November 13, 2018 - FREE)
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Recommendation Summary
Grade … Grade: B
No recommendation. … Grade: I (insufficient evidence)
Screening Tests
Numerous brief screening instruments can detect
June 11, 2018 - USPSTF Grades and Levels of Evidence
What the USPSTF Grades Mean and Suggestions for Practice
Grade … intimate partner violence (IPV) and provide
or refer screen-positive women to ongoing support services
Grade … Grade: I (insufficient evidence)
USPSTF indicates US Preventive Services Task Force.
December 01, 2013 - prevention, insurers are now required to cover preventive services that are recommended by the USPSTF with a grade … A vote must be held to reconsider the grade of a previously voted draft or final recommendation statement
May 01, 2008 - Preventive Services Task Force Grades Mean and Suggestions for Practice*
Grade Definition Suggestions
May 01, 2004 - Screening for Visual Impairment in Children Younger than Age 5 Years: An Update of the Evidence from Randomized Controlled Trials, 1999–2003
In 2001, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
(USPSTF) developed draft recommendations on
screening for visual impairment in children younger
than age 5 years, dr…
June 11, 2019 - USPSTF Grades and Levels of Evidence
What the USPSTF Grades Mean and Suggestions for Practice
Grade … Grade: A
Risk Assessment
Relevant USPSTF
For a summary of the … analysis of these studies, PrEP was
associated with increased risk of renal adverse events (primarily
grade … In 1 trial, the Bang-
kok Tenofovir Study of persons who inject drugs, there were 7
cases of grade 2
March 01, 2004 - (elementary school$1 or grade school$).mp.
7. 4 or 5 or 6
8. 7 and abuse$.mp
9. 1 or 2 or 3 or 8 … (elementary school$1 or grade school$).mp.
7. 4 or 5 or 6
8. 7 and abuse$.mp.
9. 1 or 2 or 3 or 8 … exp Nursery Schools/ or nursery school.mp.
6. exp Elementary Schools/ or elementary
7. grade
February 01, 2016 - clinical preventive services determined by the
USPSTF to have moderate or substantial net benefit
September 21, 2015 - Recommendation
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Recommendation Summary
Grade … Grade: A
Provide behavioral interventions for cessation. … Grade: A
Pharmacotherapy interventions: No recommendation. … Grade: I statement
ENDS: No recommendation. … Grade: I statement
The 5 A's framework is a useful strategy for engaging patients
April 28, 2016 - performance (area under the curve, sensitivity, specificity); detection of clinically significant or high-grade
February 15, 2022 - Full Recommendation Statement
Recommendation Summary
Grade … current primary care practice for which only a very high level of evidence would justify a change in the grade
April 05, 2016 - Recommendation
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Recommendation Summary
Grade … Grade: D
Risk Assessment
Risk factors include history of exposure to cigarette smoke or heating
July 01, 2007 - Screening for Lipid Disorders in Children: Recommendation Statement
Screening for Lipid Disorders in Children
United States Preventive Services Task Force
Recommendation Statement
Summary of Recommendation
The USPSTF concludes that the evidence is insufficient to recommend for or
against routine…
July 02, 2002 - Chemoprevention of Breast Cancer - Recommendations and Rationale
Summary of
• The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
(USPSTF) recommends against the routine use of
tamoxifen or raloxifene for the primary
prevention of breast cancer in women at low or
average risk for breast cancer. (See “Clinic…
January 01, 2010 - Screening for Gonorrhea: Recommendation Statement
Screening for Gonorrhea:
Recommendation Statement
U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
Summary of Recommendations
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) recommends that clinicians
screen all sexually active women, including those who are pr…
January 01, 2010 - Behavioral Interventions to Promote Breastfeeding - Recommendations and Rationale
Summary of
The USPSTF recommends structured
breastfeeding education and behavioral counseling
programs to promote breastfeeding. B
The USPSTF found fair evidence that programs
combining breastfeeding ed…
March 01, 2004 - ahrq29a - Screening for Hepatitis C in Adults - Recommendation Statement
Summary of
The USPSTF recommends against routine
screening for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection
in asymptomatic adults who are not at increased
risk (general population) for infection.
D recommendation.
The USPSTF found good e…
June 01, 2003 - Counseling to Prevent Skin Cancer - Recommendations and Rationale
Summary of
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
concludes that the evidence is insufficient to
recommend for or against routine counseling by
primary care clinicians to prevent skin cancer.
I recommendation.
The USPSTF found insuffi…
April 15, 2013 - Recommendation
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Recommendation Summary
Grade … Grade: A
Risk Assessment
Men who have sex with men and active injection drug users are at very … Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
The USPSTF's deliberations on grade recommendations for the effectiveness … HPTN 052 study had ART-related adverse events more frequently (27% vs. 18%; P < 0.001), particularly grade
May 01, 2021 - dation rationale and assessment and the eFigure in the Supplement
for information on the recommendation grade … Population Recommendation Grade
USPSTF indicates US Preventive Services Task Force. … Grade: B
For adults aged 40 to 75 years who have 1 or more cardiovascular risk factors (ie, dyslipidemia … Grade: C
For adults 76 years or older:
The evidence is insufficient to recommend for or against starting