January 01, 2011 - Slide 9
So if we go to the next slide, you’ll see our inpatient satisfaction and I’m going to go through … many folks that are beating us and so we are at the 40th
percentile, but it’s something that we’re going … them for choosing Newton-Wellesley
Hospital, but most importantly, we escort them to where they’re going … Slide 14
Now if you go to the next slide, I’m going to move into some of the other tactics. … The data shows that
organizations that are this size and this complex are going to make mistakes.
September 01, 2017 - fall prevention and evolving as needed with the process changes we have gained, but definitely not going … They showed what the changes looked like so that leadership could see how much easier it was going to … Are the staff making the changes we said we were going to in our Action Plan? How do we know? … How often are you going to measure?
Who will collect the data? … Slide 31
Say: What are your plans to keep this prevention effort going long term?
July 12, 2017 - though sustainment is addressed in Section 6 of the Toolkit, sustainment is so important that we are going … injury prevention and evolving as needed with the process changes we have gained, but definitely not going … Are staff making the changes you said you were going to in your Action Plan? How do you know? … How often are you going to measure?
Who will collect the data? … Slide 34
SAY: What are your plans to keep this prevention effort going long term?
May 01, 2023 - SITUATION
What is going on with the patient?
“Dr. … To-do list
y Timelines and ownership
Situation Awareness & Contingency
y Know what’s going … of continually scanning and assessing a
situation to gain and maintain an understanding of
what’s going … Situation awareness (an individual outcome): The state
of knowing what’s going on around you regarding
March 01, 2022 - We were all so excited that Dad was finally going to get the kidney transplant we had
been waiting for … It was all going so
[Ben Kane, son]: After getting the fluid drained from around his lungs by … We talked about all the things we could do when we didn’t have to worry
about going to dialysis 3 days … I just wish we had known
more about what was going on with his
health earlier. … I just wish we had known
more about what was going on with his health earlier.
July 23, 2010 - Accountability: Makes the shift nurses who are going off duty more accountable before they leave. … Nurses who are coming on duty should thank the nurses who are going off duty if they have done a good … Thank the nurse going off shift if everything is in good shape. … In these cases, the nurse going off shift decides if the patient requires sleep. … Tell the groups to assign the roles of a nurse coming on duty, a nurse going off duty, and patient.
January 01, 2020 - that requires immediate attention
and action concerning a patient’s condition
Situation – What is going … of
continually scanning and assessing a situation
to gain and maintain an understanding of
what’s going … Situation awareness is the state of “knowing
what’s going on around you.”
July 01, 2020 - traditional thinking among staff had been that if you use catheter devices, then your patients are going … We can gain a true understanding of what's going on within our health system," said Ann Principe, D.N.P
June 04, 2013 - What is going on with the patient? What are the current vital signs?
B = Background.
March 01, 2016 - quality report can help them understand that they have a say in the choice if they or a loved one are going … express concerns about problems in the hospital the doctor has suggested, or express an interest in going
September 01, 2020 - Patients were adamant that they wanted to know about who was going to pay for what. … I think it's going to vary, in part based on the patient. … But it's also an incredibly challenging time in terms of trying to think about how we're going to make … We hope the toolkit is going to be an invaluable resource going forward, as we're in the midst of this
May 01, 2023 - The off-going resident also says the patient needs respiratory treatments every 2 hours, with arterial … The off-going resident then gives the receiving resident an opportunity to repeat the plan back and ask
August 01, 2022 - or not their colleagues will trust them to deliver safe care to patients, and if the organization is going … the event is also known as a "tripping" or "triggering" event and can occur when the second-victim is going … The second-victim is often fearful at this point about what is going to happen next and whether or not … I thought, 'These people are never going to trust me again.'" … relieve the clinical staff involved in the event, notify clinical staff involved in the event what is going
December 01, 2022 - Going beyond statistics to identify differences in performance that are clinically or in some other way … conducting tests that confirmed the accuracy of the performance categories for the physician practice. [2]
February 10, 2011 - Nurse shift changes occur when nurses who are going off duty share information about you with nurses
July 01, 2023 - Between 2019 and 2020, heart disease mortality rates rose by:
◆ 11.1% in NH Black groups (going from … ◆ 10.2% in Hispanic groups (going from 111.3 to 122.7 deaths per 100,000 population). … ◆ 9.1% in NH API groups (going from 82.6 to 90.1 deaths per 100,000 population). … ◆ 4.7% in NH AI/AN groups (going from 141.1 to 147.7 deaths per 100,000 population). … ◆ 2.6% in NH White group (going from 165.8 to 170.1 deaths per 100,000 population).
April 28, 2024 - To get medical tests
To talk about surgery
Why are you going
February 06, 2006 - Well we’re going to give you all another chance to make the longest looped paper chain, but with a twist … So I’m going to give you 30 seconds to meet with your leaders. Okay? And you can discuss. … Knowing what was expected and who was going to do what and who you could rely on? Right? … The monitoring of what’s going on. … Judy was aware of what was going on around her even though she was engaged in a task.
December 01, 2017 - plan to—
Deep-root your data as an ongoing part of your quality improvement efforts
Define who’s going … If you’re going to use NHSN data, always use NHSN data. … If you’re going to use NSQIP data, always use NSQIP data.
July 27, 2021 - How long have you been
going to this provider?
3. … How long have you been
going to this provider?