January 01, 2011 - But at the end of the day, they’re going to be looking upward. … They’re going to say, “What
are the leaders telling us that we ought to pay attention to?” … In many ways, the leader sets the tone that is going
to either facilitate or mitigate the organization … and “If I do find something that needs changing, is that change going to happen?” … to hire these extra folks, we’re going to put together
this program.
December 01, 2017 - So going back to the beginning, our first presenter today is going to be Dr. Mohamad Fakih. … Again, we’re looking at an open model where – so whatever is going on with each individual nurse is going … Is it going to be good for them? … So getting a good sense of what’s really going on in your department is going to reduce your frustration … I’m going to turn it back over to Paul.
July 25, 2012 - TeamSTEPPS Limited English Proficiency Module: Briefing Exercise
Briefing Exercise
We’re going to … We are going to discharge [patient name]
today. … I’ll be going over your discharge instructions with
you. … Interpreter: [interprets]
Patient: [nods]
Nurse: Next, I’m going to go over your medications.
May 22, 2013 - • Will I need help eating, bathing, or going
to the bathroom? For how long? … Tips for Going Home
Patients and families at [insert hospital name]
wrote these tips to help you get … Going Home Too Soon? … If you feel that you are going home before you are
ready, call [insert name] at [phone number]. … Tips for Going Home
Going Home Too Soon?
February 24, 2011 - Nurse shift changes occur when nurses who are going off duty share information about your care with nurses … Nurse bedside shift report is when the nurses going off and coming on duty meet by your bedside to talk … During nurse bedside shift report, the nurses going off and coming on duty will:
Introduce themselves … Talk with you about your health, including the reason you are in the hospital and what is going on with
December 01, 2012 - Exercise
TeamSTEPPS® Enhancing Safety for Patients With Limited English Proficiency Module
We're going … We are going to discharge [patient name] today. … I'll be going over your discharge instructions with you. … Interpreter: [ interprets ]
Patient: [ nods ]
Nurse: Next, I'm going to go over your medications
October 01, 2018 - I'm going to talk a little bit
more about the elements of that story in a minute. … Grob, Slide 22
And now I am going to pass it over to Tara to talk about the NYP project. … She’s going to come back in a few minutes and talk a bit more about what’s to come. … I am going to now give the ball back to Tara to talk about phase two. … We’re really going based on emotion.
May 22, 2013 - Tips for Going Home
Patients and families at [insert hospital name] wrote these tips to help
you get … Going Home Too Soon? … If you feel that you are going home before you are ready,
call [insert name] at [phone number]. … • Will I need help with eating, bathing, or going to the bathroom? For
how long? … Ask:
Tips for Going Home
Going Home Too Soon?
February 14, 2013 - CALLER: I’m going to ask you a few questions about each one of your medicines to see if there
is anything … CALLER: So tell me, how are you going to take your Lasix tomorrow? … CALLER: Now, I’m going to make sure you and I have the same information about your
appointments and … How are you going to get there?
PATIENT: My sister is going to take me.
February 24, 2011 - Will I need help eating, bathing, or going to the bathroom? For how long? … Tips for Going Home
Patients and families at [insert hospital name] wrote these tips to help you get … Going Home Too Soon? … If you feel that you are going home before you are ready, call [insert name] at [phone number].
February 14, 2013 - CALLER: I’m going to ask you a few questions about each one of your medicines to see if there
is anything … Clarification of Appointments
CALLER: Now, I’m going to make sure you and I have the same information … Are you going to be able to make it to your appointment? … CALLER: I understand that [name of caregiver] was going to help you out at home. … If no, CALLER: Are you going to call [name of caregiver] to see if she [or he] is going to
be able to
January 01, 2017 - And as you do that, I'm going to read through the options. … Now, I'm going to ask one more. … And so, there were a
couple things I'm going to cover. … If you're going to post them online, let them know that. … We're going to
try to get to as many as possible.
January 01, 2012 - So Susan, what are we going to
review today? … What kind of specific qualitative methods and tools are we going to talk about today? … the practice, am I going to be able to find a parking spot, how long am I going to have to wait, are … they
going to give me bad news, are they going to want to do something that hurt. … So what should people doing a walkthrough note as they're going through the process?
January 01, 2011 - idea that we knew this was
something we needed to do, and so when there was pushback we said no we’re going … And ultimately from a business standpoint, the willingness to recommend is really
what’s going to help … that can be that everybody in your group really wants to give patient experience and then there are
going … Larry Morrissey
I wasn’t expecting that I was going to be lower than my peers, you know. … When I went into this, I thought, wow,
I’m going to get the best score because I’m Larry.
June 20, 2011 - Tips for Going Home
Patients and families at [insert hospital name] wrote these tips to help you get … Going Home Too Soon? … If you feel that you are going home before you are ready,
call [insert name] at [phone number].
: … Will I need help with eating, bathing, or going to the bathroom? For how long? Who pays for it?
February 10, 2011 - She’s a specialist that is going to help manage your sugar. … If it’s okay with you, she is going to talk with you.” … “Who is going to help you once you get home? … “What is going well right now? What problems are you having?”
November 01, 2018 - a plan for continuous process improvement with your TeamSTEPPS Intervention, including plans for on-going … Develop a monitoring plan for on-going assessment of intervention effectiveness including measures and … Develop a plan for sustaining and spreading positive changes including rewards, feedback, integration, on-going … A monitoring plan for on-going assessment of the effectiveness of your intervention.
January 01, 2021 - private dental insurance in
the year showed no statistically significant change from 2006 to 2018, going … over who needed treatment for illicit drug use and received
such treatment at a specialty facility, going … Suicide death rates rose 23%, going from 14.0 deaths to 17.2 deaths per 100,000
population between … episode who received depression
treatment in 2008 to 2019 showed no statistically significant changes, going … depressive
episode who received depression treatment showed no statistically significant
changes, going
January 01, 2012 - focus on something that I think is very important, especially with all of the incentives
that are going … to be
communicated to them and when they’re going to be communicated to them. … to hear about my test
results” and “how am I going to hear about my test results,” and helping patients … to make our
workflow easier, but it wasn’t actually necessarily going to be as patient-centered as … You can
download all of the podcasts in this series by going to the CAHPS User Network Web site at
March 01, 2013 - fall prevention and evolving as needed with the process changes we have gained, but definitely not going … They showed what the changes looked like so that leadership could see how much easier it was going to … Are the staff making the changes we said we were going to in our Action Plan? How do we know? … How often are you going to measure?
Who will collect the data? … Slide 31
SAY: What are your plans to keep this prevention effort going long term?