November 12, 2019 - Going from evidence to recommendations.
March 23, 2019 - Going from evidence to recommendations.
March 01, 2021 - We
wanted to provide helpful
context about each of these
strategies without going into too
much detail
April 01, 2020 - As this framework and its
recommendations are applied going forward, it may require amendments and additions
May 14, 2020 - It simply does not do what the authors say it is going to do.
February 22, 2019 - intervention to
improve how care is delivered IF the training
intervention is incorporated as on-going
June 02, 2023 - Disposition of Comments_Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 261_Postpartum Care up to 1 Year After Pregnancy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis
Comparative Effectiveness Review Disposition of Public Comments Report
Project Title: Postpartum Care up to 1 Year After Pregnancy: A Systematic Review an…
May 14, 2010 - Instrumental Variable Methods in Comparative Safety and Effectiveness Research
Research Report May 14, 2010 Download Main Document PDF 494.4 KB
Author Affiliations
M. Alan Brookhart, Ph.D. a
Jeremy A. Rassen, Sc.D. b
Sebastian Schneeweiss, M.D. b
a Department of Epidemiology, Gillings School of Gl…
January 01, 2009 - If a second dose of prostaglandins was required in the morning, these women were given the option of going
March 15, 2016 - We are not going to calculate the power for
all 16 RCTs identified as NSAID vs. … Our expectation is that a TTT
strategy is going to produce, over time,
fewer gout attacks (e.g., the … effects necessary
to get all or nearly all the patients to the
threshold, and whether or not there are
April 03, 2013 - This
may be difficult for readers to grasp without going into the Appendix tables.
January 12, 2017 - think you can be less perfunctory here or repeat it in
other parts of later discussion as it is KEY going
January 01, 2020 - Methods But I had a difficult time determining why the
study was assessed as imprecise, even after
April 27, 2020 - Disposition of Comments for Technical Brief 35: Asthma Self-Management Education Packages
Technical Brief Disposition of Comments Report
Research Review Title: Characteristics of Existing Asthma Self-Management
Education Packages
Draft report available for public comment from November 26, 2019, …
May 31, 2022 - Table 4.1 and 4.2 are a nice summary of initial
results of key questions
Going through each section … This helps the reader anticipate what the paper
is going to outline. Overall, excellent work!
July 31, 2020 - Many
times I found myself reviewing the tables and then going
back to the narrative to understand what … I found myself
going back to the narrative, and having to scan and add
to confirm this result.
July 31, 2020 - Many
times I found myself reviewing the tables and then going
back to the narrative to understand what … I found myself
going back to the narrative, and having to scan and add
to confirm this result.
July 31, 2020 - Many
times I found myself reviewing the tables and then going
back to the narrative to understand what … I found myself
going back to the narrative, and having to scan and add
to confirm this result.
September 01, 2018 - Evidence Summary-Comparative-Effectiveness-Review-213-Lower-Limb-Prostheses
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 213
Lower Limb Prostheses: Measurement Instruments,
Comparison of Component Effects by Subgroups, and
Long-Term Outcomes
Evidence Summary
An estimated 1.9 million people…
September 15, 2014 - Disposition of Comments Report for Vitamin D and Calcium: A Systematic Review of Health Outcomes (Update)
Evidence Report/Technology Assessment Disposition of Comments Report
Research Review Title: Vitamin D and Calcium: A Systematic Review of Health Outcomes
Draft review available for public…