May 01, 2017 - It includes an opportunity to ask questions,
clarify, and confirm. … a time when
they experienced an increase in patient load and higher
risk patients. … asking whether the patient or
family has questions or concerns. … Last, meeting the needs of patients with low literacy
provides continuous challenges in patient-provider … increased from 39 to 71 percent,
Nonpunitive Response to Errors increased from 17 to 44
percent, Feedback
May 01, 2017 - It includes an opportunity to ask questions,
clarify, and confirm. … a time when
they experienced an increase in patient load and higher
risk patients. … asking whether the patient or
family has questions or concerns. … Last, meeting the needs of patients with low literacy
provides continuous challenges in patient-provider … increased from 39 to 71 percent,
Nonpunitive Response to Errors increased from 17 to 44
percent, Feedback