October 01, 2014 - 98. Treatment Recommendations: Counseling (Continued)
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update
Text version of slide presentation.
Formats of Psychosocial Treatments
Recommendation: Smoking cessation interventions that are delivered in multiple formats increase abstinence rates and should be en…
October 01, 2014 - 108. Treatment Recommendations: Counseling (Continued)
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update
Text version of slide presentation.
Common elements of practical counseling (problem-solving/skills training)
Practical counseling (problem solving/ skills training) treatment component
October 01, 2014 - 107. Treatment Recommendations: Counseling (Continued)
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update
Text version of slide presentation.
Meta-analysis (2000): Effectiveness of and estimated abstinence rates for various types of counseling and behavioral therapies (n = 64 studies)
Type of counse…
October 01, 2014 - 106. Treatment Recommendations: Counseling (Continued)
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update
Text version of slide presentation.
Treatment Elements
Recommendation: Two types of counseling and behavioral therapies result in higher abstinence rates: (1) providing smokers with practical counsel…
October 01, 2014 - 130. Treatment Recommendations: Medications-Bupropion
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update
Text version of slide presentation.
Patient selection
Appropriate as a first-line medication for treating tobacco use
Precautions, warnings, contraindications and side effects (see FDA pack…
October 01, 2014 - 132. Treatment Recommendations: Medications-Nicotine Gum
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update
Text version of slide presentation.
Patient selection
Appropriate as a first-line medication for treating tobacco use
Precautions, warnings, contraindications and side effects (see FDA p…
October 01, 2014 - 131. Treatment Recommendations: Medications
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update
Text version of slide presentation.
Nicotine Gum
Recommendation : Nicotine gum is an effective smoking cessation treatment that patients should be encouraged to use. (Strength of Evidence = A).
October 01, 2014 - 157. Treatment Recommendations: Medications-Relative Effectiveness
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update
Text version of slide presentation.
Medication Number of arms Estimated odds ratio (95% C. I.)
Number of arms
Estimated odds ratio (95% C. I.)
Nicotine Patch (re…
October 01, 2014 - 158. Treatment Recommendations: Medications-Relative Effectiveness (Continued)
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update
Text version of slide presentation.
Meta-analysis (2008): Effectiveness and abstinence rates of medications relative to the nicotine patch (n = 86 studies).
October 01, 2014 - 174. Systems Strategy 4. Promote hospital policies that support and provide inpatient tobacco dependence services
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update
Text version of slide presentation.
Strategies for implementation
Provide tobacco dependence treatment to all tobacco user…
October 01, 2014 - 205. Specific Populations and Other Topics (Continued)
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update
Text version of slide presentation.
Pregnant Smokers
Recommendation: Because of the serious risks of smoking to the pregnant smoker and the fetus, whenever possible pregnant smokers should be offered…
October 01, 2014 - 204. Specific Populations and Other Topics (Continued)
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update
Text version of slide presentation.
Noncigarette Tobacco Users:
Recommendation: Smokeless tobacco users should be identified, strongly urged to quit, and provided counseling cessation interventions. …
October 01, 2014 - 206. Specific Populations and Other Topics - Pregnant Smokers
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update
Text version of slide presentation.
Meta-analysis (2008): Effectiveness of and estimated pre-parturition abstinence rates for psychosocial interventions with pregnant smokers (n = 8 studies)
October 01, 2014 - 219. Helpful Web Sites (All Web sites listed are either government-sponsored organizations or nonprofit foundations) (Continued)
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update
Text version of slide presentation.
National Institute on Drug Abuse: www.nida.nih.gov
Office on Smoking and Health at the Ce…
October 01, 2014 - 220. Helpful Web Sites (All Web sites listed are either government-sponsored organizations or nonprofit foundations) (Continued)
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update
Text version of slide presentation.
Tobacco Cessation Leadership Network: www.tcln.org
Tobacco-Free Nurses: www.tobaccofreen…
October 01, 2014 - 14. Combinations: Medication and Counseling (continued)
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update Overview
Text version of slide presentation.
Effectiveness of and estimated abstinence rates for the combination of counseling and medication versus counseling alone (n = 9 studies).
Treatment …
October 01, 2014 - 13. Combinations: Medication and Counseling
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update Overview
Text version of slide presentation.
Effectiveness of and estimated abstinence rates for the combination of counseling and medication versus medication alone (n = 18 studies).
Number of…
October 01, 2014 - 27. Psychiatric Disorders Including Substance Use Disorders
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update Overview
Text version of slide presentation.
Effectiveness of and estimated abstinence rates for treatment with bupropion and nortryptyline for smokers with a history of depression (n = 4 studies),…
October 01, 2014 - 28. Specific Populations and Other Topics
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update Overview
Text version of slide presentation.
Recommendation: The interventions found to be effective in this Guideline have been shown to be effective in a variety of populations. In addition, many of the studies s…
October 01, 2014 - 123. Treatment Recommendations: Medications (Continued)
Treating Tobacco Use and Dependence: 2008 Update
Text version of slide presentation.
Meta-analysis (2008): Effectiveness and abstinence rates for various medications and medication combinations compared to placebo at 6-months post-quit (n = 86 studie…