November 01, 2013 - I think we all assume we are doing a really good job but until you capture those metrics you don’t know … I think we all assume we are doing a really good job but until you capture those metrics you don’t know
June 01, 2019 - A good strategy here is to really seek leadership support before you start action planning, and then … The really good news is that we have resources available to help you review and compare your survey data … volunteer, you may speak with
department or unit heads or individuals who would know who would be a good … champion or who would be good
to lead that effort.
March 01, 2024 - "Good care is slow enough to be able to pay attention": primary care time scarcity and patient safety
September 08, 2015 - I think we
all assume we are doing a really good
job but until you capture those metrics
you don’t … ”
— South Carolina physician
“I think we all assume we are doing
a really good job but
October 01, 2017 - (Refer to page 56 in the Toolkit for characteristics of a good Unit Champion.) … You will also want to ensure staff members follow your hospital’s Fall Prevention Plan, so it is a good
September 01, 2015 - As with all the other TeamSTEPPS concepts, good communication applies to everyone within the office.
November 01, 2020 - understandability and actionability of many materials, you may get a sense of what score indicates exceptionally good
March 07, 2019 - However, that’s not good enough, because you have to be able to sustain these over time, and to do that … specific problem that people can rally around and accept improvements in office procedures, providing a good … Do they have good interpersonal skills?
January 01, 2023 - Characteristics
Child Characteristics
47% were female
28% were less than
one year old
70% were in Very
Good … 5,897 100%
Missing 2,210
Overall Total 8,107
Child’s Health Status
Excellent 2,329 37%
Very Good … 2,069 33%
Good 1,234 20%
Fair 507 8%
Poor 127 2%
Total 6,266 100%
Missing 1,841
Overall Total
September 01, 2015 - Instructor Note:
This is the end of the Situation Monitoring module and is a good place to break.
April 01, 2016 - Based on this timeline, identify a good time to implement TeamSTEPPS for a specific unit.
August 01, 2015 - Score
If the number of Yes responses you've selected is: 9-12 out of 12:
This is likely to be a good
August 01, 2010 - This familiarity is both a
good thing, because the symbols don’t require much of an explanation, and … If those distinctions are too explicit for your
project, the use of symbols is a good alternative that … Clinician & Group Survey and Reporting Kit: https://www.cahps.ahrq.gov/
• Good … for Health, Good for Business: The Case for Measuring Patient Experience of Care:
February 23, 2018 - Our practice does a good job of assessing patient needs and
July 01, 2015 - sought
to increase provision and thorough documentation
of EPSDT preventive services, and they made good
January 01, 2023 - average 54 percent of respondents gave their nursing home an overall rating of “excellent” or “very good
June 01, 2017 - Script language for discussion of items in huddle to ensure huddle flow is good
February 06, 2012 - validity, defined as the ability of the measure to meaningfully
differentiate distinct groups, was good … We also found that the known-groups validity was
good: documentation of sexual activity status was much … the correlation between separate administrations of
the test is high (~.7 or higher), then it has good … current employees and then correlated with their scores on current performance
reviews would have good … is a strong correlation between test scores and future performance, the test would be said
to have good
March 01, 2019 - Opportunity to review —Handoffs are a good time to review and have a new pair of eyes evaluate the situation … Good communication facilitates the development of shared mental models, adaptability, mutual trust, and
January 01, 2021 - Hiring a vendor may be a good idea for several reasons:
• Working with an outside vendor may help ensure … Further, respondents may
have a good reason for not answering a particular item. … Consider Using Incentives To Maximize Response Rates
Offering incentives can be a good way to increase … Envelopes for Paper Survey Packets
Outer envelopes with staff names are a good idea, even if the survey … Consider Using Incentives To Maximize Response Rates
Offering incentives can be a good way to increase