October 09, 2018 - Active surveillance has become a more common treatment choice for men with localized,
low-grade prostate … Is a C grade a recommendation against screening? … has become a more
common treatment choice over the past several years among
men with localized, low-grade … has
become a more common treatment choice over the past several
years among men with localized, low-grade … Active surveillance may also
offer men with localized, low-grade cancer the opportunity
to delay active
April 30, 2018 - Grade: C
Do not screen for prostate cancer. … Grade: D
Informed Decision
Before deciding whether to be screened, men aged 55 to 69
October 30, 2013 - Grade: B
Do not prescribe risk-reducing medications. … Grade: D
Risk Assessment
Important risk factors for breast cancer include patient age, race/
August 22, 2023 - This is an A grade.
Grade in this recommendation:
A: Recommended. … http://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/Name/grade-definitions
August 21, 2018 - precancerous lesion (ie, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia [CIN] grade 2 or 3) or cervical cancer. … Grade: A
Do not screen for cervical cancer. … Grade: D
Risk Assessment
All women aged 21 to 65 years are at risk for cervical cancer because … Treatments and Interventions
High-grade cervical lesions may be treated with excisional and ablative … High-grade cervical lesions may be treated with excisional and ablative therapies.
September 01, 2014 - When the Task Force recommends a screening (Grade B), it is because it has more potential benefits than … The statement explains the evidence the Task Force
reviewed and how it decided on the grade. … Grade B
Counseling that lasts more than
30 minutes. … USPSTF Recommendation Grades
Grade Definition
A Recommended.
B Recommended.
July 01, 2013 - The statement explains the evidence the Task Force
reviewed and how it decided on the grade. … USPSTF Recommendation Grades
Grade Definition
A Recommended.
B Recommended.
October 01, 2013 - The statement explains the evidence the Task Force
reviewed and how it decided on the grade. … USPSTF Recommendation Grades
Grade Definition
A Recommended.
B Recommended.
July 01, 2015 - final recommendation statement explains the evidence the Task Force reviewed and how it decided on the grade … The grade is
based on the quality and strength of the evidence about the potential benefits and harms … The statement explains the evidence the Task Force
reviewed and how it decided on the grade. … Task Force Recommendation Grades
Grade Definition
A Recommended.
B Recommended.
January 14, 2025 - This is a B grade. … This is a B grade. … Clinicians may also
July 08, 2024 - This is a B grade. … This is a B grade. … http://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/Name/grade-definitions
January 01, 2021 - Meaning of USPSTF Grades
Grade Definition
A The USPSTF recommends the service. … Screening for Colorectal
Cancer (2021)32
Recommended for adults
ages 50 to 75 years
(A Grade) … (C Grade)
• Evaluate the effectiveness of screening in adults younger than
age 50 years and whether … (Grade B)
Behavioral Counseling
Interventions to Promote a
Healthy Diet and Physical
Activity for … (Grade A)
The USPSTF recommends screening for colorectal cancer in adults
aged 45 to 49 years.
September 01, 2014 - When the Task Force recommends a screening (Grade B), it is because it has more potential benefits than … The statement explains the evidence the Task Force
reviewed and how it decided on the grade. … Grade B
2 The Task Force recommends screening for gonorrhea in sexually active women age 24 years or … Grade B
3 The Task Force concludes that the current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance … USPSTF Recommendation Grades
Grade Definition
A Recommended.
B Recommended.
September 01, 2014 - When the Task Force recommends a screening (Grade B), it is because it has more potential benefits than … The statement explains the evidence the Task Force
reviewed and how it decided on the grade. … Grade B
2 The Task Force recommends screening for gonorrhea in sexually active women age 24 years or … Grade B
3 The Task Force concludes that the current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance … USPSTF Recommendation Grades
Grade Definition
A Recommended.
B Recommended.
January 16, 2024 - B
The USPSTF recommends that clinicians provide or refer children and adolescents 6 years or … opportunity-for-public-comment
January 01, 2016 - When the Task Force recommends screening (Grade B), it is because it has more potential benefits than … evidence shows that a screening test may have benefit for some individuals, the Task Force gives it a Grade … B Grade
2 The decision to start screening mammography in women prior to age 50 years should be an individual … C Grade
3 The Task Force concludes that the current evidence is insufficient to assess the balance … USPSTF Recommendation Grades
Grade Definition
A Recommended.
B Recommended.
August 13, 2019 - Grade: B
Do not perform routine risk assessment, genetic counseling,
or genetic testing. … Grade: D
Risk Assessment
Patients with family or personal histories of breast, ovarian, tubal
September 01, 2021 - B
For pregnant persons:
Prescribe low-dose (81 mg/d) aspirin after 12 weeks of gestation to … https://www.uspreventiveservicestaskforce.org/Page/Name/grade-definitions
2. Prescribe.
December 01, 2011 - evaluates the balance of the potential benefits of a service against the harms and assigns a letter grade … Services with a grade of "D" are those whose potential harms outweigh the benefits. … A grade of "C" indicates that the balance of benefits and harms is a close call. … Table 1: USPSTF Grades Explained
The USPSTF recommends the service
February 15, 2004 - Recommendation
Download JAMA PDF
Recommendation Summary
Grade … Preventive Services Task Force
Grade Definitions Prior to May 2007
References … Return to Table of Contents
Grade Definitions Prior to May 2007