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    January 01, 2001 - Education level Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or year of schooling ever completed … by each family member as of the date of the interview: not a high school graduate (grade less than … 12), high school graduate (grade 12), and some college.
    November 01, 2007 - Educational level Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or schooling year ever completed … by each family member as of the date of the interview: not a high school graduate (grade less than 12 … ), high school graduate/GED/other (grade 12 equivalent), and at least some college.
    November 01, 2007 - Educational level Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or schooling year ever completed … by each family member as of the date of the interview: not a high school graduate (grade less than … 12), high school graduate/GED/other (grade 12 equivalent), and at least some college.
    November 01, 2007 - Educational level Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or schooling year ever completed … by each family member as of the date of the interview: not a high school graduate (grade less than 12 … ), high school graduate/GED/other (grade 12 equivalent), and at least some college.
    January 01, 2013 - 0.73 36.7 1.78 37.0 1.78 4 West 23.1 0.62 22.8 1.39 22.6 1.39 Education level 0-12: Up to 12th grade … 13.5 0.26 13.2 0.63 Not US citizen (%) 6.8 0.19 6.9 0.45 Education level (%) 0-12; Up to 12th grade … 13.6 0.27 13.7 0.57 Not US citizen (%) 6.8 0.20 6.8 0.38 Education level (%) 0-12; Up to 12th grade … Both in 2009 and 2010, the estimated proportion of persons with less than 12th grade education appears … 17.5 0.36 17.7 0.76 Not US citizen (%) 9.3 0.28 9.3 0.53 Education level (%) 0-12; Up to 12th grade
    January 01, 2004 - Education level Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or year of schooling ever completed … by each family member as of the date of the interview: not a high school graduate (grade less than 12 … ), high school graduate (grade 12), and some college.
    November 01, 2007 -

    Educational level
    Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or schooling … year ever completed by each family member as of the date of the interview: not a high school graduate (grade … less than 12), high school graduate/GED/other (grade 12 equivalent), and at least some college.
    January 01, 2004 - Education level Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or year of schooling ever completed … by each family member as of the date of the interview: not a high school graduate (grade less than 12 … ), high school graduate (grade 12), and some college.
    January 01, 2001 -

    Education level
    Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or year of schooling … ever completed by each family member as of the date of the interview: not a high school graduate (grade … less than 12), high school graduate (grade 12), and some college.
    December 01, 2004 - Education level Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or year of schooling ever completed … by each family member as of the date of the interview: not a high school graduate (grade less than … 12), high school graduate/GED/other (grade 12 or equivalent or some college), and college graduate.
    February 01, 2008 - An estimated 44 percent of LEP Hispanic adults had not received schooling beyond grade 6, compared to … English-proficient Hispanic adults as white non-Hispanic adults had not received schooling beyond grade … adults were more than four times as likely as English-proficient Hispanic adults to have had a sixth grade … English-proficient Hispanic adults were four times as likely as white non-Hispanic adults to have less than a ninth grade
    January 01, 2021 - However, you should note that the final grade of elementary school may be anywhere from grade 5 to grade … that grade level of education, regardless of how many years it actually took the person to finish. … For persons still in school, be sure to report the highest grade/level completed. … For example, a person currently in the 10th grade probably completed the 9th grade. … Any type of school applies here, whether it is a grade or high school, college, or university, trade
    January 01, 2022 - However, you should note that the final grade of elementary school may be anywhere from grade 5 to grade … that grade level of education, regardless of how many years it actually took the person to finish. … For persons still in school, be sure to report the highest grade/level completed. … For example, a person currently in the 10th grade probably completed the 9th grade. … Any type of school applies here, whether it is a grade or high school, college, or university, trade
    February 01, 2008 - An estimated 44 percent of LEP Hispanic adults had not received schooling beyond grade 6, compared to … many English-proficient Hispanic adults as white non-Hispanic adults had not received schooling beyond grade … adults were more than four times as likely as English-proficient Hispanic adults to have had a sixth grade … English-proficient Hispanic adults were four times as likely as white non-Hispanic adults to have less than a ninth grade
    February 01, 2008 - An estimated 44 percent of LEP Hispanic adults had not received schooling beyond grade 6, compared to … many English-proficient Hispanic adults as white non-Hispanic adults had not received schooling beyond grade … adults were more than four times as likely as English-proficient Hispanic adults to have had a sixth grade … English-proficient Hispanic adults were four times as likely as white non-Hispanic adults to have less than a ninth grade
    December 01, 2004 -

    Education level
    Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or year of schooling … ever completed by each family member as of the date of the interview: not a high school graduate (grade … less than 12), high school graduate/GED/other (grade 12 or equivalent or some college), and college
    December 01, 2004 - Education level Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or year of schooling ever completed … by each family member as of the date of the interview: not a high school graduate (grade less than 12 … ), high school graduate/GED/other (grade 12 or equivalent or some college), and college graduate.
    March 01, 2007 - Education level Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or schooling year ever completed … by each family member as of the date of the interview: not a high school graduate (grade less than 12 … ), high school graduate/GED/other (grade 12 equivalent), and at least some college.
    December 01, 2004 - Education level Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or year of schooling ever completed … by each family member as of the date of the interview: not a high school graduate (grade less than 12 … ), high school graduate/GED/other (grade 12 or equivalent or some college), and college graduate.
    March 01, 2007 - Education level Respondents were asked to report the highest grade or schooling year ever completed … by each family member as of the date of the interview: not a high school graduate (grade less than 12 … ), high school graduate/GED/other (grade 12 equivalent), and at least some college.

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