September 27, 2016 - Special or Theme Issue
Pharmacy Education and Practice.
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Pharmacy Education and Practice. Cohen M, Degnan D, McDonnell P, eds. Patient Saf. 2022;4(s1):1-45
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November 16, 2015 - Book/Report
Complaints and Raising Concerns.
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Complaints and Raising Concerns. Fourth Report of Session 2014–15. House of Commons Health Committee. London, England: The Stationery Office; January 13, 2015. Publication HC 350.
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December 06, 2006 - Government Resource
Hospital-acquired Infections in Pennsylvania.
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Hospital-acquired Infections in Pennsylvania. PHC4 Research Briefs. Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Health Care Cost Containment Council; July 2005.
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March 27, 2005 - Multi-use Website
Patient Safety Curriculum.
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Patient Safety Curriculum. Ann Arbor, MI: National Center for Patient Safety.
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September 26, 2016 - Book/Report
MHA and MHA Keystone Center Annual Reports.
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MHA and MHA Keystone Center Annual Reports. Okemos, MI: Michigan Health & Hospital Association.
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May 01, 2016 - Did you hear any of that kind of feedback?
BD: All the time. Nurses have struggled with this. … They see the flashing numbers and hear the alarm sounds, and often the
families who are visiting also
August 14, 2024 - Special or Theme Issue
The 2019 John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Awards.
Citation Text:
The 2019 John M. Eisenberg Patient Safety and Quality Awards. Jt Comm J Qual Saf. 2020;46(7):PI-II:2020;371-399.
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October 09, 2024 - Commentary
Emerging Classic
Abandon the term "second victim."
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Clarkson MD, Haskell H, Hemmelgarn C, et al. Abandon the term "second victim". BMJ. 2019;364:l1233. doi:10.1136/bmj.l1233.
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May 02, 2018 - Newspaper/Magazine Article
Using external errors to signal a clear and present danger.
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Using external errors to signal a clear and present danger. ISMP Medication Safety Alert! Acute Care Edition. November 6, 2008;13:1-2.
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October 31, 2023 - Jones: We hear more about the verbal and physical violence from patients and families directed
toward … We hear a lot about de-escalation techniques, and I think those are important when it becomes apparent … It was interesting to hear you talk about workplace safety
committees as well.
August 28, 2024 - When we come in wanting to hear what went well, such as the strong teamwork that occurred or the recognition … Sometimes, is it hard for leaders who have put a process or system in place to hear “it doesn't work … Once you hear about the 4D tool and learning teams, it does require expertise from our patient safety … If you ask registration, perioperative techs, or bedside nurses, you'll hear about things that folks
August 28, 2024 - When we come in wanting to hear what went well, such as the strong teamwork that occurred or the recognition … Sometimes, is it hard for leaders who have put a process or system in place to hear “it doesn't work … Once you hear about the 4D tool and learning teams, it does require expertise from our patient safety … If you ask registration, perioperative techs, or bedside nurses, you'll hear about things that folks
September 25, 2024 - Sarah Mossburg: I would love to hear your thoughts on regulatory incentives for zero harm.
April 26, 2023 - The system is set up so that when a nurse hears an alarm, they should think, “I hardly ever hear this … As a result, you won’t hear the one important alarm out of the 100 or 1,000 unimportant ones. … It helps nurses believe that the alarm means something when they hear it. … did a workshop where we would walk through how the new system would be integrated into the workflow, hear
April 10, 2024 - Patient inability to see and hear diminishes the effectiveness of their care experience, yet these conditions … Patient inability to see and hear diminishes the effectiveness of their care experience, yet these conditions
January 31, 2024 - Patient inability to see and hear diminishes the effectiveness of their care experience, yet these
conditions … Patient inability to see and hear diminishes the effectiveness of their care experience, yet these
December 01, 2015 - fibrillation triggering repeated alarms, the monitor could generate a prompt, "Do you want to continue to hear
August 25, 2021 - Commentary
A physician's personal experiences as a cancer of the neck patient: errors in my care.
Citation Text:
Brook I. A Physician’s Personal Experiences as a Cancer of the Neck Patient: Errors in My Care. Am J Med Qual. 2011;26(1):73-74. doi:10.1177/1062860610381917.
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October 05, 2022 - Government Resource
Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence.
Citation Text:
Executive Order on the Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence. Washington DC: The White House; October 30, 2023.&n…
February 04, 2015 - Book/Report
Investigating Clinical Incidents in the NHS.
Citation Text:
Investigating Clinical Incidents in the NHS. Sixth Report of Session 2014–15. House of Commons Public Administration Select Committee. London, England: The Stationery Office; March 27, 2015. Publication HC 886.