
Total Results: 1,341 records

Showing results for "going".

    July 01, 2023 - Between 2019 and 2020, heart disease mortality rates rose by: ◆ 11.1% in NH Black groups (going from … ◆ 10.2% in Hispanic groups (going from 111.3 to 122.7 deaths per 100,000 population). … ◆ 9.1% in NH API groups (going from 82.6 to 90.1 deaths per 100,000 population). … ◆ 4.7% in NH AI/AN groups (going from 141.1 to 147.7 deaths per 100,000 population). … ◆ 2.6% in NH White group (going from 165.8 to 170.1 deaths per 100,000 population).
    June 01, 2020 - With that, I'm going to turn things over to Laura, and we'll get into the surveys themselves. … I'm going to talk to you today about SOPS resources. … Famolaro, Slide 43 Now, I'm going to speak to you about linking SOPS to other outcomes. … I'm going to send it over to Laura. Laura Gray Gray (closing), Slide 52 Thank you, Theresa. … I'm actually going to jump back to that slide again just one more time because it seems like we are
    March 01, 2006 - objectives are to integrate teamwork behaviors and tools into your daily practice, monitor the on-going … Leaders, champions, and coaches provide on-going feedback. …  Determine how you will monitor teamwork behavior and provide on-going teamwork coaching. … A monitoring plan for on-going assessment of the effectiveness of the TeamSTEPPS Intervention 10 … o Develop a monitoring plan for on-going assessment of intervention effectiveness including measures
    March 28, 2024 - To get medical tests To talk about surgery Why are you going
    April 01, 2024 - To get medical tests To talk about surgery Why are you going
    September 01, 2016 - Today, however, we are only going to focus on two communication tools from TeamSTEPPS that we think have … We're going to show a short video showing CUS in action. [Show the CUS/Mr. … is washing her hands Communication ׀ 14 AHRQ SAFETY PROGRAM FOR LONG-TERM CARE: HAIs/CAUTI I'm going … AHRQ SAFETY PROGRAM FOR LONG-TERM CARE: HAIs/CAUTI We're going to look at resident scenario number … We're going to watch a short clip of the two-challenge rule in action.
    February 06, 2006 - Well we’re going to give you all another chance to make the longest looped paper chain, but with a twist … So I’m going to give you 30 seconds to meet with your leaders. Okay? And you can discuss. … Knowing what was expected and who was going to do what and who you could rely on? Right? … The monitoring of what’s going on. … Judy was aware of what was going on around her even though she was engaged in a task.
    March 01, 2017 - They give you medicines, take care of your wounds, and make sure everything is going OK. … nurse aides, help patients with their basic needs, such as eating, drinking, walking, bathing, and going
    March 21, 2014 - Describe what you think it will take to really keep change going in your organization. 19.
    May 01, 2017 - This is particularly important, as there are key terms that we need to understand if we're going to develop … So, this is a controlled laboratory setting, and it may happen in a test tube or with users who are going … effectiveness, that even a highly efficacious agent, if it's not well tolerated by the end user, is not going … I'm going to introduce two formal methods that you can use relatively easily to evaluate different products
    February 01, 2016 - So some of it is a little bit of a hand off to the health coach because the health coach is going to … be the person who is going to follow along with the patient.
    June 01, 2020 - With that, I'm going to turn things over to Laura, and we'll get into the surveys themselves. … I'm going to talk to you today about SOPS resources. … Famolaro, Slide 43 Now, I'm going to speak to you about linking SOPS to other outcomes. … I'm going to send it over to Laura. Laura Gray Gray (closing), Slide 52 Thank you, Theresa. … I'm actually going to jump back to that slide again just one more time because it seems like we are
    October 29, 2018 - with medical attention needed and over booked herself to attend to his pre-op check up as he was going
    August 01, 2013 - But we realized that leadership was going to be key to hospital participation and our Executive Team … We don’t think for one minute that we’re going to get safer and improve our quality if we don’t change
    April 01, 2015 - It’s constantly evolving; if you get one thing going, there’s always something else you can improve … It’s constantly evolving; if you get one thing going, there’s always something else you can improve
    January 20, 2006 - Office-Based Care 5 Situation Monitoring Tools Situation Monitoring=Scanning and assessing what is going
    July 27, 2021 - How long have you been going to this provider? 3. … How long have you been going to this provider?
    September 01, 2022 - He is worried that he has pneumonia because the cough has been going on for so long and asks if he should … As you can see from the study depicted on this slide, although guidelines going back to at least 2001
    July 01, 2021 - “improve overall performance on quality of family/caregiver written discharge instructions content, going
    February 10, 2011 - Provide input as we implement bedside shift report, where nurses who are going off duty share information

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