September 01, 2019 - Also, people are more likely to hear and remember your message if it is repeated through a variety of
July 01, 2022 - seconds)
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July 01, 2022 - seconds)
Ways You Can Get Involved
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September 01, 2020 - What would you like to hear more about?”
April 01, 2022 - Let’s hear from each of you — have you identified any patient safety
issues related to the care of the
January 01, 2017 - And we'll also hear from Barbra Rabson, who's President and CEO of the Massachusetts Health Quality … Please do feel free to send questions in at any time during our presentation, because we love to hear … And so, we worked with partners in California and
Massachusetts, Barbra, who you'll hear more from later … Some who want to be an early adopter, and as Dale's going to tell you, we would like to hear
from you … These are really important things for an office to
hear if they want to improve their care and their
December 01, 2017 - It would be great, we're going to hear from Gail in a moment, from St. … tell you the day that we heard I had cancer I always say and, when I'm speaking to someone, when we hear … We often don't hear enough positives to know even if we have a diagnosis and where as far as Stage III … So, if you plan a hold, you hear about this. … well for you, but it's important that we are able to tell our story so that caregivers are open to hear
September 01, 2013 - We want to hear from you about how the health assessment process is working in our practice so we can
April 01, 2018 - It includes the patient as a team member so that he or she can hear what is being discussed about the
May 01, 2018 - Skip to main content
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January 01, 2017 - Press the “scan” button making sure to hold scanner steady until you hear a beep.
June 27, 2017 - A nurse and a nursing assistant
hear Mrs. Johnson cry for help and immediately go to her room.
September 01, 2020 - I often say: "I hear you. I understand this is how you feel at this time.
May 01, 2017 - Partner asks questions, does not hear answers, does not understand medical jargon. … Partner asks questions, does not hear answers, does not understand medical jargon.
October 01, 2016 - I would like to hear from each group.
From the observer standpoint, what did you see that worked?
October 01, 2016 - I would like to hear from each group.
From the observer standpoint, what did you see that worked?
January 01, 2018 - New AHRQ SOPS™ Health Information Technology Patient Safety Supplemental Items for Hospitals - Optimizing (Gandhi)
the Use of HIT
to Improve
Tejal Gandhi
Ways IT Can Improve Safety
• Prevent errors and adverse events
• Facilitating a more rapid response after an
January 13, 2022 - I’d like to hear about yours.”
… The only way to know for sure that they understand is to hear them teach the information back to you
March 01, 2024 - or "What would you like to go over or hear more about?")?
April 09, 2013 - It would be great, we're going to hear from Gail in a moment, from St. … tell you the day that we heard I had cancer I always say and, when I'm speaking to someone, when we hear … We often don't hear enough positives to know even if we have a diagnosis and where as far as Stage III … So, if you plan a hold, you hear about this. … well for you, but it's important that we are able to tell our story so that caregivers are open to hear