February 01, 2013 - A second pair of
ears to hear what we're told, help bring up the issues, and support the patient in … Does the patient or family member
have good listening skills so they can hear the perspectives of others … RW: Did I hear you say that your Mom who is 99 has an iPad?
BJ: That is correct.
February 26, 2025 - I hear lots of stories about these things. … systems problem, you blew it in some way, and that may be obviously the last thing that someone needs to hear … have been done, or the lessons that might be learned, can be sobering and perhaps not what you want to hear
June 11, 2008 - May 22, 2024
'I guess I'll wait to hear'- communication of blood test results in primary
July 12, 2017 - November 21, 2016
More families hear apologies following medical mistakes.
April 01, 2019 - Often you'll
hear people say, "I'm going to iVOS you before you iVOS me." … We'd defend
these cases for 4 or 5 years, and we would hear these defense attorneys say these are defensible
March 01, 2018 - I would always patiently hear them out but explain that things cannot always go perfectly in a complex
March 18, 2020 - Newspaper/Magazine Article
200 epidural blunders admitted after three women die.
Citation Text:
200 epidural blunders admitted after three women die. Oakeshott I. The Sunday Times. June 18 2006.
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March 25, 2020 - Legislation/Case Law
Improving Safety and Security for Veterans Act of 2020.
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Improving Safety and Security for Veterans Act of 2020. HB 5616, 116th Congress: 2020.
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February 18, 2015 - Special or Theme Issue
Clinical Handover: Critical Communications.
Citation Text:
Clinical Handover: Critical Communications. Med J Aust. 2009;190(s11):s108-s157.
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March 06, 2005 - Special or Theme Issue
Fixing America's hospitals.
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Fixing America's hospitals. Newsweek. October 15, 2006.
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April 26, 2023 - The system is set up so that when a nurse hears an alarm, they should think, “I hardly ever hear this … As a result, you won’t hear the one important alarm out of the 100 or 1,000 unimportant ones. … It helps nurses believe that the alarm means something when they hear it. … did a workshop where we would walk through how the new system would be integrated into the workflow, hear
February 26, 2025 - We hear a lot about the constraints of short visits and pressed clinicians that cannot take just one … When we hear resistance to the concept of OpenNotes, we realize it's often not really resistance to OpenNotes … When people hear about OpenNotes, many say, "Wow, this is a great intervention for tech-savvy patients
June 14, 2023 - We hear from staff, clinicians, and leaders positive reports about the
power of these educational sessions … a desire for a specific goal or change, but advocacy doesn’t necessarily
create the opportunity to hear … I think we have to
hear their points of view, and they have to hear the points of view of patients and
May 01, 2011 - I hear lots of stories about these
things. … systems problem, you blew it in some way, and that may be obviously the last thing that someone needs to
hear … been done, or the lessons that might be learned, can be sobering and perhaps not what you want to hear
May 01, 2018 - When you hear folks at ONC [Office of the
National Coordinator for Health Information Technology] or … You'll hear people say we should have
waited until the systems were better. Should we have? … RW: Another thing you hear about the big companies is, even if it's not framed as "information blocking … As opposed to, I hear in 2022
there will be a new version that we'll install that might do that.
November 27, 2023 - When many people hear about competency-based education, they immediately think about time-variable education … I’d like to hear your thoughts on that, and how schools and instructors could best bridge the gap between … Speaking of students, I am curious to hear about students’ experiences of safety events in clinical settings … I’m glad to hear that’s such an important competency as part of the Essentials . … I would be curious to hear you talk about how practice partners could engage academics and incorporate
November 27, 2023 - When many people hear about competency-based education, they immediately think about time-variable education … I’d like to hear your thoughts on that, and how schools and instructors could best bridge the gap between … Speaking of students, I am curious to hear about students’ experiences of safety events in clinical settings … I’m glad to hear that’s such an important competency as part of the Essentials . … I would be curious to hear you talk about how practice partners could engage academics and incorporate
February 13, 2014 - Mismanagement of Delirium
Citation Text:
Merrilees J, Lee KP. Mismanagement of Delirium. PSNet [internet]. Rockville (MD): Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, US Department of Health and Human Services. 2016.
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October 27, 2021 - Toolkit
Manchester Patient Safety Framework (MaPSaF).
Citation Text:
Manchester Patient Safety Framework (MaPSaF). Manchester, UK: University of Manchester; 2006.
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January 08, 2020 - Congressional Testimony
Statement of The Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania.
Citation Text:
Statement of The Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania. Combes J; Hospital & Healthsystem Association of Pennsylvania
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