just culture physician peer review in an academic medical center. Citation Text: Volkar JK, Phrampus P, English D, et al. Institution of just culture physician peer review in an academic medical center. J Patient Saf. 2021;17(7):e689-e693. doi:10.1097/pts.00000000000…
    April 19, 2023 - Book/Report Failures in Care Coordination and Reviewing a Patient's Death at the VA Salt Lake City Healthcare System in Utah. Citation Text: Failures in Care Coordination and Reviewing a Patient's Death at the VA Salt Lake City Healthcare System in Utah. Washington, DC: Department of Vet…
    August 18, 2021 - Study The patient perspective on errors in cancer care: results of a cross-sectional survey. Citation Text: Carey M, Boyes AW, Bryant J, et al. The patient perspective on errors in cancer care: results of a cross-sectional survey. J Patient Saf. 2019;15(4):322-327. doi:10.1097/pts.000000…
  15. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    December 01, 2016 - You'll hear people say, "Who are you going to hold responsible? Who's going to be fired?" … We seldom hear comments like these.
  16. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    July 01, 2012 - at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), all in their first or second year as faculty, and I never hear … RW: I'm going to call out things that did not exist 10 years ago and do now, and I'd love to hear your … Every day we hear an announcement of something Amazon or Google or Apple is doing.
    January 01, 2015 - I think sometimes people hear Lean and think manufacturing , and they're understandably skeptical. … When you walk around hospitals and clinics that have gone digital you hear a lot of complaining about … You don't hear Lean talked about much in the context of implementing IT systems. … They hear something in the news and they think, wow, we wouldn't make that mistake here.
    January 01, 2015 - I think sometimes people hear Lean and think manufacturing , and they're understandably skeptical. … When you walk around hospitals and clinics that have gone digital you hear a lot of complaining about … You don't hear Lean talked about much in the context of implementing IT systems. … They hear something in the news and they think, wow, we wouldn't make that mistake here.
    September 16, 2020 - Review Patient safety implications of wearing a face mask for prevention in the era of COVID-19 pandemic: a systematic review and consensus recommendations. Citation Text: Balestracci B, La Regina M, Di Sessa D, et al. Patient safety implications of wearing a face mask for prevention in …
  20. Psn-Pdf (pdf file)
    May 16, 2022 - There's also research and a lot of movement around creating a culture of safety, or sometimes we hear … That's interesting, because we do handoffs in the inpatient setting as well, so I'm curious to hear … With today's modern cars’ soundproofing, you can't really hear the sirens until they're right on top

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