July 01, 2018 - Communicate the following information:
S ituation—What is going on with the patient?
March 09, 2007 - is {INTERVIEWER NAME} and I was hoping you’d have some time to talk to me today about how things are going
December 01, 2018 - capabilities and strengths so you can choose one that fulfills the needs of your project (e.g., if you are going
November 01, 2018 - Small practices can start simply, using common sense and a can-do attitude to get the process going.
January 01, 2017 - My main provider then called to see if everything
was going better.
May 01, 2017 - knowing what the patient’s plan is through briefings and team management,
· being aware of what is going … preoperatively, prior to incision, at end of case prior to transfer to recovery); being aware of what is going
February 09, 2006 - two large bore IVs immediately, it's probably my job to run and get the supplies for the nurse who's going … In an OR, the core team's probably going to be the surgeon, the anesthesiologist, the circulating nurse … Now that we've examined the structure of teams, we're going to go back and look at team leaders and team
March 09, 2007 - {INTERVIEWER NAME} and I was hoping you’d have
some time to talk to me today about how things are going
March 01, 2016 - When it is enhanced or updated: going through the cycle again.
November 01, 2018 - You can discuss this topic more thoroughly in later pages of your report, going into greater depth on
May 12, 2016 - A child’s regular activities can include
things like eating, bathing, going to school,
or playing sports
March 04, 2009 - CAHPS American Indian Survey
CAHPS American Indian Survey Adult Questionnaire
CAHPS® American Indian Survey
Version: Adult
Language: English
For assistance with this survey, please contact the CAHPS Help Line at 800-492-9261 or cahps1@westat.com.
File name: american-indian-eng-851.docx
Last updated: Marc…
October 30, 2020 - CAHPS Clinician & Group Adult Visit Survey 4.0 (beta)
CAHPS Clinician & Group Survey
Version: Adult Visit Survey 4.0 (beta)
Language: English
• Purpose of Visit Survey 4.0 (beta): This new version of the Clinician & Group Survey
asks patients about their experiences with care at their most recent visit…
March 01, 2024 - What's going well: a qualitative analysis of positive patient and family feedback in the context of the
February 01, 2024 - flow in caring for patients with COVID and other conditions, and how to leverage digital healthcare going
February 14, 2013 - Patient Outcome Survey (mailed version
Patient Outcome Survey (mailed version)
For hospitals needing translation services, a helpful reference to a national translation service is
available at: www.atanet.org/onlinedirectories/.
You should fill out this survey…
March 01, 2014 - is the aspect of individual and team cognitive states when an individual or team is aware of what is going
January 01, 2014 - Improving = Quality is going in a positive direction at an average annual rate greater than 1% per year … not changing or is changing at an average annual rate less than 1% per year
Worsening = Quality is going … Improving = Quality is going in a positive direction at an average annual rate greater than 1% per year … Improving = Quality is going in a positive direction at an average annual rate greater than 1% per year … Improving = Quality is going in a positive direction at an average annual rate greater than 1% per year
September 01, 2011 - CAHPS Nursing Home Survey: Family Member Instrument
CAHPS® Nursing Home Survey
Family Member Survey
Language: English
File name: nhfamily-eng-1652a.doc
Last updated: September 1, 2011
Response Scale: 4 points
For assistance with this survey, please contact the CAHPS Help Line at 800-492-9261 or cahps1…
October 07, 2016 - CAHPS Cancer Care Survey: Drug Therapy
CAHPS® Cancer Care Survey
Version: Drug Therapy
Language: English
• Supplemental items: Survey users may add questions to this survey. Supplemental items
approved by the CAHPS Consortium for use with this survey are available on the Agency
for Heal…