April 13, 2017 - This is particularly important, as there are key terms that we need to understand if we're going to develop … So, this is a controlled laboratory setting, and it may happen in a test tube or with users who are going … effectiveness, that even a highly efficacious agent, if it's not well tolerated by the end user, is not going … I'm going to introduce two formal methods that you can use relatively easily to evaluate different products
August 01, 2021 - This will help us get the whole story of what is going on with you and make the most of your time
January 01, 2011 - when they’re thinking about health care and quality,
and health care decisions, the better off you’re going … ultimately rejected that
idea because we’re more than just Detroit and wanted to have a name that was going … It’s going to take resources, time and
effort, and energy -- and not only to promoting the Web site
June 04, 2013 - What is going on with the patient? What are the current vital signs?
B = Background.
March 01, 2016 - quality report can help them understand that they have a say in the choice if they or a loved one are going … express concerns about problems in the hospital the doctor has suggested, or express an interest in going
May 01, 2023 - The off-going resident also says the patient needs respiratory treatments every 2 hours, with arterial … The off-going resident then gives the receiving resident an opportunity to repeat the plan back and ask
July 01, 2016 - to improve the interaction…but to really have quality care and to
understand what the patient was going … to improve the interaction…but to really have quality care and to understand
what the patient was going
February 10, 2011 - What is going on with the patient? What are the current vital signs?
B = Background.
August 01, 2022 - or not their colleagues will trust them to deliver safe care to patients, and if the organization is going … the event is also known as a "tripping" or "triggering" event and can occur when the second-victim is going … The second-victim is often fearful at this point about what is going to happen next and whether or not … I thought, 'These people are never going to trust me again.'" … relieve the clinical staff involved in the event, notify clinical staff involved in the event what is going
July 01, 2023 - I’m going to take your vitals. How are you feeling?
I know that feeling! … I don’t want to worry you but that’s very high, so I’m going to let Dr. … I am going to get a little help so we can start this IV and get your blood pressure under control and … What’s going on, Kim?
Kim, triage nurse
Ms. … Kim is going to tell me what’s going on.
December 01, 2022 - Going beyond statistics to identify differences in performance that are clinically or in some other way … conducting tests that confirmed the accuracy of the performance categories for the physician practice. [2]
May 24, 2013 - • Nurse shift changes occur when nurses who
are going off duty share information about you
January 01, 2020 - that requires immediate attention and action concerning a patient's condition
Situation —What is going … process of continually scanning and assessing a situation to gain and maintain an understanding of what's going … Situation awareness is the state of "knowing what's going on around you."
November 01, 2016 - Nancy Wilson, who's going to give us an overview of the National Quality Strategy and insight into the … If we're going to achieve nationwide alignment to the National Quality Strategy and focus our efforts … who are paying extremely high premiums and high deductibles, and employers whose products have been going … That's going to give us an update on collaboration between public and private payers to align measures … I realized that if I was going to do that I needed to be thinking differently about my role, and who
February 10, 2011 - Nurse shift changes occur when nurses who are going off duty share information about you with nurses
November 01, 2016 - Going Forward [Slide 21]
Peter Briss: Going forward, CDC will continue to work to improve clinical … I'm going to turn it over to Heather, who will open it up for questions. … I'm going to start asking a couple of questions coming in through the chat box. … Peter Briss: Yes, most big health problems are going require multiple-sectoral approaches to really … I'd say that there is a lot of stuff that a variety of sectors are going to be able to do that will help
April 04, 2024 - To get medical tests
To talk about surgery
Why are you going
May 01, 2017 - This is particularly important, as there are key terms that we need to understand if we're going to develop … So, this is a controlled laboratory setting, and it may happen in a test tube or with users who are going … effectiveness, that even a highly efficacious agent, if it's not well tolerated by the end user, is not going … I'm going to introduce two formal methods that you can use relatively easily to evaluate different products
November 01, 2020 -
"The patient has a wealth of information that the physician’s not going
April 01, 2015 - It’s
constantly evolving; if
you get one thing going,
there’s always something else you can
improve … It’s constantly evolving; if you get one thing going,
there’s always something else you can improve